Equality, Good Relations and Human Rights Screening Questionnaire
Policy on Starting Salaries for Internal and External appointments of NIFRS Support Staff
- Do you have any particular need, experience, issue or priority in relation to the Policy on Starting Salaries for Internal and External Appointments of NIFRS Support Staff?
- As a result of the Policy, do you envisage any differential impacts, either positive, negative or none at all for staff, the organisation and the community as a whole? (When answering think about the equality categories – Age, Gender, Religion, Political Opinion, Marital Status, Dependents Status, Disability, Ethnicity, Sexual Orientation)
3.What changes to the Policy would you propose – if any? What additional measures would you suggest to ensure that the Policy promotes equality, fairness and good relations?
4.Any further comments?
Optional information (you are not required to give this but it is helpful to the Diversity Officer, for forwarding consultation feedback):
Please return to Caroline Smyth, Diversity Officer at
or in hard copy to Caroline Smyth, Equality Unit, HR Department, Fire & Rescue Service Headquarters, 1 Seymour Street, Lisburn BT27 4SX
Main groups recognised under Section 75 statutory equality dutiesReligious belief / Protestants, Catholics, people of other Christian denominations, people of other religious faiths, people of no religious belief.
Political opinion / Unionists generally, Nationalists generally, other political ideologies. Members/supporters of any political party.
Racial group / For example white people, Chinese, Irish Travellers, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Black Africans, Black Caribbean people, people with mixed ethnic group.
Men & Women generally / Men (including boys), women (including girls), trans-gendered people.
Marital status / Married people, unmarried people, divorced or separated people, widowed people.
Age / For most purposes, the main categories are, children, under 18, people ages between 18 - 65, and people over 65.
Persons with a disability / Disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities, as defined in Sections 1 and 2 and Schedules 1 and 2 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.
Persons with dependants / Persons with personal responsibility for the care of a child; persons with personal responsibility for the care of a person with an incapacitating disability; persons with personal responsibility for the care of a dependant elderly person.
Sexual orientation / People who are heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian.
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