Document No. / HRD-RSP-P01-00
Effective Date
HRRecruitment, Selection, Placement Procedure / Revision No. / 0
Page No. / Page 1 of 10
DCN No. / Rev. No. / Description of Change / Affected Page / Revision Date / Prepared and Reviewed By / Approved By
00 / 0 / Establishment / All / November 29, 2016 / Alvie de las Alas

QF-DCC-03 0 (13.07.08)

  2. Maintain a system that is characterized by strict observance of the merit, fitness, and equality principles in the selection of employees for appointment to positions in the career and non-career service in all levels.
  3. Create equal opportunities for employment to all qualified men and women to enter the government service and for career advancement in the district.
  4. Ensure proper orientation and development of employees through training and education
  1. SCOPE
  2. This procedure covers career positions in the first and second level in the district including its attached offices. It may also include non-career positions.
  3. This procedure applies to the following processes:
  4. Recruitment of applicants
  5. Selection of qualified applicants
  6. Placement of successfully hired applicant
  7. Orientation of newly-hired employee
  8. Performance evaluation
  9. Personnel records documentation


3.1Agency - refers to departments, agencies, bureaus of the national government, and government-owned-and-controlled corporations with original charters, state universities and colleges and local government units.

3.2Career Service – positions in the civil service characterized by (1) entrance based on merit and fitness to be determined as far as practicable by competitive examination, or based on highly technical qualifications; (2) opportunity for advancement to higher career positions; and (3) security of tenure.

3.3Comparatively at Par – predetermined reasonable difference of gap between point scores of candidates for appointment established by the PSB.

3.4Deep Selection – the process of selecting a candidate for appointment who is not next-in-rank but possesses superior qualifications and competence.

3.5Discrimination – is a situation wherein a qualified applicant is not included in the selection line-up on account of gender, civil status, pregnancy, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.

3.6First Level Positions – shall included clerical, trades and crafts, and custodial service which involve sub-professional work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity.

3.7Hiring Quota – is the pre-determined ratio of applicants for appointment to ensure that one gender does not fall short of the desired percentage of the selection rate for the other gender in equivalent positions at every level, provided they meet the minimum requirements of the position.

3.8Job Requirements – requisites not limited to the qualification standards of the position, but may include skills, competencies, potential, physical and psycho-social attributes necessary for the successful performance of the duties required of position.

3.9Next-in-Rank Position – refers to a position which by reason of the hierarchical arrangement of position in the district or in the government is determined to be in the nearest degree of relationship to a higher position as contained in the district’s System of Ranking Positions (SRP)

3.10 Non-Career Service – positions expressly declared by law to be in the non-career service; or those whose entrance in the service is characterized by (1) entrance on bases other those of the usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for the career service; and (2) tenure which is limited to the duration of a particular project for which purpose employment was made.

3.11Personnel Actions – any action denoting the movement or progress of personnel in the civil service such as original appointment, promotion, transfer, reinstatement, reemployment, detail, reassignment, secondment and demotion.

3.12 Personnel Selection Board - a duly constituted body which shall assist the appointing authority in the judicious and objective recruitment and selection of personnel for appointment in the career service.

3.13Promotion –is the advancement of an employee from one position to another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as authorized by law and usually accompanied by an increase in salary

3.14Psycho-Social Attributes – refers to the characteristics or traits of a person which involved both psychological and social aspects. Psychological includes the way he/she perceives things, ideas, beliefs and understanding and how he/she acts and relates these things to others and in social situations.

3.15Qualification Standards – is a statement of the minimum qualifications for a position which shall include education, experience, training, civil service elegibility, and physical characteristics and personality traits required in the performance of the job.

3.16Qualified Next-in-Rank – refers to an employee appointed on a permanent status to a position next-in-rank to the vacancy as reflected in the SRP approved by the head of agency and who meets the requirements for appointment to the next higher position.

3.17 Second Level Positions – involve professional, technical and scientific work in a non-supervisory capacity up to Division Chief level or its equivalent.

3.18 Selection –is the systematic method of determining the merit and fitness of a person on the basis of qualifications and ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.

3.19 Selection Line-Up – is a listing of qualified and competent applicants for consideration to a vacancy which includes, but not limited to, the comparative information of their education, experience, training, civil service eligibility, performance rating (if applicable). Relevant work accomplishments, physical characteristics, psycho-social attributes, personality traits and potential.

3.20 Superior Qualifications – shall mean outstanding relevant work accomplishments, educational attainment and training appropriate for the position to be filled. It shall include demonstration of exceptional job mastery and potential in major areas of responsibility.

3.21 System of Ranking Positions – is the hierarchical arrangement of positions from highest to lowest, which shall be a guide in determining which position is next-in-rank, taking into consideration the following:

3.21.1organizational structure;

3.21.2salary grade allocations;

3.21.3classification and functional relationship of positions; and

3.21.4geographical location;

3.22 Training - process that requires special knowledge of or skill to facilitate learning to employees that will help in carrying out one’s tasks with competence.

