Friday June 11, 2010
St. Johns C.H.S.
9:15am start
a. Welcome Principals
b. Open Championships for 2010/2011 – Deb and Bryan
c. Transfer Changes Presentation – Tony Quick
d. Gender Equity Policy Change – Dale Huddleston
- An appeal was made concerning the girls/boys soccer teams. The issue was concerning allowing a girl to play on a boys’ team. This went to the Human Rights Board of Ontario. During the season she was allowed to play on the boys’ team in Waterloo. Ofsaa was informed that under the human rights laws, it was unlikely that ofsaa would win the case to disallow girls to play on boys/ teams. As a result, at the Ofsaa Spring Meeting, Ofsaa rewrote the policy to allow girls to play on boys’ teams. A young woman may participate in tryouts for a boys’ team and that a boy may not try out for a girls’ team. The new rule is now posted on the Ofsaa website. Local associations will need to consider what they will do with sports that run in different seasons. For example if a girl plays in the girls’ season in basketball and then tries out for the boys’ season.
e. Discussion Questions within Local Associations
1.0 Call to Order and Voting Cards
2.0 Roll Call
- 58 schools present, 29 schools will pass a motion
3.0 Additions to the Agenda
4.0 Approval of the Agenda
- Moved: Tim Hunter 2nd: Dennis Hutt
5.0 Approval of the minutes from EOSSAA AGM 2009
- Moved: Bryan English 2nd: Deb Walden
6.0 Business arising from minutes
7.0 Business arising from Local Association Discussion Questions– Suche
- A chart will be made for the Fall Executive Meeting to be discussed. Motions will be forthcoming concerning AELS; sports schools-we will collect more information concerning this; last minute drop outs-discussions will ensue on how to best alleviate the problem.
8.0 Retiree Plaques – Dennis Hutt
- Janet O’Brien, Diana King, Andre Parisien
- Many thanks to these coaches for their contributions and leadership to EOSSAA and student athletes
9.0 Pete Beach Award – Mark Lewis
- Congratulations to Janet O’Brien for your amazing contributions to sport and student athletes
10.0 EOSSAA Championship Summary – Deb Walden/Bryan English
- Convenors: go to website to find all the information you need to run the championship. Bryan and Deb are always available to any convenors who need help or have questions. It is important to follow protocol to allow the championship to run smoothly.
- There were some problems with adult volunteer coaches questioning rules/protocol. It is important that teacher advisors educate the volunteer coaches
- The membership was asked to look over the championship winners to be sure that all the details are available, trophies can be located.
11.0 EOSSAA Championship Calendar 2010/2011 – Deb Walden/Bryan English
12.0 EOSSAA Football Playdowns Update – Rob Druce
- Schedule has been sketched out and may impact local leagues. Finals at Trent University on Oct 28, 2010
- Declaration date: if not sending a rep to EOSSAA let league know before the first league game.
- If a AA team wants to declare up then must state by Oct 1, 2010.
- Dates and match ups will be posted on the website immediately so local leagues can do their schedules
- AAA/AAAA Nov24 in Sky Dome
- No official play-off EOSSAA for Juniors. It can be arranged if Rob Druce is contacted.
- A convenor is required for EOSSAA. It would be best if it came from a league with lots of A/AA teams.
13.0 Classifications Report – Tammy Bovaird
- No changes to the report. There were 4 appeals from EOSSAA that were denied. There were 6 within the 10% rule which were all accepted.
- There was discussion on the effects of declining enrolment.
- There was a discussion on the effects of sports schools and their classification
- Charts are available for 2010-2011showing all EOSSAA schools’ classifications – distributed by Tammy to the membership and posted on the website.
14.0 Principal’s Report – Joellen Bauder
- All but one of our associations were represented at the meeting. Thank you principals for your support!
- There is a principals’ link on the eossaa website. All principals are asked to add the eossaa website to their favourites.
- Principals are in support of the AELS
- Last minute removals from championships: felt that the fee for last minute was warranted. Must look at all the circumstances.
- Contractual and budget constraints of sport: The principals are in support of sport in school. There is an inequity between the needs and resources/monies available to run sports. The principals would like to work with EOSSAA. They would like to attend the April meeting to address the issues of equal funding so that it can be dealt with equitably and pro-actively to ensure a healthy sports program for students. Local associations are asked to make sure that a representative is present for this meeting.
15.0 Transfer Chair Report – Tony Quick
- Removed 4 sections from the transfer policy. All encouraged to look at the ofsaa website to be familiar with the new rules and form. Section E in the policy which deals with academics has been removed and students and parents need to be aware of this.
- Meeting dates are set and available on the EOSSAA and OFSAA websites. It is important to meet the deadlines at the local level to allow time to appeal any decisions. The local representatives need to let the EOSSAA transfer committee know so that a meeting can be scheduled to address the appeal.
