Enterprise Content Management Physical Records Management
Record Coordinators
Table of Contents
Boxes and Folders
Creating Boxes
Creating Folders within a Box.
Creating Folders that WILL NOT be stored in a Box.
Boxes being Scanned.
Searching in FRM:
Requesting a Box:
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Boxes and Folders
Creating Boxes
Start Internet Explorer on the Waternet Site
Under the “Applications” section, select “Collaboration”
In upper left, select “SWFWMD Exec Apps”
In following screen, select “Fixed Records Management”
Select “Box”
Enter the Box information into this screen. (Department MUST be selected prior to choosing Record Type.)
“Date From” and “Date To” fields indicate the start and end dates for the box to be retained before destruction schedules are applied.
For “Actual Location Type” select “Room”. For “Actual Location” Enter “In Transit”
Please note that The “Create Date” is automatically populated with today’s date when the record is added. This date should not be altered
When the Records Coordinator has completed the above information, click on the “Ok” button.
The box will be created with a status of ‘New’ until you complete adding folders and send the box to Records Management.
To move folders to this box, you can click “Move Folders to this Box”. Once you are finished adding folders and editing any metadata, click “Send to Records Management” to send to RM.
Creating Folders within a Box.
Start Internet Explorer on the Waternet Site
Under the “Applications” section, select “Collaboration (formerly Team Rooms)”
In upper left, select “SWFWMD Exec Apps”
In following screen, select “Fixed Records Management”
If not already open, Search for and open the box you wish to add Folders to
Click the option under ‘Manage Contents’ for “Create Folder from this Box”
If needed, change the ‘Description’ field with any needed (permit numbers, etc). Press OK
Update the Folder information on this screen. (Department and Folder name are preset)
“Date From” and “Date To” fields indicate the start and end dates for the box/folders to be retained before destruction schedules are applied.
Please note that The “Create Date” automatically populated with today’s date when the record is added.
In the “Actual Location” field, select “Box”.
When the Records Coordinator has completed the above information, click on the “Ok” button.
If you want to enter a second folder into this box, click the link to the box where it states “This FRM Folder is in the following Boxes”, this will take you back to the box containing your folders.
Repeat this process till all folders have been added.
Once you have added all folders and the box is complete, be sure to click ‘Send to Records Management’ to initiate the storage process.
Creating Folders that WILL NOT be stored in a Box.
Start Internet Explorer on the Waternet Site
Under the “Applications” section, select “Collaboration (formerly Team Rooms)”
In upper left, select “SWFWMD Exec Apps”
In following screen, select “Fixed Records Management”
Select “Folder”
Enter the Folder information into this screen. (Department MUST be selected prior to choosing Record Type.)
“Date From” and “Date To” fields indicate the start and end dates for the box/folders to be retained before destruction schedules are applied.
Please note that The “Create Date” automatically populated with today’s date when the record is added.
In the “Actual Location” field, select “Box”.
When the Records Coordinator has completed the above information, click on the “Ok” button.
If you want to enter a second folder into this box, click “Clone This” on the left side
Change the fields to reflect the second folder information (Description field, if applicable) and then click on the “Ok” button.
Edit any additional information as needed. Create date will be today’s date. Then click OK
To move a folder to a box, while in a folder, you can click on the “Move this Folder to Box” link on the left. Or open the Box for option to move multiple folders at once (see Box section).
Enter criteria for search to find desired box. Click Search
To see additional boxes, click “Show 10 More” or “Show 100”. Boxes can be sorted by view option in upper right. Once desired box (or boxes) is located, check the box next to it and click “Move Boxes” in upper left.
The folder will now be updated with the box listed under the section ‘This FRM Folder is in the Following Boxes or Containers”
Boxes being Scanned.
The following identifies how to mark folders and/or boxes that have been scanned for electronic access. For existing boxes, folders should not be removed from boxes; rather they should be marked as scanned, placed back into the original box and returned to Records Management for storage. If all folders in a box are scanned, the box can be sent (if new) or returned to Records Management staff with notification the entire box has been scanned. Records Management staff will mark the box scanned for existing boxes and each folder will not have to be individually marked as scanned.
