ERP System Financials 11/01/2002

The definitional objects are:-

Financial calendar

Balance category


Account segments, account naming conventions, accounts

Financial numbering table



Journal entry profile

Ledger processing profile

The period calendar is used to identify the accounting period when posting journal entries and accumulating account balances. In addition the period calendar is an attribute of a Ledger. A period calendar is assigned to a ledger. The same calendar may be assigned to multiple ledgers.

A Balance Category is a user defined classification of the amount being recorded in the journal entry and accumulated in the ledger balance (e.g. Actual amounts, Budget amounts)

A Currency is the monetary unit used to pay/receive payment from trading partners

An Account is a definable aspect of a business used to record activities that affect the business. Accounts accumulate increases and decreases to assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses and owners equity.

Define an Account Segment hierarchy

Define the Account segments

Define the Account Naming convention

Define the Accounts

Type of accounts

Detail Any account used for journal entry activity

Control An account that points to a detail or summary account

Balancing Entity An account that is an inter-balancing account for a financial entity

Summary An account that accumulates balances from one or more accounts

Prototype A 'model' used to define other accounts

A Ledger is a collection of accounts. It represents the accumulation of financial business events such as activities and account balances

A Ledger is defined by four dimensions

Financial calendar

Balance category

Account naming convention


A Ledger period status





Financial numbering tables: a numbering table is used to assign a unique system generated number to an item. It can be used for journal entries, source documents, and in ledger processing.

Journals are secured places where journal entries are stored

General journals which contain all accounting transactions not recorded in another journal

Accounts Payable journal that contains entries for purchases of goods and services

Cash Receipts Journal that contains all cash receipts

Protean objects - there are 6 objects that can be used in account segment definition:- Company, Cost Centre, Line of Business, Region, Site, and Trading Partner

Ledger Processing collects and updates information. There are two categories of ledger processing - ledger posting and period end processing. Period end processing opens or closes a financial calendar period associated with the ledger.

Journal Entry Profiles control the access to and the behaviour of journal entries. Once profiles are established, they are assigned to users on the User object.


Period Calendar

Balance Category


Currency conversion type cabinet (e.g. actual daily rate, budget period rate)

Currency conversion

Account segment hierarchy

Account segment

Account naming convention



Financial numbering table


Ledger processing profile

Journal entry profile

Journal entry prototypes


Cost centre

Line of Business



Trading Partner

Reports and Tables Used

Report / Purpose / Tables
Balance sheet / fgRptABalVw
Detail trial balance / fgRptAbalvw
Income statement / fgRptABalVw
Profit & Loss / FgRptABalVw
Ledger activity / FgRptLedgActyVw, fgSrcDoc
Journal activity / fgRptJmlActyVw
Invoices generated / FgSrcDoc, fdTradingPartne
Source documents / fgRptSDActivityVw
Customer statement
Aged creditors
Aged debtors
VAT input / FgRptLedgActyVwG, fgSrcDoc
VAT output / FgSrcDoc, fgJe, fgJeLi, fgTaxLine, coTaxCategory, coTaxGroup, fdTradingPartne
Suggested payments / FgSrcdoc, fgPayTermsLine, fdTradingPartne, fdNankrole, fdBnkCodSub, fdBCType, fdValueListValu
Payment settlement / FgSrcDoc, fgSdAction, fgPayTermsLine, fdTradingPartne, fnBnkCodSub, fdBankrole, fdBCType, fdContact, fdCountry
Foreign payments / FdSDAction, fgSrcDoc, fgPayTermsLine, fdTradingPartne, fdBankRole, fdBnkCodSub, fdContact, fdSite
Purchase price variance
(Avantis) / To show the price variance between the initial order and the invoice / GLTrans, GlTr_Chgs, Chargeinf, InvTrans, IvcLine, PODel, POLine, POSum, PCItem, Vendor
Invoice price variance / To show the variance between the invoice and the order / FgRptLedgActyVwG, fgSrcDoc, fdSite, with Avantis sub-report to collect part details using tables IvcSum, IvcLine, InvChg, ConditionItem, ConditionGroup, PCItem
Capital spend tax analysis
Inflation report / To provide a comparison of the quantity sold in one period with the sale of the same quantity sold in an earlier period for each resource / RcADRSummRlt, fdBasResc, rsCEMResc, rsCEMCostElem, rsCEMTable, rcADRLogDtl
Financial accounts report / FgAcctNameDirec, fgAccount, fgAcctSegRuleVw
Avantis to Financials - transactions / To provide a list of the transactions that were posted from Avantis to the Protean financials system / GLTrans, GLTr_Chgi, ChargeInf, InvTrans, PCItem, PODel, POLine, POSum
Natural account monthly breakdown / To provide a monthly breakdown for all months in a year of the net activity against each Natural Account / fgRptABalVw
Trading partner bank details / FdTradingPartne, fdTPType, fdTPContact, fdContact, fdBankRole, fdBnkCodSub, fdBCType

