English III Vocabulary

Week 1

  1. Adulterate – to corrupt
  2. Ambidextrous – able to use both hands equally; skillful
  3. Augment – to make larger; increase
  4. Bereft – deprived of; made unhappy through less
  5. Deploy – to position or arrange; to utilize; to form up

Week 2

  1. Dour – gloomy; ill-humored
  2. Fortitude – courage in facing difficulties
  3. Gape – to stare with open mouth
  4. Gibe – to tease or taunt
  5. Guise – mask; an external appearance

Week 3

  1. Insidious – sly; treacherous
  2. Intimation – a hint; indirect suggestion
  3. Opulent – wealthy; luxurious
  4. Pliable – flexible; easily bent
  5. Reiterate – to say again; repeat

Week 4

  1. Stolid – unresponsive; not easily moved
  2. Tentative – uncertain
  3. Unkempt – untidy
  4. Verbatim – word for word
  5. Warily – cautiously; with great care

Week 5

  1. Adroit – skillful; expert in the use of hands or mind
  2. Amicable – friendly; peaceable
  3. Averse – opposed; unwilling; having a deep-seated distate
  4. Belligerent – aggressive; angry; given to fighting
  5. Benevolent – kind; generous

Week 6

  1. Cursory – quickly; hasty; not thorough
  2. Duplicity – deceitfulness; treachery
  3. Extol – to praise extravagantly
  4. Feasible – possible; able to be done
  5. Grimace – frown; facial distortion

Week 7

  1. Holocaust – a large-scale destruction; especially by fire
  2. Impervious – not affected or hurt by; admitting no passage
  3. Impetus – stimulus; a moving force
  4. Jeopardy – danger
  5. Meticulous – extremely careful

Week 8

  1. Nostalgia – homesickness; longing for the past
  2. Quintessence – the purest form of something; an example
  3. Retrogress – to move backward
  4. Scrutinize – to examine closely
  5. Tepid – lukewarm; lack of interest

Week 9

  1. Adversary – an enemy; opponent
  2. Alienate – to separate; to turn away
  3. Artifice – a clever trick; a skillful device
  4. Coerce – to force; to compel
  5. Craven – cowardly

Week 10

  1. Culinary – related to cooking or the kitchen
  2. Delete – to erase or remove
  3. Demise – death
  4. Exhilarate – to excite
  5. Fallow – to plow; plowed ground

Week 11

  1. Harass – to disturb persistently; torment; pester
  2. Inclement – severe, rough, or harsh; stormy
  3. Muse – to think or meditate in silence
  4. Negligible – so small as to be meaningless; insignificant
  5. Perpetuate – to prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered

Week 12

  1. Precedent – an example that is used to justify similar occurrences at a later time
  2. Punitive – inflicting or involving punishment
  3. Redress – to adjust; balance
  4. Sojourn – a temporary stay
  5. Urbane – polite, refined, and often elegant in manner.

Week 13

  1. Aloof – detached; apart; indifferent
  2. Analogous – similar
  3. Anarchy – a lack of order; chaos
  4. Appease – calm; pacify
  5. Archaic – old; antiquated

Week 14

  1. Austere – stern; plain; without luxuries
  2. Bolster – to support; to reinforce
  3. Caustic – burning, either with chemicals or sarcasm
  4. Censure – to criticize
  5. Complacent – self-satisfied; unconcerned

Week 15

  1. Concur – agree
  2. Consummate – to complete or make whole
  3. Contingent – dependent upon other circumstances; conditional
  4. Copious – in large quantity; abundant
  5. Corporeal – having to do with the body or the physical world

Week 16

  1. Corroborate – support with evidence; confirm
  2. Decadence – moral decay or decline
  3. Dilatory – causing lateness; stalling
  4. Disclose – provide information; reveal
  5. Discourse – exchange of ideas; conversation

Week 17

  1. Embellish – to make more beautiful; decorate; adorn
  2. Fulminate – to explode, either with sound or anger
  3. Garish – flashy; gaudy
  4. Heinous – shockingly evil
  5. Impede – get in the way; hinder

Week 18

  1. Inchoate – not yet fully developed
  2. Jargon – specialized language used by a particular group
  3. Lethargic – tired; sluggish; drowsy
  4. Malice – a desire to cause harm or suffering
  5. Novelty – something new or unusual

Week 19

  1. Obstinate – stubborn; refusing to be persuaded
  2. Pervasive – spreading widely throughout
  3. Querulous – constantly complaining
  4. Refute – to challenge; to disprove; to prove false
  5. Superfluous – unnecessary; extra

Week 20

  1. Trepidation – fear
  2. Undulate – move in a wavy manner
  3. Verbose – very talkative; loquacious
  4. Wane – grow gradually smaller
  5. Zealot – someone with an extreme enthusiasm for a particular belief or activity; a fanatic

Week 21

  1. Diverse – different; various
  2. Emulate – imitate
  3. Extemporaneous – done without planning; improvised
  4. Glutton – a person who consumes huge quantities of food or drink.
  5. Imminent – about to take place; happening soon

Week 22

  1. Imposter – pretender
  2. Indict – charged with a crime; accuse
  3. Jaundice – yellow color; or, envy or resentment
  4. Laconic – quiet; of few words; terse
  5. Mellifluous – smooth; sweetly flowing