English to Enjoy 6BScheme of Work

Module: Relationships Unit3:Charity work

Task: Make a presentation about a person you admire Learning targets: ISa ISb ISe KSa KSb KSc KSf ESb ESd

Communicative functions / Language forms and functions / Language skills / Generic skills, values and attitudes / Vocabulary
Talk about past events
Show changes and surprises / Use ‘until’ to talk about an event that continues up to a particular time or a change in the situation.
I didn’t know much about Oxfam until I went to university.
Use ‘however’ to show changes and surprises.
Some people think that they can help only by making donations. However, the best way for students to help out is by raising money. / Listening
Locate specific information in spoken texts
Understand the connection between ideas supported by cohesive devices
Connect ideas by using cohesive devices
Use appropriate intonation and stress to convey meanings and feelings
Apply grammar rules
Work out the meaning of an unknown word or expression
Recognise the format and language features of a variety of text types
Understand the connection between ideas by identifying cohesive devices
Recognise the presentation of ideas through headings, paragraphing, spacing, italics, bold print and punctuation
Scan a text to locate specific information by using strategies
Provide personal ideas and information based on a model or framework provided
Use appropriate cohesive devices
Gather and share information and ideas / Collaborative skills
Appreciate the use of English by others
Assume different roles in group work
Offer help to others in English learning situations when appropriate
Communication skills
Express opinions and converse about preferences, ideas and plans
Participate with others meaningfully in games and role-play
Respond and give expression to experiences, events or issues through creative writing
Critical thinking skills
Interpret and use information in written text, and make deductions and inferences
Problem-solving skills
Recognise and solve simple problems
Self-management skills
Evaluate their own feelings, strengths, weaknesses, progress and objectives
Study skills
Locate and extract specific information from short given texts
Values and attitudes
Develop confidence in using English through working on their own or in groups / fund-raising events
Text types
mind maps
game rules