
Episode Number: SEVEN
Episode Title: More than a Promise
Focus: Couples Counseling and Testing
1 / Opening Program Signature tune / 45”
2 / VO1 / Signature tune fades out as the Presenter’s Intro comes in…
Hook:The struggle to get people to go to the health center for HIV testing MUST never stop. And in this episode of Obbanywa, we are going to talk about HIV among married couples since we know by now that the biggest number of HIV infections in Uganda happen among married people. So it is important that a couple agrees to get tested and know their test results together and to disclose their status to each other
Well, I am Sister Constance here in Obbanywa at the health center 4, yet again bringing you our favourite Village Health Team members at this time, here on your favourite radio station. And while our Village Health Team members continue linking you to health centers, we also continue to give the Village Health Team members more information on health so they can do this job better to get more of your as community members.
And as usual, during this program, all VHT members can always expect to get an assignment with the episode, which they can share with the other VHT members in their listening groups, with health workers at the health center, and VHT Coordinator during meetings. Now, back to talking to couples about testing … (as this fades out…)
(In fades the Obbanywa tune…) / 1’15”
3 / ‘Obbanywa’ tune (Intro) / 30”
4 / The Drama – “More than a promise”
  • The first two scenes of the drama
  • Break - Infomercial from HIV partner dealing in Couple Counseling in testing.
  • After break - Lasttwo scenes of the drama
/ 14’30”
5 / ‘Obbanywa’ tune (Outro) / 30”
VHT (LAWRENCE) / Issue & Focus
So, you see, going for an HIV test together as a couple is a big step to show your commitment to each other. I have talked to many couples about going to get tested and the first question they ask me is, why do we need to go together as a couple? I tell them, going together is very important because;
  • you learn your test results together, so there is no doubt about each other and have trust and more affection for each other
  • It helps to reduce the risk of HIV in your relationship.
  • It helps you plan for your future and your family’s future together, whatever the results.
So, in otherwords, if someone is planning on getting married or having children, or even if they are already married, they owe it to themselves, their partners, and their children to know each other’s status.
Indeed. Couples that go for HIV counseling and testing services together should agree to discuss their HIV risk concerns together, be willing to receive their results together, and agree whether or not to tell other people their results.
Now, tell me; how do you handle cases of discordance?
I am glad that came up. Sister Constance, even now, many people don’t know what that means. So, before I can go on, I am going to do it like I have done many, many times in Obbanywa – to explain to couples why they have different HIV test results, where one partner is HIV positive and the other HIV negative. I tell them that when one partner is infected with HIV and the other is not, that can be considered discordance. This is one of the most important reasons for getting HIV counseling and testing as a couple. This way, if you know one partner is HIV positive and the other is HIV negative, you can come up with a plan for how to protect the HIV negative partner.
I think I like the way you do it, VHT Lawrence. And yet, as a health worker myself, I know that people talking to their partners about HIV testing is not always easy. People fear that if they did, their partners would blame them for being unfaithful. But as a Village health Team member working with the community, what skills and lessons can other Village Health Team members use?
Well, I have a few.that I have picked up since becoming a VHT member. For instance;
  1. Emphasize that anyone who has had sex even once could be HIV positive. Tell that person that they must test for HIV when they get into a new relationship.
  2. If a person tests with their partner and find out that they are infected with HIV, it is better to focus on` the future.They shoukd not bring up accusations of past unfaithfulness. What happened in the past is in the past;
  3. And they should remember that their children’s future depends on them as parents testing together. Couples considering having a baby should be tested for HIV so that they can avoid passing HIV to the baby.
  4. So, it is important to focus on the positive aspects of knowing each other’s status. If a person finds out early that they are HIV positive, they can start living a life that allows them to live longer. This is known as changinglifestyle. And if a person finds out they are HIV negative, a changed lifestyle will make it possible for them to stay negative.
  5. And one other thing; One’s partner’s HIV status does not determine the others HIV status. So, go and test together so both of you can each get their own results that you can share with each other.
/ 9’
7 / VO1 / Tip of the Week (ANNOUNCED)
Test for HIV as a couple and avoid other sexual partners outside your relationship. Any time a person has sex with another partner whose HIV status is unknown and they do not use a condom, they are at a very high risk of getting HIV and bringing it into their relationship.
