ENGLISH 12- Course Overview

Mr. Murray


The expectations for the course are quite simple and should be quite familiar to most of you. In order for you to learn and succeed in school, you need to do the following:


- be on time: Tardy students may not be admitted.

- listen attentively and participate in class.

- respect one another.

- be prepared - complete all homework and assignments on time.

- do not bring diskmans to class.

- attend tutorials or seek one on one help to discuss your writing and to better understand concepts.

- keep an organized notebook.

- complete your portfolio.

- PLAGIARISM IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! Plagiarized assignments will not be awarded a mark.

If you fail to comply with the above, you may be asked to leave the class and repeated transgressions will be considered a withdrawl from the course.


All absences must be excused. Unexcused absences are considered voluntary withdrawls.

YOU are responsible for all work missed. It is not my responsibility to track you down. Work must be made up immediately following an absence and at the teacher’s convenience. Expect to make up many missed writing assignments, quizzes and tests before school begins. (between 7 & 8:15 am)

All work missed during absences must be completed and discussions and in-class work will be made up by writing a composition (250 - 1000 words) on the topic.

Assignments that have been returned and graded may not be awarded a grade. Nontheless, completion of these assignments is expected to complete the course.


Take home assignments should be typed if possible.

Blue or black ink is preferred for in-class writing assignments although pencil is acceptable.

A red pen is needed for marking. Failure to use a red pen may result in a loss of 10%.

Illegible work will not be graded.

In many cases, late assignments will not be graded but still must be completed. On occasion late assignments will lose 10% per day. Weekends count as two days.

All assignments must include a date, your full name and block. Failure to do so may result in a loss of 10%.

** Keep all rough work and written work on file until the semester is completed. It is your responsibility to provide evidence in the event work is misplaced or not recorded correctly.


All students will keep a writing portfolio.

All written work should be kept in your portfolio.

Any work that is not in the portfolio when it is checked will result in a straight deduction of 1% from your final grade.

Portfolios must include a completed table of contents and an updated record of your writing errors.

All graded writing assignments should include at least one rewrite if you expect to improve your style.


The failure to complete homework to the satisfaction of the teacher may result in your removal from the class until such a time that the incomplete homework is done and all subsequent work has been completed.


Your notebook is your responsibility. However, it should contain the following sections:

- Mechanics and Editing Skills (including Essay Essentials assignments)

- Resource Materials (Downloaded handbooks from the school website)


If you are having difficulty with assignments or concepts, go to tutorials. You can often learn more in a ten-minute one-on-one tutorial than you can in class where a teacher must meet the demands of twenty or thirty diverse individuals.

I am also available to help you outside of class.

My schedule and the tutorial schedule will be posted in class. If you cannot seek help at those times, see me to arrange a better time.


For the most part, English 12 will be organized around a series of thematic units: Identity, Relationships, Choice and Change.


You are responsible for deciding how you intend to organize your notes and maintaining your notebook. The supplies you will most definitely need are a binder, loose leaf, dividers, a blue or black pen, a red pen, a pencil, and three hi-lighters.

Note taking is not merely filing handouts. It also involves highlighting, annotating and summarizing.


I have a page on the school website which may be help full. Download the handbooks and print copies.

My e-mail address is

12 provincial exams





Quizzes and Participation:20%

Written work/Assignments/Tests:80%

You will also be expected to write a Provincial Exam in June, which will be worth 40% of your final grade.

Good luck, do your best, enjoy and here’s hoping you have a successful year!