EOG Milestone Review KEY

EOG Milestone Review KEY

1.  Which type of rock is formed from heat and pressure? Metamorphic

What are the two types of this rock? Foliated (layered or banded arrangement of grains) or Nonfoilated (no layers or random of arrangement of grains)

2.  Which rock is formed from magma that has cooled and hardened? Igneous (volcanic or fire rock)

What are the two types of this rock? Extrusive (lava cooling on the surface) and Intrusive (magma cooling beneath the surface)

3.  What is the hardest known mineral on the Moh’s hardness scale? Diamond

4.  What is the softest known mineral on the Moh’s hardness scale? Talc

5.  What is the densest layer of earth? Inner core

6.  What layer of Earth is liquid Iron and Nickel? Outer core

7.  This type of sedimentary rock is formed from squeezing rock fragments together. Clastic

8.  Extrusive Igneous rock has small crystals, which form fined grained rocks.

9.  Intrusive igneous rock has large crystals, which form coarse grained rocks.

10.  The most abundant extrusive igneous rock on Earth is basalt.

11.  The most abundant intrusive rock on Earth is granite.

12.  The process that presses sediments together is known as compaction.

13.  This type of sedimentary rock is formed from chemicals. Chemical sedimentary rock

14.  What process or processes would it take to turn igneous rock back into igneous rock? Melting and volcanic activity

15.  What process would it take to turn sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock? Heat and pressure

16.  What process would it take to turn metamorphic to sedimentary rock? Weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction and cementation

17.  What is the characteristic (physical property) of how light reflects off a mineral’s surface? Luster

18.  What is the characteristic (physical property) to break off in flat sheets? Cleavage

19.  What is the characteristic (physical property) to break in jagged pieces? Fracture

20.  The deeper you go in Earth the greater the pressure, temperature and density.

21.  Which crust is more dense, oceanic or continental? Oceanic

22.  What crust is the thickest? Continental

23.  Law of superposition states that the farther you go down in the Earth the older the rock.

24.  What process is required to turn rock into sediment? Weathering

25.  This process carries sediment from one place to another. Erosion

26.  This process occurs when dissolved minerals crystallize and glue particle together. Cementation

27.  This layer of Earth is soft and bends easy, it also means “weak” in Greek. Asthenosphere

28.  This layer is the top layer and means “stone” in Greek. Lithosphere

29.  What is the thickest layer of Earth? Mantle

30.  Molten rock inside earth’s crust is known as magma.

31.  Molten rock outside earth’s crust is known as lava.

32.  Convection currents flow in the asthenosphere (mantle) to produce earthquakes.

33.  The name of the super continent form long ago is known as Pangaea.

34.  The process by which the ocean sinks back into the mantle is known as subduction.

35.  Volcanoes occur at convergent and divergent boundaries.

36.  Earthquakes occur at all boundaries, but are most prevalent at transform boundaries.

37.  What type of fault is associated with earthquakes? Strike-slip

38.  The point directly above the focus of an earthquake is known as the epicenter.

39.  This instrument measures the magnitude of earthquakes. Seismograph

40.  In a collision between oceanic and continental, which plate will subduct (dive under)? Oceanic

41.  Continents slowly moving over millions of years is known as the Theory of Continental Drift.

42.  Area beneath Earth’s surface where rock is under stress and breaks triggering an earthquake is called a fault.

43.  The Richter scale is a rating scale that measures the earthquake’s magnitude.

44.  Liquefaction occurs when an earthquake’s violent shaking suddenly turns loose soft soil into mud.

45.  The Ring of Fire is where most of Earth’s volcanoes are located in the Pacific Ocean.

46.  A Hot spot is an area where material deep inside Earth’s crust rises creating volcanoes.

47.  Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of living organisms.

48.  Most fossils are found in sedimentary rock.

49.  Principle that states processes that happened long ago operate the same today and have always operated is known as uniformitarianism.