3.23 Orientation - a short course of instruction in facilitating adjustment to a newly hired or a transferred employee in performing his job to be able to adjust to a new procedure/ method and new policies. Maybe conducted in an informal setting and it will not pass through the company training procedure and may not require evaluation.

3.24 Job Order – Contractual employees who are hired to perform specific job functions but are not considered as Government employees


4.1ISO9001:2008 QMS Standard

4.2CWD Revised Merit Selection Plan

4.3Agency SPMS



5.1.1The Human Resource Division shall copies of the District Merit Selection Plan (MSP) and its annexes to all district personnel after approval thereof by the Civil Service Commission. An orientation shall also be conducted by the HRD Unit within six (6) months upon approval of the MSP. This orientation is meant to ensure awareness and understanding of the Plan. A report on the same shall be submitted to the Civil Service Field Office concerned for record purposes; a System of Ranking Positions which will be submitted for approval of the appointing authority, copy furnished the Civil Service Commission and its Field Office concerned, for reference purposes; a Plan which shall set forth the number, knowledge and skills of personnel needed to achieve the organization’s goals, objectives and programs; and maintain an updated qualification database of employees of the district to include education, training, experience, skills, competencies, and other similar information; a program to fast track the career movement of employees with superior qualifications; vacant position in the CSC Bulletin of Vacant Position or through other mode of publication and post the same in three (3) conspicuous places in the district for at least ten (10) calendar days; list of candidates aspiring for the vacant position either item within or outside the district, including qualified next-in-rank employees within fifteen (15) days from completion of the preliminary evaluation. preliminary evaluation of the qualification of all candidates. Those initially found qualified shall undergo further assessment such as: written examination, skills test, interview and others. After which, selection line-up shall be prepared and posted in three (3) conspicuous places in the district for at least fifteen (15) calendar days. The date of posting shall be indicated in the notice; all applicant of the outcome of the preliminary evaluation; selection line-up to the PSB for deliberation en banc.

5.1.2The Personnel Selection Board shall a formal screening procedure and formulate criteria for the evaluation of candidates for appointment, taking into consideration the reasonable and valid standards and methods of evaluating the competence and qualifications of all applicants competing for a particular position and criteria for evaluation of qualifications of applicants for appointment must suit the job requirements of the position. screening procedure and criteria for selection to all district officials and employees and interested applicants. Any modification of the procedure and criteria for selection shall likewise be properly disseminated; a systematic assessment of the competence and qualifications of candidates for appointment. Maintain fairness and impartiality in the assessment of candidates. Towards this end, the PSB may employ the assistance of external or independent resource persons and may initiate innovative schemes in determining the best and most qualified candidate; and deliberate en banc the qualifications of those listed in the selection line-up; the list of candidates recommended for appointment from which the appointing authority shall choose the applicant to be appointed records of the deliberations, which must be made accessible to policies relative to personnel actions, including the gender and development dimensions of the Merit Selection Plan.

5.1.3The Appointing Authority shall a Personnel Selection Board and see to it that all PSB members undergo orientation and workshop on the selection/promotion process and CSC policies on appointments. The district head shall, as far as practicable, ensure equal opportunity for men and women to be represented in the PSB for all levels; the merits of the PSB’s recommendation for appointment and in the exercise of sound discretion, select, in so far as practicable, from top five ranking applicants deemed most qualified to the vacant position and applicants who have undergone deep selection and found to possess superior qualifications appointments in accordance with the provisions of the district Merit Selection Plan.

5.1.4The Division Heads shall the manpower requirement needed and request for any manpower requirement through the Manpower Requisition Form (MRF) in the selection and assessment process for job openings in his or her division in the development of assessment tools and recommendexamination questions or test items specific to the vacancy


5.2.1Request for Manpower Heads must fill out a Manpower Requisition Form for any manpower request, which must be submitted to and reviewed by the HR Head and Appointing Authority.

5.2.2Publication of Vacancies must publish the vacant position in the CSC Bulletin of vacant position or through other mode of publication and post the same in three (3) conspicuous places for at least ten (10) calendar days. positions, which are not filled within six (6) months, must be republished. following positions are exempt from the publication requirements: confidential positions; which are policy determine; technical positions; non-career positions; level positions (career Executive service); and to be filled by existing regular employees in the agency in case of reorganization

