English; Public Speaking 2015-2016

NORTH PENN HIGH SCHOOL – Lansdale, PA January 28, 2016

To my wonderful scholars of speaking -

Well, it’s hard to believe, but a semester of non-stop learning has come to a close, and you are ready to move on from the clutches of the podium and microphone.

I want to take the time before you all go your separate ways, to tell you how much I enjoyed this semester with you in Public Speaking. For some of you this course came easy and it was an avenue through which you could thrive and display some of your greatest talents. For others it was a course you needed to overcome some fears and inner demons. For all of you, I hope you found it an enjoyable, but also practical education experience.

Most importantly, each of you has, in some way or another, managed to fill each of these days with an authentic, youthful enthusiasm and passion for life that few people other than teachers can say they encounter every day. Even on days when the content of the lesson may have been boring or you were just nervous as all get out (I know – those days were few and far between) you all brought life into this classroom every day. That unpredictability and youthful energy you brought each day is exactly what makes teaching the greatest job in the world, so thank you for supplying me with that each day.

I want to challenge you and encourage you to never lose that youthful enthusiasm you have now. Be the person who people like to be around, and be the person who lifts everyone up around you. Additionally, always surround yourself with good, honest, and hard-working people. Doing so will help you retain those qualities as well. Also remember, having enthusiasm and passion for life will, alone, get you very far and it will make you the kind of person by whom people want to be surrounded. It will also, of course, make you a pretty good public speaker! As you pursue whatever it is in life that makes you happy remember these three basic principles:

  • Never be satisfied with mediocre effort and mediocre performance
  • Always surround yourself with good, hardworking people
  • Be passionate about everything you do, and do things in life that make you happy.

Remember, that whether it is a menial task or a life changing action, we are always defined by what we do. So, do everything all the way – do it with passion – and without regret over what could have been, and of course- “trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string” (Emerson). While it seems long and eternal now, life is ephemeral, so go after it while you can. Pursue your desires and don’t be left wondering “what if.” Appreciate the friends and family you have around you now, be confident, be positive, smile, and make eye contact, take your ear buds out… and life will give you all you want to get out of it.

Thank you again for making it so much fun for me to come into this classroom everyday! Have a great rest of the school year and go talk with people, listen to them, and unplug yourself. The world is out there waiting.

Mr. Kevin J. Manero

NPHS English Dept.


Head Baseball Coach