English at Df Malan

English at Df Malan



English is offered at two levels: English Home Language and English First Additional Language. Learners choose English on ONE of these levels, and changes are only allowed until the end of July in Grades 8 - 11.

The names “Home Language” and “First Additional Language” refer to the proficiency levels at which the language is offered and not the native (Home) or acquired (as in the additional languages) language. Any reference to “Home Language” or “First Additional Language” should be understood to refer to the level and not the language itself.

English Home Language (HL) provides for a level of language proficiency that requires the mastery of interpersonal communicative and written skills necessary in social situations and the cognitive academic skills essential for learning, as stipulated in the curriculum.

At this level, integrated teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills takes place. Listening and speaking will be further developed and refined, but the emphasis at this level will be on developing the learners’ interpretive reading of literary texts and writing skills.

This level provides for learners with a literary, aesthetic and imaginative ability with the aim to recreate, imagine, and empower their understandings of the world they live in.

A curriculum that enables learners to meet the lofty standards required by English HL in Grade 12 is followed. These standards are also such that learners are skillful at English at an extremely high level.

English First Additional Language (FAL) promotes multilingualism, communication and a level of language proficiency necessary for effective education.

English FAL promotes the abstract cognitive academic and communicative language skills required for thinking and learning, as learners engage with literary texts and develop their aesthetic and imaginative abilities.

At this level, integrated teaching of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills takes place. There will be an equal emphasis on the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

A curriculum that enables learners to meet the standards required in Grade 12 is followed. These standards are also such that learners can use English at a high level of proficiency to prepare them for tertiary education and the world of work.

The common ground is that:

  1. the academic weeks are the same for all language levels (36 weeks); though they differ in hours;
  2. the same skills are required;
  3. written texts to be produced by learners are of the same kind;
  4. BOTH English HL and English FAL provide admission to tertiary education; and
  5. BOTH count the same (100 marks) for assessment purposes.

The differences are:

  1. in English (HL) Reading and Writing are allocated more time;
  2. in English (HL) 3 genres are examined; in English FAL 2 genres;
  3. in English (HL) written texts to be produced by the learners are longer;
  4. it is indeed a challenge to achieve an “A”-symbol in English HL!


JULY 2013