5.2.3Initial Screening shall receive applications to the vacancies, either through mail, e-mail or walk-in submission. must review applicant's Personal Data Sheets (PDS), performance evaluation reports or ratings (if applicable) and other employment documents to support job applications. HR must check completeness of requirements and if found qualified, the profiles of applicants are prepared to include EETE and other relevant information. on the evaluation made, HR must inform applicants through a letter regarding the status of their application three (3) days after evaluation thereof, and provide information on the next steps to be done. case of any deficiency, HR shall provide/send reply with advice or instructions to comply (Reply to Applicant with Deficiency in Requirements). found qualified, HR shall provide information on the schedule of the actual assessment. HR shall prepare profile of applicants to include qualifications such as EETE; performance ratings for the last rating period whenever applicable; and other relevant information (Reply to Qualified Applicant). not qualified, the letter shall contain the reason/s for disqualification or non-inclusion of an applicant in the assessment (Reply to Not Qualified Applicant). must identify all qualified next-in-rank personnel. For promotion, a shortlist of top 10 qualified next-in-rank to be candidates to the vacant position must be prepared using current assessment and last performance rating as basis.HR must prepare and send memorandum(Memo to Next-in-Rank) to these candidates informing them of details of the scheduled assessment and to request information on whether or not they are submitting themselves for the assessment. Those who will signify their non-interest or who will fail to submit the requested information would be excluded from the roster of applicants to be assessed. must prepare the roster of applicants to the position to include the shortlisted personnel (Shortlisted Applicants), internal and external applicants who signified interest to the vacant position who shall be included in the actual assessment. Internal applicants include those considered next-in-rank to the vacant position but are not among the top 10 shortlisted and other personnel, who may or may not belong to same occupational group and may apply for the vacant position.

5.2.4Actual Evaluative Assessment of Applicants and PSB must administer a written test or skills test and perform an interview must conduct a background investigation (Background Investigation Form and Report) through face-to-face interview, phone interview or use of feedback form for all candidates that passed the written exam and interview

5.2.5Review of Assessment Documents and Selection of Appointees by the PSB Unit must prepare the assessment folders for review by the PSB. The folder shall contain the assessment results and other information of the shortlisted applicants which includes the Comparative Assessment - Original Appointment, Comparative Assessment - Promotional Appointment, Individual Applicant’s Profile, and Background Investigation Form and Report. must conduct further assessment of the competence and qualifications of candidates for appointment to the corresponding level of positions, if found necessary, and which shall be participated in by the head of office where vacancy exists; must submit the list of candidates recommended for appointment from which the appointing authority shall choose the applicant/s to be appointed. The list of recommended candidates must specify the top five (5) ranking candidates whose over-all point scores are comparatively at par based on the comparative assessment.

5.2.6Manpower Hiring Decision by the Appointing Authority appointing authority must assess the merits of the PSB recommendation for the appointment and in exercise of sound discretion, select in so far as practicable, from among the following: five (5) ranking applicants deemed most qualified to the vacant position who have undergone deep selection and found to possess superior qualifications Appointing Authority must select the most competent and efficient applicant based on his/her trust and confidence to perform the possible tasks and assignments as approved and indicated on the PDF of such position.

5.2.7Issuance of Appointments HRD must notify the applicant selected by the appointing authority (Request for Submission of Requirements). selected applicant must comply and submit the following: assessment result of Fitness to Work (CSC Form 211) Data Sheet (PDS) Clearance Copy of License of Eligibility (authenticated) Copy of Transcript of Records (TOR) of Certificate of Trainings, if applicable of Certificate of Employment, if applicable Tax Certificate (CTC) Identification Number (TIN) Certificate Certificate of Beneficiaries Certificate, if married pcs. Passport-sized picture requirements deemed necessary HRD must prepare necessary documents for the appointment: Processing Checklist (prescribed by CSC) paper (KSS Porma 33) sa Katungkulan (CSC Form 32) of Assumption of Duties Description Form (PDF) (Publication, Fund, Budget) documents deemed necessary

5.2.8Post-Assessment Activities HRD must disseminate information on all appointments approved by the Appointing Authority within three (3) days upon receipt of appointment papers. This may be done through issuance of office memorandum, postings, or announcements in the bulletin board, and presentation of appointees/promotees during Monday’s flag raising ceremonies. the appointees, a memorandum or letter must be sent by the HRD with advice for the appointee (Congratulatory Letter). HRD must notify candidates who did not meet the requirements of the position (Letter to Non-Appointee). must be given adequate orientation (Orientation Checklist) on the employment particularly the agency policies and procedures, programs and functions of each division, and the functions that the appointee will specifically perform. Every office must ensure the designation of a focal person tasked to orient and brief the new employees. must endorse the newly-hired employee to the requesting department

5.2.9Performance Evaluation performance evaluation and/or competency assessment must be conducted to all employees by the Division heads. employee performance shall be evaluated and documented every 6 months (January to June and July to December) as mandated by the government. division heads must evaluate the employee and recommend training needs for the employee development.

5.2.10Personnel records documentation / movements personnel records or movements must be filed in the individual 201 files. HR must ensure confidentiality of the information.