English IV Advanced Placement – Literature and Composition

Course: Advanced Placement Literature and Composition

Semester: August 2016-June 2017

Location: Kingwood High School, room 2411

Credit Hours: 1 KHS English Credit / AP Credit for 3+ on May exam

Instructor: Hayley Forys

Office Hours: One Lunch Monday and Tuesday B-Block. Other times by appointment only.

Phone: (281)641-7226


Planning hour: 7th hour (time varies by day)

Course Description

This course is an introduction to literature as well as a continuation of the freshman composition sequence. There are three major areas of emphasis: 1) short analytical or critical essays; 2) the four literary genres 3) the research paper. An AP English Literature and Composition course engages students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes as well as such smaller-scale elements as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone.

The course includes intensive study of representative works from various genres and periods, concentrating on works of recognized literary merit. The pieces chosen invite and reward rereading and do not, like ephemeral works in such popular genres as detective or romance fiction, yield all (or nearly all) of their pleasures of thought and feeling the first time through. The AP English Literature Development Committee agrees with Henry David Thoreau that it is wisest to read the best books first; the committee also believes that such reading should be accompanied by thoughtful discussion and writing about those books in the company of one’s fellow students.

Reading in an AP course is both wide and deep. This reading necessarily builds upon the reading done in previous English courses. In their AP course, students read works from several genres and periods—from the Ancient Greece to the twenty-first century—but, more importantly, they get to know a few works well. They read deliberately and thoroughly, taking time to understand a work’s complexity, to absorb its richness of meaning, and to analyze how that meaning is embodied in literary form. In addition to considering a work’s literary artistry, students reflect on the social and historical values it reflects and embodies. Careful attention to both textual detail and historical context provides a foundation for interpretation, whatever critical perspectives are brought to bear on the literary works studied. A generic method for the approach to such close reading involves the following elements: the experience of literature, the interpretation of literature, and the evaluation of literature. By experience, we mean the subjective dimension of reading and responding to literary works, including pre-critical impressions and emotional responses. By interpretation, we mean the analysis of literary works through close reading to arrive at an understanding of their multiple meanings. By evaluation, we mean both an assessment of the quality and artistic achievement of literary works and a consideration of their social and cultural values. All three of these aspects of reading are important for an AP English Literature and Composition course. Moreover, each corresponds to an approach to writing about literary works.

Because of the increasing mechanization of the world in the twentieth century, people should take every opportunity to explore the human nature that resides within us all. One facet of particular importance is what it truly means to “be human.” Ideally, our course of study will lead to an appreciation of the diversity and artistry of the human experience history. This course also develops critical reading, writing, and research skills that can be adapted to any career or field of interest.


Average of 80+ in English III AP Language and Composition OR Average of 90+ in English III Academic

Learning Outcomes

·  Analyze a text by implementing rhetorical and/or literary strategies.

·  Recognize the elements of appropriate literary genres.

·  Focus a topic and formulate a critical/analytical thesis, focus, main point, or claim appropriate for an academic audience that analyzes literature—nonfiction and/or fiction.

·  Use a variety of organizational strategies within a single paper to support a thesis, focus, main point, or claim.

·  Interpret texts in a variety of cultural and historical contexts.

·  Demonstrate an ability to use effective research techniques to find appropriate oral and/or written media such as books, articles, interviews, visuals, and government documents.

·  Demonstrate an ability to evaluate sources.

·  Avoid plagiarism when incorporating quotations, paraphrases, and ideas.

·  Follow standard guidelines in documenting resources.

·  Synthesize and evaluate various interpretations of texts to complete an extended research project.

·  Compose relatively error-free papers.

Core Competencies

Critical Thinking Skills: To include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information

Communication Skills: To include effective written, oral, and visual communication

Teamwork: To include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal

Personal Responsibility: To include the ability to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making

Academic Honesty Policy

Kingwood High School expects every student to maintain a high standard of individual integrity for work done. Plagiarism is theft of another writer’s/speaker’s words or ideas, and work with plagiarized content will receive a zero. Plagiarism includes turning in another person’s paper as your own, lifting ideas and words from lectures or other media, copying word for word, or paraphrasing without documentation. When in doubt – document. All words and phrases taken directly from a source must be enclosed in quotation marks and be followed by internal documentation. All information that is paraphrased must be documented as well. A Works Cited page following MLA format must accompany all papers. All students have signed a statement acknowledging their compliance and acceptance of the rules. The penalty for any plagiarism at any time in the course is zero on the paper, possible disciplinary action at Kingwood High School, and possible expulsion from Advanced Placement. Cheating on an assignment or test will also result in a zero being recorded for that assignment or test. In addition, cheating is also considered a conduct violation and is subject to additional disciplinary measures as discussed in the Student Code of Conduct. In the event of academic dishonestly, the principal and parents/guardians will be notified. Plagiarism will also result in a student’s expulsion from honor societies. Be advised that the school subscribes to an anti-plagiarism site called Turnitin.com to which all papers will be submitted.


All enrollment passwords: mustangs

Class ID#: 1st period=13231933; 2nd period=13231955; 3rd period=13231958; 4th period=13231964; 5th period=13231968; 6th period=13231973

Equal Opportunity Statement

College Board is committed to the principle of equal opportunity in education and employment. LSCS does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, disability, age, veteran status, nationality, or ethnicity in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, employment policies, scholarship, or loan programs, and other District or College administered programs and activities.

