English 8 Course Policies and Information 2016-2017

Ms. Carmody Email:

Room 113 Website: carmodyenglish.weebly.com

Grade 7 & 8 English Office hours: Wednesdays after school (and upon request)

Welcome to English 8! It is a unique experience for many of you to be in my English class again, and this gives us a great advantage to be able to work together for another year. If this is your first time in my class, I am excited to get to know you! In order for day-to-day operations to run smoothly, please review the following important information.

When You Come to Class

Before you arrive make sure you’ve checked that you have your materials, including work that’s due. ALWAYS bring your English binder, agenda, and a pencil. How consistently you prepare for class directly reflects on how responsible you choose to be.

-Be on time. If you are late, you must have a pass. Two unexcused tardies will result in detention.

-Look for any handouts located in the front of the room, labeled according to period/level.

-Quietly make your way to your assigned seat.

-Read the boards in the room:

-Copy the homework assignment on the side board into your personal agenda.

-Preview our activities for the day on the front board. If there is a “Do Now” activityon the board or a handout, start working on it.

Respect and Kindness

You are expected to practice respect and kindness to your fellow classmates and me at all times. We will not tolerate interruptions in our class, period.

You are also expected to respect all of the supplies in the classroom at all times. If you use something that is not yours, you will return it, undamaged, to its proper place at the end of the period.

Chiming In

Participation is very important. I encourage and require every member of the class to take part in discussions, to ask questions, and to work with classmates productively.


A chef can’t prepare food without knives, a mechanic can’t fix a car without tools, and students can’t work in my class without the following:

Spiral notebook or lined paper * Three-ring binder with divider tabs, or expandable 5-pocket file folder *Pencils * Highlighters or Markers* Post-its*Personal pencil sharpener

Recommended section labels for binder/ expandable folder:

1. Notes (including free writing exercises, class notes, etc.)

2. Grammar

3. Literature & Poetry (for the current literary unit. You can clean out this section when we move on to new units)

4. Writing (for worksheets on the writing process, essay/formal writing assignments)

5. Projects (for research and long-term assignments)

**Homework** (please note, this policy has changed since seventh grade!)

-Homework must be completed on time. Most assignments will be worth 1 point, but some may be worth more. By the end of the term, homework will be worth a quiz grade.

-Homework done exceptionally well may earn a bonus point.

-Late work will receive no credit.

  • Homework is listed on the homework board in class and posted on carmodyenglish.weebly.com. Look for your class period on the English 8 page.
  • My page is also linked on cohassetk12.org on the CMS Teacher and Specialist Websites page.

Absences/Making Up Work

When you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain missed work. In order to prevent make-up work from piling up, do one or more of the following:

-Check the classroom web page.

-Call a homework buddy (list two numbers in agenda from YOUR CLASS).

-Upon returning to school, check the appropriate period’s folder in the absent work crate.

-If you are absent on the day a major essay or project is due, it is due on the day you return to school. If it is not handed in uponyour return, it is considered late, and you will be subject to losing points.


Grading will work on a point system. Typically, nightly homework assignments will be 2 points; quizzes 20 points; major essays, tests, and projects 100 points. There may be some variations depending on the assignment/unit, but you will know what they are. Please refer to an assignment’s rubric often to stay aware of assignment requirements and point values.

-To find out what your grade is, total all of the points you could have earned over the term and divide them by the total number of points you DID earn. Multiply that number by 100 and you will have your grade.

Total points earned (450)_

Total possible points (500)= .90 x 100 = 90% (your grade)


Some of the units we’ll be studying this year are TheCall of the Wild, Romeo and Juliet, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.When you are issued a book, you are expected to return it in the same condition.

Locker Use

Students have many opportunities throughout the day to go to their lockers. You should not expect to be allowed to leave my class on a regular basis to do so. Class time is precious!

Extra Help

I highly recommend you use the utility block (TST) to your advantage. Plan your time wisely. The day before or morning of, grab a pass from my side board, have me sign it, and give it to your homeroom teacher at TST before you see me. I am happy to see you then or after school on Wednesdays. I may be available on other days, but please check with me first. Extra help = extra smart!

**********We are going to have a spectacular year!**********

This course policies and information packet should be kept in your English binder.

Carmody/English 8



Student’s printed name

I have read and understand Ms. Carmody’s class policies. I attest that I am ready to challenge myself, do my best work, cooperate with others, and come to class with a positive attitude.


Student signatureDate

I have read the course outline and am fully aware of what is expected of my child.


Parent/guardian signatureDate

Parent/guardian feedback for Ms. Carmody: