March 21/22, 2015 – Saturday and Sunday 5:00pm Masses

This ritual takes place at the end of Mass.

Presider:Today we recognize the children from our parish who are beginning

their preparation for First Communion. During the next few months,

with the help of their families, catechists, and this parish community,

they will come to understand more clearly the meaning of Eucharist

in their lives.

Children, please come forward with your parents for a special blessing.

(Direct children with help of assistant to Sanctuary / Parents stay in front of altar)

Presider:Children, do you promise to prepare for your First Communion by

learning about Jesus and His special presence in the Holy Eucharist

and to attend Mass regularly? If you are, please respond, “I do.”

Children: I do.

To the parents:

Presider:Parents, when your child was baptized, you promised to accept

the responsibility to help them learn about the Catholic faith and

live as a Catholic Christian.

Today we ask you, once again: Are you willing to continue to fulfill

that responsibility by working with the catechists to prepare your

child for First Communion and by attending Mass each week?

If you are, please respond, WE ARE.

Parents:We are.

To the parishioners

Presider:These children stand before us ready to begin their preparation for First Communion. As members of St. Raphael’s parish community do you pledge to support them and their families by your witness and service in this faith community? If you do, please respond WE DO.

Assembly: We do.

To the First Communicants –Live Feed of Children in Sanctuary

Presider: Children, as the Pastor (Associate Pastor) of St. Raphael Church, I accept you as candidates for First Communion. May you continue to grow in your love for Jesus as you learn about the Eucharist and know that we look forward to the day when you will join us at the table of the Lord for your First Holy Communion. At your First Eucharist Retreat you created a chalice to remind you of Jesus’ sacrifice and His love for you. Each time you look at this chalice, may it be a reminder for you of how Jesus eagerly awaits the day you will receive Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Presider: (To the assembly)

Please extend your hands in blessing over these First Communicants as we pray:

Loving and gentle God,

bless these children who are beginning their preparation for First Communion.

Help them to grow in their love for you and your Son, Jesus,

as they pray and study together.

Bless their parents as they witness to their children what it means

to be part of a Catholic faith community.

May these children be ready with glad hearts and joyful spirits

to receive their First Holy Communion during Easter time.

And may almighty God bless all of you, + the Father, and the Son,

and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(Children and parents return to their places in the assembly.)

Continue with Final Blessing