Every VHT listening to this program should refer to the red section, pages 32-38, in your VHT handbook for more information on “Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS”. If you do not have a VHT handbook, ask your VHT Coordinator or District Health Educator for a copy.
(Sweeper – “You are listening to Obbanywa”) / 1’
8 / VO1 / Call to Action (Animated voice – “And now, your call to Action”)
Test for HIV togetheras a couple.
Knowing your HIV status does not protect you from HIV, unless you also know your partner’s HIV test results.. You owe it to yourself, your partner, and your family to know each other’s HIV status. Go together, know together.
Before we end this episode, let me remind all of you VHTs listening to this program to REFER the assignment section of EPISODE SIX on “COUPLE HIV COUNSELING AND TESTING” in your LISTENERS GUIDE BOOK. Remember to meet with your fellow VHT members in the village and think of situations that couples may be in when they come for couple HIV counseling and testing. Discuss the challenges that each type of couple may face. Also, remember to think of at least one couple in your village that you will talk to about couple HIV counseling and Testing. / 40”
9 / Closing Program Signature tune…(fades under)
Closing statement. “You have been listening to an episode of Obbanywa - A production from the Ministry Of Health. Please, tune in next week, at this same time, on this exact radio station. for another episode of Obbanywa”
Closing tune fades back in, then ends / 20”
  1. SCENE 1A
  3. B/G SFX:
  1. NARRATION:(LAWRENCE) What happened to Niko is this; An ex-girlfriend of his suddenly came back to Obbanywa. She had been away for many years, this ex-girlfriend of Niko. Sarah was her name. And in those years that Sarah had been away, so many changes had taken place in Obbanywa. I had become a VHT member, Niko and Corine were now living together and expecting a baby, and Ken… well, everyone in Obbanywa seems to agree that Ken will always be Ken. Anyway, Niko’s ex-girlfriend comes back to Obbanywa. She tells us she is just visiting after a long time. and it does not take long for Niko and Sarah meet again…
  1. NIKO:But Sarah, you wanted us to come to the lodges in this village. I don’t know how much they cost… I … I don’t have enough money on me.
  1. SARAH:Don’t worry about things to do with money, Niko. I am going to pay for it. Anything you want, I will pay for. You know I can take care of you. You know that, don’t you Niko?
  1. NIKO:(PRAISING HER) Eh! Naye Sarah, that was like a party you gave us at the bar. That was like a party, I tell you. No woman has ever bought that much beer for me and Ken like you did today. In fact, no one has ever done that for me.
  1. SARAH:But you know I can always do anything for you Niko. And that is just the beginning.
  1. NIKO:I am so happy you are back to Obbanywa. You didn’t tell me how long you are going to be here.
  1. SARAH:You know me. I never stay long in the village. I think they are not for me. They don’t suit me.
  1. NIKO:But Obbanywa is your home.
  1. SARAH:I know. And that’s why I come back – to people I care about…to you, Niko.
  1. NIKO:But you left without even saying goodbye Sarah. Not a word
  1. SARAH:(SOUNDING REMORSEFUL) I know, and I’m sorry… I guess that is why you now have that girl Corine.
  1. NIKO:You have not even spent 2 days back in Obbanywa and you already know that!
  1. SARAH:You know I always get what I want. When I want to find out something, I find out.
  1. SARAH:Here is the room.
  1. NIKO:But why did the reception woman give us the last room in the corner? (EXPRESSING SHOCK) OH! This room is dirty! Don’t these people clean??? Look at the cockroaches on the bed!
  1. SARAH:(SOUNDING AS IF SHE HAS DONE THIS BEFORE) Ah. Such places are usually like this.
  1. NIKO:Really? You mean you have been to places like this?
  1. SARAH:Not that I have, no. But isn’t it obvious? I mean, look at the place. What do you expect of a lodge?
  1. NIKO:But those cockroaches on the bed…
  1. SARAH:I have a suggestion. Let us just pull off the blanket and lay it on the floor. It’s not like we are spending the night…
  1. NIKO:Okay… if you say so
  1. SARAH:OK. Let me remove the blanket then, and put it on the floor… (SOUNDS TO SHOW SARAH IS TAKING THE BLANKET OFF THE BED)… Here we are. It is set.
  1. NIKO:(A LITTLE CHUCKLE) Ok. Thanks Sarah.
  1. CAROL:I told you; I will do anything for you….So, tell me; how does it feel to have a woman in your life… a woman like Corine? I guess she is better than me, huh?
  1. NIKO:Come on Sarah. Why do you want to bring that up now? I am sure you also have someone in the city… you… you must have met someone very rich in the city.
  1. SARAH:You know you are the only man I ever loved. Anyway, am sorry I brought it up…. (SHE BECOMES SEDUCTIVE) Come here. Tell me how much you missed me.
  1. NIKO:I missed you, Sarah. I have never forgotten you.
  1. SARAH:I know.
  1. NIKO:Yeah?
  1. SARAH:(GIGGLES) Oh, yeah. No man can ever forget me.
  1. NIKO:(LAUGHS, THEN…) By the way, do you have condoms?
  1. SARAH:Condoms? Since when did you and I have to use those things?
  1. NIKO:Sarah…
  1. SARAH:(OBVIOUSLY UPSET) Don’t you love me anymore Niko? Is it because of that woman of yours Corine?
  1. NIKO:But Sarah, I don’t carry those things on me. My wif… sorry, Corine…
  1. SARAH:Don’t bother explaining yourself to me Niko. Anyway, reception ladies usually have condoms to sell… I think. I will go get one if it will make you happy.

