English Grade 12 Cahill Syllabus/Course Content

Semester One

§  Classroom rules and procedures signed by student and parent

§  Set up notebook sections, including vocabulary and literary terms

§  Journals: prompts and free writes

§  Vocabulary: daily words from lesson and literature related

§  Term, part of speech

§  word in sentence as it appears in text

§  own original sentence

Cornell notes on Anglo Saxons, BEOWULF and characteristics of an epic.

IR and text: selection on BEOWULF

Create an original epic/epic hero: writing process with different thinking maps, including a flow map for the plot. Students will create one chapter of their epic with a summary in the form of an introduction and epilogue.

Work in Reading and Writing Groups for structure, ideas and revisions (see guidelines and criteria)

EXTRA CREDIT: create a short film or play based on your epic. Write a script with setting, character descriptions; you must use costumes, props. You may add a soundtrack

Literary Terms: archetype, epic, epic hero, myth, symbol(ism), simile, metaphor, imagery, personification, tone

Additional literary terms: conflict, characterization, theme

CANTERBURY TALES / Coat-of-Arms project

MACBETH and Elizabethan Theatre (presentations of monologues and partner scenes)


Bible as world philosophy and literature

Oral Reports on passages from different literature

Semester Two

·  Continue vocabulary, Cornell notes and journals

·  Research Paper/RUSD Technology requirement: 4-7 page typed paper in response to a literary prompt (TBA)


·  Poetry: Blake, Burns, Wordsworth, Coleridge: students will compose original poetry patterning their style after selected poets

Literary Terms for poetry-additional: free verse, rhyme ,iambic pentameter, stanza, end rhyme, etc.

·  Oral Presentations: Groups-favorite book-using power point, posters, and other visual aids

·  Literature: Short Stories-The Rocking Horse Winner, Lot’s Wife, The Demon Lover, Araby, Night (Interactive Reader)

·  Oral Presentations: Reflection of high school experience

*Monthly essay-both semesters