Entering Term Averages for Term 1

Since the GradeQuick training did not start until after the first term (six weeks), you may just enter the term average for each subject matter that you teach. The program will average a semester and yearly total when it is time to look at those grades.

Term averages = the six weeks grade (the grade the student took home for that term)

1. Open up a file

2. Click on the Add Tests button

3. For the Name (short name), type in the following – term1av

4. For the Long Name, type in the following – Term 1 Average

5. For the term, type in the number of the term – 1

6. For the Category, type in the following – term1av

7. For the Date, double click on the date showing, then click on the back arrow and choose the date the term ended. See list below:

Term / Start Date /

End Date

1 / 8/04/02 / 9/12/03

8. For the Possible, type in 100

9. Type in the grades for that term.

There will be one column showing the Term average.

Weighting Terms

In order for the program to accurately weight the first term as one unit please do the following:

1. Click on Grading

2. Click on Weighting

3. Click in the box next to the words “Weight Terms”

4. The Terms now appear in the list

5. Term 1 must have a weight of one unit

6. Click on Term #1

7. Locate the zeros next to the Button labeled Change

8. Change the zero to a 1

9. Click the Change Button

The screen will look similar to this one:

If you DO NOT Weight Categories, then please DO NOT place a check in the white box next to the words “Weight Categories”.

Click OK.

If you DO Weight Categories, then place a check next to the words “Weight Categories”.

In the category list, the term 1 average should be weighted as 100.

Subsequent categories that you enter into the program will need to be weighted when those activities are entered. It is recommended that the categories should total up to 100 percent. For example, Classwork = 60%; Homework = 10%; Test = 30% (NOTE: This is just an example – the way the categories are weighted is entirely up to you). Try to avoid having a term weighted as 0 as this could cause serious grade distortions.

Click OK.

**Note: You will need to do these steps for each file. **