- Tony provided everyone with a blue sheet of paper with the EOSSAA dates and a pink, one page Transfer Policy in a Nutshell. Ideally both sheets should be posted in the guidance dept in each school.
16.0 Financial Report and Approval – Leanne Watt
- Moved: Leanne Watt 2nd: Rob Druce
- Convenors are reminded that if they make a profit it should be sent to EOSSAA. Championships are not intended as fundraisers.
17.0 EOSSAA Website Update and Future Directions – Dave Loken
- Local Sports Convenor Database: this would help the EOSSAA convenor contact the appropriate convenor in each league quickly. Local associations will need to forward this info to Dave this spring so that he can input the information over the summer
- Please let Dave know if there are any errors/omissions/suggestions on the website and he will update the website.
18.0 Order Paper – Suche James
19.0 OFSAA Report – Mark Lewis/Jean Pye
- Transfer dates are non-negotiable with Ofsaa and EOSSAA. Coaches, guidance, students and parents must be aware of dates and rules.
- Scholarships available: Brian Maxwell Scholarship-someone who is a distance runner in track/cross country at OFSAA. The Toronto Maple Leaf is also a great scholarship that schools should be promoting with student athletes
- Sports schools: this year’s was a great success
- Sanctioned tournaments: if you leave Ontario to compete, you must get the paperwork done before going and have the tournament
- AELS: get it done. It really helps to provide statistics to Ofsaa which is tied to funding of sport. Once the school is on the system, it only requires adding grade nines to update it each year. It is simple to use once it is on. Able to Extract helps those who are using esis.
- Bridging the Gap has been very successful, so must be done quickly in order to ensure getting the funds.
- 2011-2012
- 2011 Boys triple a soccer-Dave Loken, Snowboard –Krista Petrie
- 2012: Track – TISS
- 2013: wide open
- Anyone interested in sitting on a committee at Ofsaa please contact either Mark or Jean and they will be sure to help you get involved
-EOSSAA hosting OFSAA championships 2010/11
-AELS software
20.0 President’s Report
-EOSSAA website overview at local association AGM’s. Updating!
- Be sure to update any new principals, heads. Every school has a code to provide a password to make these changes – available on the eossaa website under Documents
-Local Association websites: would be useful to help coaches, parents.
- Bob Mullen is available to help associations set this up
-AGM date 2011: June 10 at St John
-Coaching the Coaches: Frank Halligan runs a first class clinic for a
number of sports. Members are encouraged to take advantage of excellent
instruction close to home.
21.0 Executive Positions 2010/2011 – OFSAA Girls Rep-Jean Pye, Boys Champ Coordinator-Bryan English, Secretary-Lynn Carss, President-Suche James
22.0 Championship Calendar 2010/2011 Revisited – Deb / Bryan
Curling, Swimming are not filled
23.0 Championship Summary: done on the website
24.0 Thank you:
- to principals who attended this meeting!
- Dom Marando for hosting
- All coaches who have attended
25. Adjourned: 12:25pm
ORDER PAPER EOSSAA AGM: June 11. 2010 @ St. John C.H.S Perth
1.Whereas, the co-educational badminton S.A.C. met in June 2009 and have made minor changes to the playing regulations that they deem will serve the best interests of our EOSSAA student athletes
And Whereas, the badminton SAC are the most knowledgeable about their sport
And Whereas, the updated playing regulations have been on the EOSSAA website for one year so that the membership could review them and object to any part of the updated regulations,
Be it resolved that the EOSSAA membership accept the updated co-educational badminton playing regulations as presented to them by the badminton SAC to take effect September 2010.
Moved by: Diana King
Seconded by: Leanne Wattcarried
2. Whereas the swimming SAC updated their playing regulation to better reflect the present reality of EOSSAA,
Be it resolved that anywhere in the playing regulations referring to the classification “Swimmers With A Disability (SWAD)” will be changed to Para-swimmers.
Moved by: Karen Irvine,
Seconded by: Chris Morrowcarried
3.Whereas the girls and boys basketball SAC updated their playing regulation to better reflect the present reality of EOSSAA,
and whereas, minor changes had to be made to the previous playing regulations,
Be it resolved that the EOSSAA Basketball playing regulations be accepted as a package to take into effect for the competition year commencing September 2010.
Moved by: Suche James
Seconded by: Phil Moorecarried
4.Whereas, the EOSSAA membership have found the website a most helpful tool to communicate with and use for now and into the future,
and whereas, maintaining the website takes specialized expertise on a weekly and sometimes daily basis,
Be it resolved that the webmaster be paid an annual honorarium of $500
to be reviewed every year at the spring EOSSAA Executive Council Meeting.
Moved by: Mark Lewis
Seconded by: Suche Jamescarried