The following procedure must be followed for boxes being scanned:
- If you are sending a box from your service office to another for scanning (e.g. Bartow sends a box to Sarasota to be scanned), Bartow chooses the actual location of the box to the proper office location (such as “Sarasota Vault” for a box being sent to Sarasota for scanning). The actual location should always have the location to where the box is going instead of “In Transit.” Please update the Description to include: “Sending to Sarasota Service Office for scanning”. To avoid confusion with boxes that are/aren’t scanned, please do not put the word “Imaged” in the description if the box has not been scanned yet.
- For all Regulatory Service Offices that received and imaged the boxes, we are asking that you update the actual location for the box to say “In Transit” after the box is scanned/imagedand is on its way to the Brooksville Records Center for storage. (e.g. Sarasota scanned the box and is sending to Brooksville for storage). Please update the Description to include: “Imaged ERPs in WMIS 4/11/2014 -sending box to storage” (using appropriate date and permit type).Please ensure the “Scanned?” field has been updated to “True” after the box has been scanned.
- If boxes are not being sent to “another service office” for scanning and you are scanning the box(es) prior to sending them to the Brooksville Record Center, then proceed as normal. You must still update the “Scanned?” field to read True once you have scanned the box.
New Box:
- Create new box using “Add/Box”, fill in appropriate metadata include checking the True button for “Scanned” if the entire contents of the box has been scanned, otherwise, leave as False. Click “OK” to save:
- Add folders to the box as normal using the “Manage/Create Folder from this Box”. You do not need to update the “Scanned” metadata flag; it will inherit the box metadata. Click “OK” to save the folder:
New Folder:
If you are creating a new box and adding folders, you can mark only select folders as being scanned. Add a new box and create a folder from the box as above, but do not change “Scanned” to True for the box. When modifying the folders metadata, click the “True” button and click “OK” to save:
- Create new box using “Add/Box”, fill in appropriate metadata, if the entire contents of the box has not been scanned, leave “Scanned” as False. Click “OK” to save:
- Add folders to the box as normal using the “Manage/Create Folder from this Box”. Complete appropriate metadata including checking the True button for “Scanned” if this folder has been scanned. Click “OK” to save the folder:
Existing Boxes/Folders that have been pulled back and are now scanned
- Search and locate the box/folder using search tools. Select to “Edit Metadata”
- Box with folder:
- Click on the Folder to access the metadata for the folder itself and select “Manage/Edit Metadata”:
- Click the “True” button for the “Scanned” metadata value then click the “OK” button to save the changes:
Marking Boxes as Scanned
Records Management staff can edit metadata about boxes. If all the folders in a box are scanned, each individual folder does not need to be marked as scanned – it will be assumed all folders in a box marked as scanned, have been scanned.
Note: RIO places a note in the description for a box which states the files are in WMIS and the date that was accomplished as there are a number of boxes marked as scanned but not loaded into WMIS. This allows for clarification of what records have been uploaded to WMIS and reduces questions. The message commonly entered into the box description is similar to: “Imaged and in WMIS 2/25/2014 – sending box to storage – RIO”
- Search and locate the box using search tools. Select to “Edit Metadata”
- Box with folder:
- Select “Manage/Edit Metadata”:
- Scroll to the bottom and click the “True” button for the “Scanned” metadata value then click the “OK” button to save the changes:
Searching for boxes/folders that have been scanned
Collaborations “Advanced” search tools allow staff to search for what items have been scanned:
Searching in FRM:
The following shows how to search for permits, real estate files and contracts folders in Collaboration FRM.
- Go to Collaboration FRM and select the Advanced search option:
- To search for a permit, input the permit information in the Search for: text field, select the Department (optional) and then click search at the bottom of the form. The below screen demonstrates searching for all revisions for permit 44002465.003 from the Tampa Regulation department (note *2465”.”* searches for all revisions):
To do the same with specifically revision .003 (note *2465”.”003 searches for revision 003) – the search parameters are as below:
- To search for a land parcel, go to Advanced search and input any part of the parcel number in the Parcel Number: search field and hit search at the bottom of the form:
- To search for a contract, go to Advanced search and input any of the following: a)Vault Location, b)Folder Type = Contract, c)Vendor or d)Unit Code:\
Requesting a Box:
To request a box from storage, please submit an email request to:
Records Management staff will contact you about your request when it is available. Please note in your email how long you anticipate keeping the box(es).
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