Enriched World History (Mr. Palmieri)

Semester OneUnit Three: ASIA, 500 bce-1500 ce

Semester One Unit Four: AFRICA AND THE AMERICAS,500 bce-1500 ce

In this unit we will study civilizations which developed in Asia and Africa. We will explore trade networks such as Trans-Saharan Trade, Indian Ocean Trade, and the Silk Road which connected societies and spread new ideas from one place to another.

All questions and assignments in italics should be completed (written out) when you come to class on the day with which they are listed. Assignments in CAPS are due on the day with which they are listed.


Tuesday, October 20:Ancient India, p. 69-75

1. Describe each of the four varna? What are jati?

2. Define dharma, karma, and reincarnation

3. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Wednesday, October 21: Ancient India, p. 76-81

4. Who was Ashoka and what were his accomplishments?

5. Give an example of how literature, math, and astronomy flourished under the Guptas

6. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Thursday/Friday, October 22/23 (EXDAY): Religion in China, p 87-93

7. What is the “Mandate of Heaven” and what importance does it have for Chinese political institutions?

8. Describe main tenets (beliefs and practices) of Confucianism.

9. Describe main tenets (beliefs and practices) of Daoism.

10. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Monday, October 26: Wednesday, October 21:Qin, and Han China, p 94-99

11.How did emperor Qin Shihuangdi centralize his control over China?

12.In what ways was Qin’s rule strict and overbearing to the people of China?

13.What were effective methods of governance by Han China?

14. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Tuesday, October 27: Tang, Song and Yuan China, p 264-269 and the Silk Road

15.Discuss ways in which Tang China was connected to the world via the Silk Road

16.What were important inventions of Song Dynasty China?

17.What restrictions and privileges did upper class women have in Song China (infographic)

18. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Wednesday, October 28: the Mongol Conquests, p 270-277

19.Who was Genghis Khan and what were his achievements?

20.Discuss where the Mongols conquered and the civilizations they encountered.

21.What new religious and cultural ideas emerged in China?

22. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Thursday, October 29: Ming China and the Treasure Ship Journeys of Zheng he: No textbook homework

Monday, November 2: Korea and Japan, p. 278-283

23.How did ideas from China and elsewhere affect Japan and Korea?

24.Define: shogun, shogunate, samurai, and daimyo

25.What happened to the Mongol invasions of 1274 and 1281?

26. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Tuesday, November 3: Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean Trade, p. 290-295 and 240-241

27.How did the geography of the region affect Southeast Asia politically and culturally?

28.Before 1400, what religions had the most influence on Southeast Asia? After 1400, what religion began to

gain many converts?

29.How did the monsoon winds influence trade on the Indian Ocean?

30. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Wednesday, November 4: Asia Unit Review

Thursday, November 5: UNIT THREE ASIA TEST

Monday, November 9: Africa, p 242-246

1. Describe the economy of kingdom of Ghana.

2. Who was Mansa Musa and what does he demonstrate about the empire of Mali?

3. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Tuesday, November 10:East and South Africa, p 247-254

4. What ideas did the Bantus spread south and east in Africa?

5.Describe the Swahili culture of the east coast of Africa.

6. How did the civilization of Zimbabwe prosper?

7. Write an additional question you are curious about after doing the reading

Thursday, November 12: South America (packet pages 1-2)

8. Describe the concepts of ayllu and mit'a

9. Describe what the text calls verticality or vertical integration

10. What crops and products were important to Andean economy?

Friday, November 13: The Inca (packet pages 3-4)

11. How did the Inca ensure control over conquered regions?

12. Describe the Inca capital, Cusco

13. What challenges did the Inca face after 1525?

Monday, November 16:Mayans and Teotihuacan (packet pages 5-8)

14. How did Teotihuacan provide for year-round agriculture?

15. Describe the political organization of the region of Mayan civilization.

16. What theories exist to explain the decline of Mayan civilization?

Tuesday, November 17: The Aztecs (packet pages 9-10)

17. What role did sacrifice play in Aztec society?

18. What similarities can you see between the Aztec Empire and the Roman Empire?