Ann Rae - transcript

My name’s Ann Rae. I’m Education Projects Manager in NHS Education for Scotland and one of my projects is leading the nursing and midwifery career-long e-portfolio.

E-portfolio is really helpful because you can keep everything in one place. So often we have evidence or CVs, job applications in different folders, in different PCs. This way you can have everything stored in one place, electronically, to access whenever you want.

The medical staff, pharmacy staff, dentists, all have e-portfolio in Scotland and we are using the same platform for nurses and midwives. We’ve adapted this e-portfolio for nurses and midwives for their specific requirements so therefore it is completely relevant to them and their practice.

How you use your e-portfolio is entirely up to you. You can use it to generate evidence of your learning, perhaps doing a reflective account or you can use it to upload certificates or presentation you’ve done, or you can use it to develop your Personal and Professional Profile so you have the evidence of your academic employment, achievements etcetera.

There is a section of the e-portfolio which is a Personal Library and you can use that to upload various pieces of evidence, so it might be a presentation you’ve done, a paper you’ve written, an article you’ve critiqued. It might be a practice development you’ve been involved in, it might be a certificate, and you can upload these - scan them in and upload them.

You can share information with your managers, your colleagues, Nursing and Midwifery Council, whoever you want, and the way that you do that is you identify which parts of your e-portfolio would be useful for that particular purpose and you can generate a file which will have all those pieces in one place.

You can select items out of your e-portfolio, generate a PDF file of these and then upload that onto your eKSF or give it to your manager to demonstrate that you’re meeting your job requirements.

It’s easy to get an e-portfolio account if you’re a nurse or midwife in Scotland. All you need to do is email us with your name, the organisation you work for and your job title and we will give you an account and let you know your password, your username and everything you need to get started.

It’s a great tool. It’s innovative, it’s intuitive and it’s what nurses and midwives have been asking for.