EPQ Bridging Project
Task 1: Research
Spend time looking into three areas of interest:
- Career prospects
- Hobbies
- Other
*Please note you cannot choose a question which links too closely to a subject you are studying for A-Level. E.g. in PE if you are learning about biomechanics of movement, you cannot base your question around this.
Task 2: Subject Mentor
After you have decided which out of the three topic areas you are most interesting in. Find a subject mentor (someone who is knowledgeable in that field). They will be able to offer advice for example suggesting a book/website to look at and they will be able to read over your work.
Task 3: Question/ Design Brief
Now that you have chosen your area of interest and selected a subject mentor, you need to decide on a potential question or design brief. Remember the following when you are trying to refine your question or design brief:
- It cannot be too current e.g. Brexit
- It cannot be too closely linked to a subject you are going to study
- It needs to be specific enough to measure e.g. age range, gender, time frame etc.
- Think of your capabilities and access to materials (artefact).
Task 4: Project Proposal Form
- Read over the example Project Proposal Forms (Dissertation and Artefact). These are all solid examples of successful proposals.
- Complete each section one part at a time.
- Proof read the form and ensure it is detailed enough.
Project Proposal Form Breakdown
Proposed Project Title – Write your question or design brief here
Section 1: Title &Project objectives
Re-write your question/design brief in the first space
Objectives - What is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do? What do you want to find out?
Section 2: Reasons
When giving your reasons for choosing the project, think about this on both a personal and a social level.
Your personal reasons may relate to the intrinsic interest of your topic, but try to explain why it is interesting.
*Does it link to your other subjects?
*Do you plan to do it in the future?
*Explain why the topic you are working on relates to society in general. Why is it important?
*What difference will the answer make one way or another?
Section 3: Activities and timescales
Use the checklist to see what you will need to produce for this project.
Estimate that it will take you 25 weeks at least to complete.
Look at the work count on the checklist to assess which activity will take you the longest. (Research review and discussion will take the longest to complete).
Milestones: (For now leave this blank – dates will be added in September)
Section 4: Resources
You will be asked to write about the areas you intend to cover and the resources you will need in order to complete the project.
DO NOT write something general here e.g. Internet and books.
You need to put specific resources down e.g. website links and book titles.
*When researching keep a document of ALL sources you have read/found anything useful on e.g. websites/articles etc. This will help when it comes to writing your bibliography.