Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Enter Interface Error Corrections
Use this procedure to correct interface errors.
Perform this procedure when an interface file has been loaded into SAP and an email has been received stating there are errors to be corrected.
Interface file has been loaded into SAP.
Menu Path
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
The University has outside systems that interface with the accounting system. Currently these are Payroll, UniverSIS (Student Accounts), Chemistry, Transportation, Office Depot (Central Stores), Telecommunications, Bookstore, Campus Post Office, Lab Animal Medicine and Radiation Safety.
Once an interface file is processed any accounting errors need to be corrected by the department that owns the interface with the exception of Payroll and UniverSIS which are corrected centrally. These errors need to be corrected before the documents can be posted to the system.
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • Correct account code validation errors first.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Enter Interface Error Corrections
1. / Start the transaction using the transaction code.
List of IDOC's in ERROR for Reprocessing

2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Logical System / Required / System in which applications sharing a common data basis run; In SAP terms, a logical system is a client in a database.
From Creation Date / Required / First date in a series of days
To Creation Date / Required / Final date in the series of dates
3. / Select to the right of Select check box to view a Custom Line Item Screen for editing errors.
/ Always check this box
4. / Click .
Error List

5. / Double-click on the Original IDOC number to be corrected.
/ This screen is a listing of all the failed IDOCS (transactions). The report is interactive so corrections can be made and saved online.
EDIT IDOC's and Reprocess (1)

6. / Double-click on the IDOC line item (highlighted in red) to be corrected.
/ These are the IDOC line items. The items in red have errors.
Reprocess IDOC's

7. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
G/L / Optional / Code identifying the account in the general ledger where this item will post; Collection of balance sheet and profit and loss statement accounts; Includes Balance Sheet Accounts (1), Liabilities (2), Fund Balance Accounts (3), Revenue Sources (4), Expense Accounts (5), GAAP Only Accounts (6), Budget Reserves (7), Transfer Accounts (8) and CO Secondary Postings (9)
Short text / Optional / Text description of an object limited to 40 characters
This information will default based on the G/L account
Fund / Optional / Separate & distinct fiscal/accounting object containing a complete self-balancing set of accounts used to segregate cash and other financial resources, together with associated liabilities, residual equities, and related changes. Amounts are separated by fund so that certain activities can be performed or objectives achieved in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Funds are classified into fund types, which have distinctive accounting and reporting requirements.
Cost center / Optional / Organizational unit for capturing costs
Functional Area / Optional / Organizational unit in accounting that classifies the expenses of an organization by functions; i.e. Instruction (0), Research (1), Public Service (2), Academic Support (3), Student Services (4), Institutional Support (5), Operation and Maintenance (6), Scholarship and Fellowship (7), Auxiliaries (8), Hospital (9), None (X)
Grant / Optional / Award to the university as additional resources normally to support instruction, research, public service and scholarship with specified guidelines for spending and reporting; At UC the term Grant includes Grants, Contracts, Cooperative Agreements and Sub-Awards.
Populate this field with the grant number if applicable.
Order / Optional / Cost Collector; Can vary from simple activities to complex projects and can cross an organization's fiscal years, funding sources, and organizational units
Populate this field with the Internal Order/Funded Program number if applicable.
WBS element / Optional / Work Breakdown Structure Element utilized to track plant projects
Populate this field with the WBS Element number if applicable.
Earmarked funds / Optional / Funds Reservation; Used to reserve portions of a budget for expected expenses
Populate this field with the funds reservation number if applicable.
Assignment no. / Optional / Assignment number; SAP displays account line items according to the content of this field.
This is an 18-digit field that can be used for extra text at the discretion of the user.
Business Area / Optional / Campus to which the cost center is assigned; Uptown (U), Clermont (C), Raymond Walters (R)
Value Date / Optional / Used for cash transactions, date at which cash value is recognized
Leave this field blank.
/ This screen is used to make corrections to the accounting document. You only need to make the changes necessary to fix the account string errors.
8. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then
Accept changes / Click .
Cancel changes / Click .
EDIT IDOC's and Reprocess (2)

9. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then
Download the error information into Excel / Click .
Once the information has been downloaded to Excel the standard Excel functionality can be used, i.e. save, sort, filter, etc.
Simulate the IDOC posting with the corrected data / Click .
Reprocess the document / Click .
The IDOC will only reprocess when the document is error free.
Find and fix G/L validation table errors
UC is not using this functionality. / Click .
Save the changes without reprocessing / Click.
Exit out of the transaction / Click .
/ The system displays the message, "data saved.”
10. / Perform one of the following:
If You / Go To
Need to correct another IDOC / Step 2
Want to exit the transaction / Step 11
11. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
12. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / 02_IF_ZFI_IDOCPROCESS_EntIntfceErrorCorrec_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/9
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Enter Interface Error Corrections
You have corrected errors in an interface document.
Repeat this process until all documents in the batch are processed.
Ver: / 02_IF_ZFI_IDOCPROCESS_EntIntfceErrorCorrec_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/9