ERP System Customer Order Management 11/01/2002

The process of defining your trading organisation involves working with a number of Protean objects:-


·Lines of Business


·Trading Partners

·Trading Partner networks

There are also a number of other objects referenced by the major trading organisation objects:-

·Order numbering table

·Invoice numbering table

·Base currency


·Invoice print automation

·Tax group


The Company provides the organisational structure for recording business transactions, and in accounting terms is represented by a balancing set of books.

Contacts are personal representatives of the trading partners or companies with which you do business.

Lines of Business are used to define the organisation and reporting structure of a selling business

A Trading partner is any customer, vendor, bank, financial entity, or business with whom your Company does business.

Trading Partner roles can be:-



·Financial Entity

·Invoice to

·Ship to

·Order by

·Third Party

·Resource Accounting

A Trading Partner network for a customer organisation can show all the trading partners that have one or more of the following roles:-

·Order-by trading partner

·Invoice-to Trading partner

·Ship-to Trading partner

·Third party Trading partner

·Commissions Trading Partner

Market profiles allow you to customer how you do business with customers or within your lines of business. You can create one profile that suits your entire business or multiple profiles that can be customised to work with any exception to your standard business practise

·Order summary level

·New order policies

·Conditions and charges


·Quantity and Amount rules


·Letter of credit rules

·Invoice rules

·Order Delivery Level


·Conditions and Charges


·New Delivery Policy



·Invoice rules

·Pricing rules

·Resource substitution rules

·Resource selling restrictions

·Shipping rules


Order automation lets you customise the way orders are processed using a series of order events and order actions

·An event is something noteworthy that happens to an order such as the order being entered, a unit price change, or a delivery hold release

·The event triggers an action. The vent, invoice created might trigger the action, generate invoice

An order category is used to specify the general type of customer order

·Regular order

·Debit order

·Credit order

·Charges only

Price sheets enable you to define basic price and price adjustments for resources, trading partners, lines of business or companies

The Price book enables users to group related or similar price or discount sheets together

Discounts sheets specify discounts for one or more resources (products) for one or more trading partners (customers), selling lines of business, selling companies, and conditions.

Tax Code A user-defined grouping of similar tax structures e.g VAT

Tax Group A definition of a specific type of tax assessed on a company sales item or on a resource for which sales information and statistics must be tracked e.g. VAT Germany

Tax Categories A collection of classes for taxed resources within each tax group. Each tax category can consist of one or more tax rates that are effective for defined time periods. These categories are linked to tax groups e.g. VATUK 17.5%

Tax Profiles A set of user-defined tax groups that are used to assign and retrieve taxes for a customer order based on the company, line of business, trading partners, shipments, and resources associated with the order.

A Charge represents additional monies that are requested to cover the services for a sale of material e.g. Handling, Packaging, Minimum order

A Condition is a way of testing if a charge should be applied. It provides a means for differentiating how one delivery is handled versus another.

A Hold Code represents an instruction to halt the processing of all or part of a customer order. Hold codes can be used to halt Reservations or Shipments or Invoicing

There are two possible ways to create reservations in Protean; you can create an order automation definition to create reservations automatically after specific events or you can create reservations manually.

Performing Shipping Activities is a two-step process that involves dragging and dropping expected shipment information from the Expected Shipment Inquiry into a Shipping Activity form

Billing Memos are created by Protean when an order delivery becomes invoiceable. These memos identify the customer order sections that are ready to be invoiced. Billing memos contain enough information for the invoice to be created without having to reference the base delivery.

