English Worship Celebration

We Worship God Through…

Meditation Together

Opening PrayerTogether


PrayerCK Lee

The Lord’s SupperJimmy Lee

ScriptureGalatians 5:25

God’s Word – “WYSIWYG”Bruce Wong

Response Song

Welcome/Announcements/BenedictionBruce Wong


Are you new to CCIC? WELCOME, and thank you for worshiping God with us! After the worship service, please join us in the Welcome Reception Room upstairs in Room 311 for refreshments and fellowship. Ask anyone with a badge or name tag for directions or assistance.

Sunday School Class for Adults: The final Sunday School session of "Beyond East or West: Bridging the Gaps in Asian and Intercultural Families" will be held today at 11:00 am in the Fellowship Hall on the third floor. Today’s session will address how we can bridge the cultural and generational gaps in relationships with God’s help. New Sunday School Classes will begin on Jan. 3, please refer to the insert.

Mission Prayer Meeting: Everybody is welcome to join and pray for our missionaries in the Fireside Room today from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm.

Lost and Found: Today is the last day to check the “Lost and Found” corner on the first floor; all unclaimed items will be donated without further notice.

2015 Year-end Contributions: Donation Statements will be mailed before January 31, 2016. If you had moved in 2015, please contact Christina Yip at with your current address. Donations must be postmarked by Dec 31 or set up for direct debit at by Dec 29 so they can be included.

Next Week’s Speaker: Bruce Wong, John 10:1-6, “The Heart of the Christian”

Abound Fellowship (College and Young Professionals): Wednesday, 7:30pm in the Fireside Room on the 2nd floor. For more information, check Abound CCIC San Jose on Facebook or contact Eric Maxwell at .

Men's Ministry: Monthly small group meetings for spiritual growth through sharing, Biblical application, and mutual accountability. Contact Patrick Lo at , Stan Lim at or Kevin Lio at .

Women’s Ministry: Monthly small group meetings for spiritual growth, life applications & encouragement. Contact Mary Yee at or Maria Chan at .

Prayer Ministry: If you have a prayer request, please fill out a prayer card on the table at the entrance of Sanctuary A or contact David Yu at . We will resume Friday prayer meetings on Jan.8.

Homegroup Ministry - Serving families in CCIC through Bible study, prayer and mutual care. Contact Jill Lo at .

Sports Ministry: Basketball - Sundays, 4:15 - 6:15pm, at the Campbell Community Main Gym. Contact Sunny Yee at .

Ping Pong - Sundays, 3 - 6pm, at CCIC, first floor dining area. Contact TC Chai at .

Sunday Services / Nursery / Refreshment/
Lunch Set-up / Usher / Shuttle
Dec. / OAK / Theophilus / Transformers / -
Jan. / HG5 / HG2 / Trailblazers / Joshua

English Ministry 英語部

Worship:Sunday 9:15 am - 10:30 am

Christian Education : Sunday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Communion:4th Sunday during worship

Prayer Meeting:4th Sunday

Youth Ministry 英語青少年部

Worship :Sunday 10:45 am - 12:00 noon

Sunday School:Sunday 9:15 am - 10:15 am

Christians In Action (CIA):Friday 7:45 pm - 9:30 pm

Children Ministry 兒童部

Worship 兒童崇拜: Sunday 主日 9:15 am - 10:30 am

Sunday School 主日學: Sunday 主日 10:45 am - 12:00 noon

AWANA 兒童團契:Friday 週五 7:30 pm (September-June)

主日奉獻Weekly Offering
Last Week
上星期 / Month-to-Date
本月累積 / Monthly Need
每月所需 / Still Needed
General Fund
經常費 / 52,243.25 / 153,244.25 / 110,000.00 / -
宣道基金 / 6,400.00 / 12,530.00 / 12,500.00 / -


