Mr. Migdalias’s Class Guidelines

English 8 – Epsilon Team (2015-16)

English Notebook Requirements

Each of you must obtain a three ring binder for this class. The binder should be at least 1 inch thick. Please divide your binder into the following sections:

Section 1: Bell Work

Section 2: Literature

Section 3: Vocabulary

Section 4: Grammar

Section 5: Writing

Your bell work section should ALWAYS be filled with lined paper. Your literature and grammar sections should also contain paper for notes; however, we will not take notes every day.


Please be prepared to complete the homework when I assign it. Most homework will be worth 5-10 points, depending on its importance. Homework must be handed in on time and must be complete. There is no partial credit.

Make-Up Work

  1. When you return to school, turn in any assignments that were due while you were absent.
  2. Come to my classroom during lunch study and check with me to see what you missed. Also, talk to me for any handouts or assignments you may have missed.
  3. The number of days you were absent will determine the number of days you have to make up work

(e.g. 1 day absent = 1 day to make up work & 3 days absent = 3 days to make up work)

  1. Check with your English study buddy, ______, for any missing notes.

Discipline and Procedures

Discipline Code: Ifyou break the rules

1.Check System

  1. If you choose not to follow the classroom rules or forget about the rules entirely, you will begin to receive checks for inappropriate classroom behavior and actions. (See rules on previous page.)
  2. 3 checks for the week will get you a detention and an e-mail or call home—possibly both.
  3. While these checks are wiped clean at the end of the week, they may reflect poorly on you, so do not think that it is okay to continue receiving one or two checks per week. This is an abuse of the check system and may get you into further trouble.

2.Serious Offenses

Serious offenses such as bullying or fighting will result in a behavior report. You will be referred to the main office for discipline and your parents will be contacted.

Procedures: To make class run smoothly

Start of Class: Expect bell work every day. Bell work is a brief task you need to complete at the start of class. You must begin working on your bell work as soon asyou enter class. Talking to friends across the room or doing anything other than the bell work may result in a check.

During Class: I expect your behavior to be appropriate to any specific class activity. During individual seat work, testing and writing, you should remain silent. During group work, focused talking is allowed. Apart from group work, please respect anyone who is speaking to the group by listening quietly and raising your hand if you have something to add. Failure to follow any of these procedures will result in a check.

End of Class: We will stop with a couple of minutes to spare every day. During this time I expect you to clean up everything around your desk. Collect all of your materials and return the desk and textbooks to their original position. Also, remember that I dismiss you, not the bell.


Student: I have read the “Class Guidelines” and will honor all rules while in English class.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent: I have read the “Class Guidelines” and will support them.

Signature: ______Date: ______