Enjoy: awakening to a new economics

Project brief for Phase 2 of Joy in Enough, 2016-2019

June 2016

Text underlined indicates documentation available at : click while online to download.

Introduction to Joy in Enough

1.Joy in Enough is a challenge to Christians, and an invitation to all people of good will, to join in building a just economy within the ecological limits of the Earth. Our task is to engage people in the United Kingdom, in its churches in particular, to discover their part in the transition to it.

2.Our motive is our faith, in which we have discovered an attractive and persuasive vision for aone-planet economy which is sustainable, just, convivial and humane. Living at the scale of our creation, our societywill discover its true wellbeing. We will flourish as individuals andas a species. That is why we call this project ‘Joy in Enough’.

3.Escalating environmental loss, inequality, debt and instability are proving that the prevailing model of neoliberal capitalism and the assumptions of neoclassical economics which underpin it are no longer fit for purpose. Decarbonising the economy to the extent and speed agreed at the Paris climate change summit in 2015 requires far-reachingeconomic change. Economics must no longer be seen as the ‘dismal science’reserved to a technocratic elite, but a joyful art in which everyone has the right and opportunity to participate.

4.Another world is possible. Joy in Enough encourages, equips and empowers people to realise it with insightand prophetic clarity.

Achievements of Phase 1 (2013-16)

5.Joy in Enough is a project of Green Christian, an ecumenical charity registered in England and Wales by the name of Christian Ecology Link (number 328744). We havepioneer innovation in Christian witness since 1982. We established the LOAF campaign promoting sustainable food, and the now-independent climate change campaign Operation Noah. More recently we discerned that our environmental objectives require us to engage people and churches directly in reimagining economics, in prefiguring a new economy and in mobilising the transition.

6.The programme we call Joy in Enough began in 2013. Our objectives so far have been to:

  • develop an understanding of the ‘signs of the times’ in the contemporary economy
  • reflect theologically on the contemporary national and global economy, and consider models for a truly sustainable alternative
  • define the parameters of a faith-led response within and beyond the churches
  • forge partnerships with advocacy organisations and campaigns pursuing complementary objectives within the scope of this project
  • rally support for a spirited movement for economic change.

7.Five topic-based working groups scoped the terrain and prepared for an inaugural conference which was held in March 2014. Despite our modest ambition for 90 bookings, the conference was heavily oversubscribed. A second conference, attracting 200 people, was arranged for November 2015 to explore how to build a movement for economic change. Both conferences were organised in partnership withA Rocha UK and student campaign network Speak. We have evaluated these beginningsand this project brief represents our conclusions as to the way forward.

8.Meanwhile we are currently consulting on three working papers which are being used to underpin ourdevelopment:

  • We believe in one earth: a theological framework
  • Awakening to a neweconomics: a short introduction framing our emerging political position and task
  • Policy recommendations: more detail on practical measures which could be advocated.

Outline of Phase 2 (2016-19)

9.On these foundations we are now ready to build the next phase of development. Our aims for the new phase are as follows:

Inspired and informed by our Christian faith, Joy in Enough aims:

  1. To articulate an attractive and persuasive vision for a sustainable one-planet global economy which is just, convivial and humane;
  2. To engage people and opinion formers in the United Kingdom, in its churches in particular, inbuilding a spirited movement for economic change.

10.For this purpose we propose a three-year programme to produce the following:

  • An interactive, accessible discussion guide enabling Christians, particularly in groups, to engage in reimagining economics and make practical choices together which prefigure the new economy
  • An online platform (website and blog) will be created to host these resources and provide a point of contact
  • Opportunities for personal engagement through national events and a panel of visiting speakers
  • A declaration calling for transition to a sustainable economic model to be endorsed by church leaders and opinion formers.

11.By the conclusion of the 2020 General Election we seek the following outcomes from this activity:

  • Substantial coverage and debate in Christian media of the vision and objectives of Joy in Enough
  • positive reporting in mainstream media of the emergenceof a movement.