50.  The process when water seeps into crack and freezes causing the cracks in rocks to expand is known as ice wedging.

51.  Animals burrowing is an example of physical or mechanical weathering.

52.  When Iron combines with oxygen and water it creates rust. This is known as oxidation (chemical weathering).

53.  The solid layer of rock at the bottom of soil profile is known as bedrock (parent material).

54.  Decomposing is the breaking down of a dead organism.

55.  Contour plowing is a technique that allows farmers to plow on the natural curves of a slope.

56.  Terracing is a technique where farmers dig steps into hills to prevent erosion of topsoil.

57.  What creates waves? Waves are created as energy is transferred to the water from the wind.

58.  What is the name of soil that has the best amount sand, silt, and clay? Loam

59.  What is the smallest particle of soil called? Clay

60.  What type of weathering is acid rain? Chemical weathering

61.  What type of weathering causes a nail to rust? Chemical weathering (agent of Oxygen)

62.  What agent of erosion causes landslides? Gravity (mass movement)

63.  What layer of soil comes after A horizon (topsoil)? B horizon or subsoil

64.  A rock being worn away in a stream is an example of chemical weathering (abrasion).

65.  What type of climate accelerates (to make faster) weathering? Hot, wet climate

66.  Conserve means to save or protect.

67.  What is the scientific name for a chain of underwater mountains called? Mid-ocean ridges

68.  The deepest part of the ocean is an oceanic trench.

69.  Where is most of Earth’s fresh water trapped? Ice caps and glaciers (frozen solid)

70.  Underground layer of rock or sediment that holds water is an aquifer.

71.  An artesian well is a well that rises because of pressure within an aquifer.

72.  Salinity is the measure of the amount of salt in a substance.

73.  What is percentage of Earth is land? About 25%

74.  Salinity of ocean water is 3.5%

75.  Global winds that blow from 0 – 30 degrees latitude (near the equator) are called Trade Winds (Tropical Winds).

76.  Global winds that blow from 60 – 90 degrees latitude (near the poles) are called Polar Easterlies.

77.  Global winds that blow from 30 – 60 degrees latitude (across North America) are called Prevailing Westerlies.

78.  A spark (static discharge) from the clouds to the ground is known as lightning.

79.  Expanding air that has been heated by the spark (static discharge) in the clouds creates what sound? Thunder

80.  What is the scientific name for turning water to vapor? Evaporation (Transpiration from plants)

81.  What is the scientific name for rain, snow, sleet, and hail? Precipitation

82.  What is the main greenhouse gas on Earth? Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

83.  What instrument measures wind speed? Anemometer

84.  What instrument measures temperature? Thermometer

85.  A person who studies weather is known as a meteorologist.

86.  What is another name for a thunderstorm cloud? Cumulonimbus (thunderhead)

87.  What layer of the atmosphere do we live in? Troposphere

88.  Does warm air rise or fall/sink? Why? Warm air rises because the air molecules expand resulting in a decrease in density.

89.  Instrument that measures air pressure is a barometer.

90.  An air mass coming from land is known as continental.

91.  An air mass coming from water is known as maritime.

92.  An air mass coming from a cold region is known as polar.

93.  An air mass coming from a warm region is known as tropical.

94.  What creates wind? Wind is the movement of air from higher pressure to lower pressure.

95.  During the day differences in land and sea temperatures (uneven heating of Earth) creates a Sea breeze.

96.  During the night differences in land and sea temperatures (uneven heating of Earth creates a Land breeze.

97.  What creates tides? Tides are formed due to the interaction (gravitational pull) between Earth, moon and Sun.

98.  How many low tides occur in one day? Two, usually 12 hours apart

99.  Wind and water curve due to the Coriolis Effect which is caused by Earth spinning on its axis.

100.  Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a specific time.

101.  Thirty (30) degrees north and south of the equator are known as the Horse latitudes.

102.  The point at which water vapor turns to liquid is the dew point.

103.  The calmest part of a hurricane is known as the eye.

104.  Waning means the moon is shrinking or getting smaller.

105.  Waxing means the moon is growing or getting bigger.

106.  What phase of the moon do you see during a lunar eclipse? Full

107.  What phase of the moon do you see during a solar eclipse? New

108.  What is the shape of the paths of which planets follow called? Elliptical (ellipse)

109.  Which is the third planet from the sun? Earth

110.  What is in between Mars and Jupiter? Asteroid Belt

111.  “Geo” means Earth.

112.  “Helios” means Sun.

113.  What two moon phases are associated with neap tides? First and Third Quarter

114.  The farther the planet is from the sun the longer the year.

115.  Another name for the outer planets is the Gas Giants.

116.  Which planet has a retrograde rotation? Venus

117.  Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

118.  Mars is the smallest planet in our solar system.

119.  What comes after full moon? Waning Gibbous

120.  The rings on all the gas giants are made of ice, gas, dust and rock.

121.  Scientists believe which planet could have possibly had water on its surface (evidence of dry river beds)? Mars

122.  In summer Earth’s Northern Hemisphere is tilted complete toward the Sun.

123.  This planet is known for its giant red spot on its surface. Jupiter

124.  How long does it take to get from one new moon to the next new moon? Lunar month is 29.4 day or about 1 month.

125.  The bigger the planet the greater the gravity.

126.  What is the theory that explains how the universe was created? The Big Bang Theory

127.  The galaxy we live in is known as the Milky Way galaxy.

128.  Our solar system is located on the Orion’s arm or band of the galaxy.

129.  The galaxy we live in is a spiral or pinwheel (shape) galaxy.

130.  Astronomer who is credited with developing the geocentric universe was Aristotle.

131.  Astronomer who is credited with developing the heliocentric universe was Copernicus.