1.歡迎新朋友: 感謝 神,您能來與我們一同敬拜 神。如果您還沒有填寫來賓卡,請向招待領取並填寫以便聯絡。會後請留步,在一樓餐廳備有午餐,歡迎一同進餐。


3.宣道事工禱告會今日午飯後12:30 pm 在Fireside room舉行,歡迎弟兄姊妹們參加。


5.國語部禱告會於本週三晚8:00pm 在321教室舉行,請弟兄姊妹和各部同工踴躍參加,同心為個人需要及教會的事工仰望主。



8.2015年奉獻收據,如果您在今年更換過地址,請在12月31日之前通知Christina Yip () 以便更新您的資料。奉獻收據將於2016年1月31日前寄出。

9.請繼續為還在找工作的弟兄姐妹禱告,目前需要的專業有Computer Science,Networking,Accounting及Data Analysis等方面,求神預備合適的工作!如果您知道有相關的職位招聘,請聯繫焦惠東弟兄()。


本主日膳食/交通 / 錫安第二組 / 下主日膳食/交通 / 錫安一組/英文部


主日崇拜第一堂:主日 9:15 am - 10:30 am

第二堂:主日 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

主日學:主日 9:15 am - 10:30 am

基本要道主日學 : 主日 10:45 am - 12:00 pm

禱告會:主日 8:30 am, 週三8:00 pm

擘餅聚會:第一 週三8:00 pm, 第三主日崇拜時

姊妹會:週二 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

錫安團契: 週五 7:30 pm

青年團契 : 週五 8:00 pm

良友團契 : 週六 6:00 pm


9:15 崇拜程序

詩 歌齊來,宗主信徒 (教會聖詩136首) 會 眾

我要歌頌我救贖主 (教會聖詩151首)

禱 告主 席

詩 歌神一路引領 (教會聖詩426首)會 眾

讀 經詩篇第一百零四篇會 眾

詩 歌我知誰掌管明天 (教會聖詩66首) 會 眾

信 息知恩並報恩張俊清長老


經文:迎新、報告主 席



詩 歌齊來,宗主信徒 (教會聖詩136首) 會 眾

我要歌頌我救贖主 (教會聖詩151首)

禱 告主 席

詩 歌神一路引領 (教會聖詩426首)會 眾

讀 經詩篇第一百零四篇會 眾

詩 歌我知誰掌管明天 (教會聖詩66首) 會 眾

信 息知恩並報恩張俊清長老


迎新、報告主 席

祝福頌 會 眾

祝 禱 黎煥森長老



司事 / 本主日9:15am / 本主日10:45am / 下主日9:15am / 下主日10:45am
講員 / 張俊清長老 / 張俊清長老 / 鄭義宗長老 / 鄭義宗長老
領詩 / 王 瑾 / 王 瑾 / 丁一強 / 丁一強
司琴 / 顧 韡 / 顧 韡 / 呂頂珍 / 呂頂珍
招待 / 項來加
關婷婷 / 梁勝輝、劉淑雲許曙明、翟 曜 / 李柄權
王雪芹 / 劉繼文



序 樂安靜默禱會 眾

詩 歌 願您平安會 眾


祢是耶穌, 我的一切

榮美盡獻父神 my Tribute


啟應經文 詩篇第十一篇會 眾

信 息 不可忘記,凡事謝恩李忠勇長老



祝福頌願神天天賜福保護你,會 眾






司事 / 本主日 / 下主日
講員 / 李忠勇長老 / 黃沃樞長老
領詩 / 敬拜小組 / 周大誠
司琴 / 敬拜小組 / 周吳祥玲
影音 / 葉沛泉、余明康 / 葉沛泉、余明康
招待 / 趙兆龍、趙陳桂香 / 梅應健、梅陳錦蓮


主日崇拜 :主日10:45 am - 12:00 pm

主日學:主日9:15 am - 10:15 am

禱告會:每月第二主日1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

每月第四週三7:30 pm


成人團契:週五 7:45 pm - 9:30 pm

青年團契:週五7:45 pm - 10:00 pm

迦勒團契:每月第2pm - 4:00 pm

姊妹會:週二 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

親子小組:每月第二週六6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

恩沛小組:每月第四週六6:30 pm - 9:00 pm