12.To achieve these outputs it is necessary to establish the following:

  • A panel of expert advisors in the disciplines of theology, economics and social and political science
  • A panel of speakers selected and briefed to represent Joy in Enough in churches
  • A steering group with suitably qualified members and lines of accountability
  • Anetwork of partner organisations committed to share expert adviceon relevant elements of the economic vision
  • An income stream to sustain ongoing delivery.

13.We propose that this phase will be followed by Phase 3 (2019 onwards), from which we seek the following outcomes:

  • Public engagement by government and business in our proposals for economic reform
  • Coherent and conspicuous public demand to government and business for such engagement
  • Ongoing and sustainable support by church leaders and denominational structures to sustain and drive such demand.

14.The principal objectives for the three years of this Phase 2 programme are as follows. A detailed workplan for Year 1 is set out overleaf.

Year 1
2016/17 / Preparation (see workplan overleaf)
  • Recruit and convene advisory panel
  • Identify speaker representatives
  • Reconstitute steering group
  • Arrange initial consultation for advisers, speakers, partners and potential steering group members (provisionally 24 September 2016)
  • Prepare and pilot initial draft of Enjoy group study guide
  • Launch preview and blog
  • Fundraise for following years

Year 2
2017/18 / Launch
  • Train speakers
  • Establish ongoing editorial output of dynamic, participative web content
  • Organise conference and publicity to launch Enjoy study guide (Lent 2018)
  • Prepare and consult on declaration, and gather high-profile signatures
  • Identify options for future governance

Year 3
2018/19 / Promotion
  • Continue building content and participation
  • Launch declaration
  • Develop advocacy within and beyond churches, with policy makers and with business
  • Prepare engagement with 2020 General Election campaign
  • If appropriate, establish independent charitable status

13.Activities so far have been delivered by a ‘core group’ of volunteers reporting to Green Christian’s Steering Committee. To fulfil the workplan for Year 1 Green Christian will seek funding to appointself-employed project consultant(s). We hope to receive at least enough funding for the budget below, but subject to fundraising capacity would like to grow the project significantly more. The core group will assemblea new steering group of skilled individuals, including some who have volunteered help as a result of the two conferences. The project consultant(s) and steering group will be supported by a wider team of volunteers and the advisory panel. Line management of the project consultant(s) will be undertaken by a nominated Trustee of Green Christian. The steering group will also consider the case for creation of an independent charity to deliver the programme in the long term.

Year 1 project budget

£ / Calculation
Project consultant(s) / 7,696 / £15ph x 10hrs/wk or £20ph x 7.5hrs/wk
Web editing and support / 520 / £10 x 50hrs (additional hours for existing GC staff)
Travel & subsistence / 1,000 / 20 journeys (inc stg grp and volunteers) x £40 average
Venue hire / 400 / Consultation event and steering group meetings
Design and print / 700 / Website and PDFs; laser printing as necessary
Sundries / 300 / Materials, equipment, telephone, subscriptions
TOTAL / 10,616

Indicative Year 1 workplan

Secure funding
1-2 / Recruit expert advisers for advisory panel (economic, theological, socio-political), speaker representatives and steering group members
1-3 / Arrange initial consultation workshop for advisers, speakers and steering group members (to take place in month 6)
1-3 / Establish outline content of study guide and website content
2 / Determine steering group constitution and membership
3-5 / Recruit pilot groups to test and comment ondraft of study guide
3-12 / Launch blog at use blog to preview material for study guide
4-5 / Determinemarketing and dissemination plan
4-8 / One-to-one meetings where necessary with potential advisers
5-12 / Plan and fundraise for years 2 and 3
6 approx / Hold initial consultation workshop on content for advisers, speakers and emerging steering group (provisionally 24 September 2016)
7 / Follow-up to establish ongoing engagement of advisers, speakers and steering group
8-11 / Consultation with pilot groups and supporters on draftstudy guide
12 / Revise content for publication