Invoices You can create several different types of Invoices

·Pro-forma invoices - an "as expected" invoice document which generates no invoice object and has no financial impact

·Customer invoices - documents used to communicate sales values and monies owed to your customer and your financial system

·Credit memos - an instance of a customer order that represents the return of money to the customer

·Debit memos - an instance of a customer order that represents the request of money to the customer



Line of Business

Trading Partner

Trading Partner network

Market profile

Order automation designer

Order category


Price sheet

Price book

Discount Sheet

Tax Code

Tax Group

Tax Category

Tax Profile

Tax Profile Type

Condition Group


Hold Code

Order Automation Designer

Shipping Activity Profile

Shipping Activity Form

Invoice Generator profile

Reports and Tables Used

Report / Purpose / Tables
Shipped not invoiced with holds contribution report / To select the order delivery lines that have been shipped and have not been invoiced and have holds / CoOrderSumry, coOrderLineItem, coOrderDeliv, coHoldcode, coHoldcodeSub, fdBasResc, fdCostRole, rsRescCostElem
Shipped not invoiced with holds removed contribution report / To select the order delivery lines that have been shipped and have not been invoiced and have holds removed / CoOrderSumry, coOrderLineItem, coOrderDeliv, coHoldcode, coHoldcodeSub, fdBasResc, fdCostRole, rsRescCostElem
Shipped not invoiced based upon despatch date / To provide a list of orders which have been shipped but either not invoiced or only invoiced after an entered date / CoOrderSumry, coOrderLineItem, coOrderDeliv, fdTradingPartne, fdSite, fdBasResc, fdUser
Despatch note / To list what has been despatched against a Shipping Activity id / Main report: CoOrderSumry, coOrderLineItem, coOrderDeliv, fdTradingPartne, fdInvoiceRole, fdShipToRole, FdContact, fdCountry, inShippingLineI,
Sub-report for note:
InShippingActy, A0DespatchInfo, inShippingLineI, coSalesCatalog, A0CustomerInfo, fdBasResc, fdInvRole, rsUnitType, inUnitType, fdSite
Invoice / Credit note
Delivery reports
Dangerous goods note
Transport booking
Release authorisation
Certificate of conformity
Order Acknowledgement
Weighbridge expected shipments
Haulier charges
Delivery lines ordered but not shipped
Delivery lines ordered but not invoiced
Delivery lines raised but not invoiced
Credit deliveries not credited
Haulier invoice report
Sales Analysis reports

ERP System Procurement 01/04/2003

Six core functions

Catalogue request function

Requisition function

Purchase order function

Invoicing function

Purchase catalogue item function

Vendor Management function

Key Tables:-

Table / Description / Protean Cabinet
PoPurchaseOrder / Purchase order list / Purchase Order
PoLine / Purchase order line items / Purchase Order
PoDelivery / Purchase order deliveries / Purchase Order
Poinvoice / Purchase invoices / Purchasing Invoice
PoInvoiceLine / Purchase invoice lines / Purchasing Invoice
PoContract / Purchase order contracts / Purchasing Tax Profile
PoNonInventoryI / Purchase non-inventory items / Non-Inventory item
FdTradingPartne / Suppliers / Trading Partner
FdBasresc / Purchase items / Resource
FdUser / Buyers / User
fdContact / Contacts / Contacts
FdCostCtr / Cost Centres / CostCenter
FdPayterms / Payment terms / Payment Terms
FdSite / Site / Site
InReasonCode / Reason codes / Reason Code
BcCurrency / Currency codes / Currency
BcUM / Units of measure / Unit of Measure
InReceivingLine / Receiving line items / Receiving Memo
InExpectReceipt / Expected receipts / Expected Receipt
InLot / List of lots / Lot/Sub-lot
InLotCharact / Lot characteristics / Lot/Sub-lot

