English 7
Instructor: Jennifer Considine
Room: C123
Prep. Period: 3 (10:08-10:58)
Central Middle School
English 7 Course Syllabus
Course Description
The best way to become a better reader is to read! In English 7, students read a variety of fiction and non-fiction to develop and enrich reading and literacy skills and expand vocabulary. Therefore, a variety of genres will be highlighted throughout the year. Students will be engaged in daily assessment and instruction focusing on reading skills: accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and expanding vocabulary. Thus, these reading strategies will help students to also become stronger and more effective writers. Students will be expected to do individual reading, as well as write about their reading in their journal. Furthermore, students will write essays and complete other assignments, in which they will explain, analyze, evaluate, and respond to selected short stories, poems, non-fiction, novels, and plays. Students will use the writing process, which includes pre-writing, writing, revising, editing, and proofreading. We encourage students to be creative and complete. A variety of writing opportunities and projects will be completed over the course of the year.
Learning Outcomes
To complete this course successfully, students must demonstrate ability to:
●Use comprehension and critical thinking skills to read and evaluate materials, including literature representing diverse points of view.
●Correctly define vocabulary through the use of context clues, dictionary use, root word and origins.
●Work through a writing process that moves from prewriting and invention to organizing, drafting, revising, and editing.
●Correctly use punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
●Participate productively in collaborative groups.
Outline of Major Content Areas
Reading and Literature- Reading strategies: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and expand vocabulary
- Interpretation, analysis, and evaluation of literature
- Historical events affecting the literature / Vocabulary
- Terms and concepts studied within the course curriculum
- Literary Elements / Grammar and Usage
- Rules and implementation (meaning and form) / Writing
- Academic Writing
- Prewriting and invention techniques
- Audience analysis
- Introductions
- Thesis statements
- Methods of development
- Topic sentences and paragraph structure
- Research strategies, analysis, and implementation of evidence
- Unity and coherence; transitions
- Conclusions
- Diction, tone, and voice
- Peer conferencing techniques
- Creative Writing
- Journal Writing
Evaluation (All evaluation is done on a points system subject to the significance of the assignment.)
- Daily Assignments
- Presentations/ Projects/ Papers
- Quizzes/Tests
- Journal
Grading SystemA = 93-100
A- = 90-92
B+ = 87-89
B = 83-86
B- = 80-82
C+ = 77-79 / C= 73-76
C = 70-72
D+ = 67-69
D = 63-66
D- =60-62
F = 59