Membership Form
Become a Member!
Enjoy our fantastic programming
Learn from our Rabbi
Treat your children to our new youth programs and Hebrew School
Come to our popular Adult Ed classes, Sunday field trips, film series, book club, holiday services, social events and more!
And be inspired by our services, prayer and song
True, you can participate from the sidelines. But wouldn’t you rather be among the growing number of dedicated families and individuals who have madea commitment to support AhavasAchim as it continues its 120-year tradition of relevance, inclusion and service to G-d, the Jewish people and our community?
First AdultSecond Adult
Name: ______Name:______
Home Address: ______Home Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone: ______(H) ______(C)Phone: ______(H) ______(C)
Date of Birth: ______Date of Birth: ______
Hebrew Name (if applicable): ______Hebrew Name (if applicable) ______
Firstand Last Name ofChildren
Name Date of Birth Hebrew Name (if applicable)
We look forward to your participation in our community. Please check off any areas in which you may have interest:
___ Programs ___Hesed (acts of loving-kindness) ___House/Building ___Fundraising ___Teen Programs
___Education ___Tech ___Communication/Publicity ___Event Planning ___Davening (prayers) ___Other (Please specify)
Tell us about any interests or skills that you or your family members might enjoy sharing with our community.
Dues effective May 1, 2017(check one):
The membership year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30
___Single (1 Adult) $1,000
As an incentive to joining, dues for Single Members are $750 for the first year and $850 for the second year.
___Family (2 adults with or without children or 1 adult with children) $1,600
As an incentive to joining, dues for Family Members are $1,200 for the first year and $1,360 for the second year.
Membership includes guaranteed seats for the High Holidays
($144 for single non-members and $270 for family non-members)
Family Membership is required for Hebrew School enrollment. Tuition varies by age.
I wish to pay in one payment via: check_____ online_____
I wish to pay in installments: quarterly_____ monthly_____
Please send this completed form and a check (either payment in full or 1st payment) to:
Congregation AhavasAchim
53 ½ Washington St.
Newburyport, MA 01950
Financial limitations are not an impediment to membership at CAA. For a confidential discussion of special financial arrangements, please contact Evan Rimer at 310-850-6463 or
If you have any questions concerning membership, please contact Debbie at
rRabbi Ben r call (978) 255-3144.
Welcome to the AhavasAchim Community!