EOC Review-The American Revolution

Salutary Neglect- Period during the early 1700s when Great Britain left the colonies to develop on their own. The colonies developed self-government/independence.

Navigation Acts- A series of British taxes/trade laws for the colonies during the early 1700s, which were never really enforced.

Sugar Act (1764)- First tax placed on colonies, marking the end of salutary neglect. Tax collects duties on sugar. It is soon repealed due to political protests.

Stamp Act (1765)- Tax placed on paper products in the colonies. Sparks huge protests, leading to first meeting of all colonies (Stamp Act Congress). Eventually repealed

Stamp Act Congress (1765)- First gathering of elected officials from several of the colonies. Gather to protest the Stamp Act

Declaratory Act (1766)- Law proclaiming Great Britain has the authority to tax the colonies when it wants to.

Townshend Duties (1767)- A series of taxes placed on imported goods, such as glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea. All were repealed in 1770, except for the tax on tea.

Boston Massacre (1770) – A mob attacks a group of British soldiers in Boston, who fire on the crowd, killing 5 and wounding several more. The soldiers are defended by John Adams, and acquitted of wrong-doing. However, this event marks the first violence of the American Revolution.

Tea Act (1773)- It reaffirmed tax on tea, and gave monopoly on tea sales in the colonies to the British East India Company. Leads to Boston Tea Party

Boston Tea Party (1773)- A crowd led by the Sons of Liberty throw tea from the British East India Company into Boston Harbor as a sign of protests against the Tea Act.

Intolerable Acts (1774)- A series of punitive laws meant to punish Boston for its role in the Tea Party. The port of Boston was closed, and the elected governor was replaced by a royal official.

First Continental Congress (1774)- Delegates from all 13 colonies meet to protest the Intolerable Acts. Little is accomplished, but they agree to meet again in one year.

Battles of Lexington and Concord (1775)- Fought in Massachusetts, these are the first military battles of the American Revolution, and were an American victory.

Second Continental Congress (1775)-Representatives of the colonies form a Confederate government (the Articles of Confederation), plan the Revolutionary War, and pass the Declaration of Independence.

Declaration of Independence (1776)-Passed at the second continental congress, officially declared the colonies separation from Great Britain, and the creation of the United States.

Battle of Saratoga (1777)- American victory in NY, represents a turning point in the war, as it convinces the French to fight on the American side.

Battle of Yorktown (1781)- The Americans/French trap British forces under General Cornwallis, bringing an end to the Revolutionary War.