Key Table Links:-

PoPurchaseOrder.ObjectId to PoLine.ParentObjectId

PoPurchaseOrder.OrderFrTPObjectId to fdTradingPartne.ObjectId

PoPurchaseOrder.BuyerObjectId to fdUser.ObjectId

PoPurchaseOrder.ReasonObjectId to inReasonCode.ObjectId

PoPurchaseOrder.BaseCurrObjectId to bcCurrency.ObjectId

PoPurchaseOrder.PaytermsObjectId to fdPayterms.ObjectId

PoLine.ObjectId to PoDelivery.ParentObjectId

PoLine.OrdRescObjectId to fdBasResc.ObjectId

PoLine.OrdQtyOrdUMObjId to bcUM.ObjectId

PoLine.CostCenterObjectId to fdCostCtr.ObjectId

PoLine.ContractObjectId to poContract.ObjectId

PoDelivery.OrdRescObjectId to fdBasResc.ObjectId

PoDelivery.RecFromTPObjectId to fdTradingPartne.ObjectId

PoDelivery.RecFrCntcTPObjectId to fdTradingPartne.ObjectId

PoDelivery.InvFromTPObjectId to fdTradingPartne.ObjectId

PoDelivery.DelToCntCtObjectId to fdContact.ObjectId

PoInvoice.ObjectId to PoInvoiceLine.ParentObjectId

PoInvoice.InvoiceInvFrOID to fdTradingPartne.ObjectId

PoInvoice.RemitToTPObjectId to fdTradingPartne.ObjectId

PoInvoice.ObjectId to PoInvoiceLine.ParentObjectId

PoinvoiceLine.ResourceObjectId to fdBasResc.ObjectId

PoInvoiceLine.NonInvItemObjectId to poNonInventoryI.ObjectId

InReceivingLine.LotObjectId to inLot.ObjectId

InLot.ObjectId to inLotCharact.ParentObjectid

InExpectReceipt.ResourceObjectId to fdBasResc.ObjectId

Reports and Tables Used

Report / Tables
Purchase order / poPurchaseOrder, poLine, fdTradingPartne, fdUser
Open purchase orders report / poPurchaseOrder, poLine, poDelivery, fdTradingPartne
Purchase Items Received / poPurchaseOrder, poLine, poDelivery, fdTradingPartne, fdContact
Purchase Items placed by Buyer / poPurchaseOrder, poLine, fdTradingPartne,
Raw materials receipts / poPurchaseOrder, poLine, poDelivery, fdBasResc, fdTradingPartne, fdContact
Daily receipts / InReceivingLine, inLot, inLotCharact
Expected receipts / InExpectReceipt, fdBasResc,
Vendor performance / poPurchaseOrder, poLine, poDelivery, fdTradingPartne, fdBasResc

ERP System Production 18/01/2002

Four key elements of Production

Production Models



Scheduling Activities

Production Modelling is the core of process definition. A production model is a representation of your manufacturing process. PMs:

Are blueprints or recipes of the production process

Include the inputs (raw materials) and outputs (finished goods) of production and the sequences in which these materials are used or produced

A Schedule is created and used to tell the production model what to do. It is an order and a record of:

What to produce

How much to produce

What, when, and how much to consume

How much was actually produced and consumed

A Reservation is a quantity of a specific resource (inventory) set aside to meet a specific demand

Inventory that is not reserved is considered Available to Promise

A Scheduling Activity is entered when there is a need to report production, consumption, or scrap for a schedule. There are 3 elements to scheduling activities:


Schedule Activity Profile

Schedule Activity Form

Production Models - diagram

A PM name

Size of each batch per production run

Process stages

Stream resources


Basic stage information

Basic production information

Production Model Key components

PM Batch size / Size of the final produced product
Stage / Transforms consumed resources into produced resources
Stage batch size / Size of the batch produced by stage
Stream resources / Resource connecting stage by stage
Consumed resources / Materials which go into a product
Produced resources / Resources resulting from a stage or PM
Scheduling resources / Resource such as machinery, electricity or labour consumed in units
Stage constraint resources / Determine the duration for other scheduling resources on that process stage
Primary produced resource / The final product resulting from a PM

Work centres are logical or physical places in your plant where production occurs

Schedule Activity Types

Schedule consumption / Report resource usage by a certain production schedule
Schedule production / Report resource production by a certain production schedule
Scrap production / Report production of unusable product that is not stored in inventory but thrown out
Consumption Adjustment / Modify the quantity previously reported as being consumed
Production adjustment / Modify the quantity previously reported as being produced
Aggregate reporting consumption / Report consumption against schedules without affecting inventory quantities. You can prefill aggregate reporting consumption activity lines from Aggregate Reporting utility or enter them manually

A Schedule can use 3 types of numbers:




A Schedule number can represent a single product being produced or multiple products. It can represent a shift's worth of production or an entire week's.

A Release number represents the number of occurrences of a single product on a schedule.

A Batch number can represent the run or lot of product being produced

Resource attributes:

Resource characteristics

Effectivity dates

Setup and Cleanup

Theoretical consumption

Earned batches

Earned quantities

Over consumption tolerance

Substitution Pools allow you to manage how resources are substituted for other resources


Production Model

Schedule Activity Profile

Schedule Activity Form

Schedule Request

Scheduling numbering table

Reservation Inquiry

Automatic Reservations, Picking and Transfers

Substitution Pool