Academic Freedom Statement

Dual credit courses are college courses. On college and university campuses, the free exchange of ideas is encouraged and expected. The same will be true in a dual credit course. Censorship of ideas or opinions runs counter to the openness of the learning environment and inhibits the development of critical thinking skills. Understand that students who enroll in dual credit courses may be exposed to, and will be expected to participate in, open exchanges of ideas, discussions, debates, and even class assignments concerning subject matter that is challenging, mature and/or representative of differing worldviews, just as they would on a college campus.

Class Policies

The instructor reserves the right to amend the following policies for individual circumstances.


You should be present and on time for all class meetings. Class attendance is not optional; you must come prepared to contribute to the discussion of the work under study. Please be aware that if you are late or absent, you are held responsible for all material covered in class (lectures, discussions, specific instructions for assignments, etc.). I strongly suggest you “make a friend” with someone in the class who will help you with missed work. I will, of course, help you; however, I am not to be the first and only option. Whether you contact me and/or a classmate, you are responsible for all information and material covered in class. Always check the syllabus and website for dates, assignments, handouts, and other important information.

Late Work Policy

This course will comply with the Kingwood High School late work policy mandated by HISD.

Formative Summative

1 Day Late -20 points -20 points

2 Days Late -40 points -40 points

3 Days Late -60 points -50 points

4 Days Late -80 points -50 points

5 Days Late Not accepted -50 points

Class work, including quizzes and tests, must be made up within a week of the absence. If you are absent for a reading check, the quiz must be taken before or upon your return to class. Students have one week to make up an assessment. Failure to make up work within the allotted time will result in a grade of zero.

Make-Up Work Policy

Students are expected to make up work missed while they were absent. They will be given full credit for work done that satisfies the conditions of the district policy for make-up work. Immediately upon returning to school, the student must contact teachers concerning arrangements for making up work. A zero will be given for work that has been required by the teacher and has not met the guidelines for make-up work. After a student has been absent for three days, the parent/guardian may request make-up work through the appropriate office designated by the campus. When an absence occurs, it is the student’s responsibility to inquire about, complete, and return all required assignments. Students should expect to do more paperwork than those who were in attendance because it is necessary to make up for classroom experiences missed. When a student is assigned daily work, he/she must turn in work upon arrival to class after an absence. The student will have an additional day per day absent from class to turn in subsequent make-up work.


Reassessment is not available in Advanced Placement courses or in ANY course in which Dual Credit is being offered.

Drop Policy

Students who are enrolled in a Pre-AP or AP course will only be allowed to drop to the level course at the end of the 3rd week, the 6th week, and the first semester of the school year. For the 2016-2017 school year, the dates are September 9, September 30, and December 16 respectively.


Misbehavior should not be a problem in a college course. However, if a student disrupts a class, he or she will be referred to a principal. The parent/guardian will be kept informed of any behavior problems. Inappropriate behavior includes, but is not limited to: extraneous conversation, sleeping, not taking notes, reading another book, disrespect and/or negative comments. Regardless of the classroom format, the student is expected to be prepared, to listen, to contribute, and to participate in an appropriate manner. This is a college class; mature behavior is not only expected, but it is required.

SILENCED cell phones and other devices can be used within reason. If you are tempted to use it excessively, please keep it in your bag or pocket. Excessive inattention plagues the American populace… “Oh, brave new world,” fight the urge! The following steps will be taken with device infractions: 1) warning 2) device goes into the testing pockets and parent contact 3) referral to assistant principal.

All students are expected to adhere to all KHS policies, which include punctuality and dress code. If you are not across the threshold, you are tardy. If you are not or appear to be not in dress code (including ID badges), I will send you to your AP. Don’t take it personally.

Class participation is expected at all times. This means you will be involved in discussion (sometimes graded), and you will demonstrate preparedness for each and every class meeting. Allow everyone an opportunity to speak, and if you are prone to shyness, remember that your opinion is worth being heard. Remember to acknowledge one another as equals, respecting others’ opinions even if you do not agree.

Essay Requirements

l. All essays written outside of class must be typed (and then printed) adhering to MLA guidelines. No written drafts will be accepted. I will not download or print for you, nor will I accept only electronic versions of your paper. Be prepared and plan for the worst-case scenario… inevitably your printer will run out of ink or jam the night before a paper is due. Have a contingency plan—and it may not include yours truly (Mrs. Forys). All papers must be submitted electronically and physically to be scored.

2. To avoid a failing grade, papers must always meet the minimum length requirements. All requirements listed in the instructions must be followed or the student will receive an “F.” Mrs. Forys will use a ruler to measure remaining space at the bottom of pages. Safeguard your length by continuing until the paper reaches one word past the minimum length (for example, if the minimum length is 4 pages, write until you have at least one word on the 5th page, not including the works cited).

3. For analysis papers, the majority of the essay must be your thoughts and your thoughts alone. Consequently, you will cite only the primary source (if one is used). Attach a works cited page with full bibliography information for each critical analysis.

4. For the synthesis (research) paper, documentation for both the primary and secondary sources must be parenthetical. MLA format is required.

5. Please be aware that for written work to be acceptable at the college level, it must fulfill all requirements; written work should be insightful, clear, and carefully crafted. Furthermore, acceptable work must be free of errors that distract and confuse. Papers should be virtually free of grammar and mechanical errors.