(HER TONE CHANGES SUDDENLY TO “NICE”) I want to make you happy tonight Niko.

(AS SHE FADES OUT) - even though it’s only for a few hours. Here, you can have this beer I carried in my bag. I’ll be right back.

  1. SARAH:(DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES AS SHE PLAYFULLY SAYS…) I am back. She had only one cond… (SNORING) Niko! Niko! Wake up! (MORE SNORING FROM NIKO, SARAH TALKING TO HERSELF) Such weak men! He takes just a few bottles and he sleeps! Such a waste!
  1. NARRATION:(LAWRENCE) And at that exact time, away from the lodge, was Corine. Waiting at home for Niko to return…
  1. SCENE 1B
  3. B/G SFX:
  1. CORINE:This is ridiculous! I can’t continue staying up this late in the night for this man. Niko is really taking me for granted…. It’s one o’clock and he is still in the bar! No! This must stop! Those men he keeps company with! Especially that Ken… Let me call him and see what he is up to…

… AFTER A VERY SHORT PAUSE, WE HEAR THE AUTOMATED VOICE ON THE PHONE…(The telephone number is not available at the moment. Please try again later)… DIAL TONE…

  1. NARRATION:(LAWRENCE) And many, many days later, in fact, about 3 weeks, I met the guys at the boda-boda stage for our regular chat on football, the future, and so many things.
  1. SCENE 2
  3. B/G SFX:
  1. KEN:But Niko, you are so quite these days. Someone new in Obbanywa might even mistake you for wise man (SNICKERS AT HIS OWN JOKE)
  1. NIKO:You always want to joke about everything Ken. You are quite the clown.
  1. KEN:(LAUGHS) That is what I would expect you to say. Wamma Lawrence, have you ever seen Niko like this?
  1. LAWRENCE:Niko is simply growing old. Old people reserve their words for better use.
  1. NIKO:Okay, Okay. Both of you, stop! Okay, I will tell you what is eating me up. Do you remember the day Sarah my ex-girlfriend came back to Obbanywa?
  1. KEN:Who can forget that day?! The girl just bought me beer after beer, beer after beer. I just cannot forget such a memorable day.
  1. NIKO:Well, forget about that. Do you remember that I left MamaSimoolo’s bar with her?
  1. KEN:Yes. You could not even walk straight. The beers she had bought for you were staggering you. In fact, you were using her as a walking stick
  1. NIKO:Well, I had intended to escort her to her place because it was dark already, so I could also go back to my home. But trust me guys, things changed when we stepped outside. And before I knew it, we had walked all the way to the next village because, well…. We had to catch up…
  1. KEN:I knew it! I knew it! There was no way you could let that girl go in peace.
  1. NIKO:Forget that. When we got to the lodge in the next village, I must have dozed off at some point because when I woke up, it was 10 o’clock in the morning.
  1. LAWRENCE:What?! Didn’t Corine have your head for breakfast?
  1. NIKO:Lawrence, I am so worried. Corine has not talked to me ever since. I cannot look her in the eye and tell her I am sorry. I don’t even know if she would accept my apology.
  1. KEN:Man, me, I told you; that business of having a woman in the house to rule your life, no way.
  1. LAWRENCE:Come on Ken. You can think up something better than that to say
  1. NIKO:(DISMISSSIVELY) Ah. Never mind Ken, Lawrence. Anyway, that is not the whole story. I … I do not remember if we had sex, or not.
  1. KEN:What??! How can someone forget if they had sex or not?
  1. NIKO:(SLIGHTLY IRRITATED) Well, I did. I forgot if I did, or not. The last thing I remember is Sarah leaving the room to go and bring condoms. But when we woke up in the lodge in the morning, I saw only one condom. Lawrence, are there not supposed to be 3 condoms in a packet?
  1. LAWRENCE:Yeah… Most packets come with 3 condoms… But maybe the lady at the reception sells them one by one.
  1. NIKO:Well, I saw only one.
  1. KEN:I hope you used the other 2… if you even used them at all.
  1. NIKO:What do you mean by that???
  1. KEN:You did not hear this from me, naye people are talking.
  1. NIKO:Talking? About what? About me?
  1. KEN:Niko, do you think everything is about you?
  1. NIKO:Come on! What do you mean by, “people are talking”?
  1. KEN:Well, people who go to the city are saying that, that girl Sarah went to the city and met a rich man who was older than her, but had lots of money
  1. KEN:(TENDERLY) Mbu she now has HIV.
  1. NIKO:WHAT?! Who said that? Where did you get that kind of crap from, Ken?
  1. LAWRENCE: Calm down Niko…It’s all rumor.