English 10CP Mrs.Watenmaker

2016 - 2017 Westlake High School


The purpose of this course description is to inform the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian of the course content and expectations for my English 10CP class. With your help and participation, I hope to make this year challenging and rewarding for each student. Please be aware that all school rules as outlined in the Student Time Tracker will be observed in my classroom.

Course Content: Throughout the year we will be covering the following areas:

Literature: Lord of the Flies, Antigone, Thousand Pieces of Gold, Macbeth, Things Fall Apart, Twelve Angry Men, The Glass Castle, Short Stories, and Poetry.

Writing: Journals, Creative Writing, Essays (Expository/Response to Literature),

Research Papers

Usage/Mechanics: Sentence Construction/Punctuation


Materials: Students need to have the following materials with them each day:

1. English notebook 4. Student Time Tracker/Assignment notebook

2. Blue or black pen 5. Colored pens/pencils (optional)

3. Text6. White Board Marker

Behavior Guidelines: Please come to class on time, prepared both physically and mentally for the process of learning. All electronic devices are prohibited during classtime. Treat people and the classroom environment with respect. Show respect for the opinions and insights of others by listening. Please use language appropriate for the classroom. "Put Downs" will not be tolerated. Use common sense and expectto succeed. Consequences for breaking any of the rules are as follows:

First offense - verbal warning/change of seat

Second offense - detention

Third offense - phone call home

Fourth offense - referral to Assistant Principal

*Severe disruptive behavior (i.e. fighting, profanity, defiance of authority, etc.) will

result in immediate removal from class without the aforementioned warnings.

Tardies and Truancies: A student is tardy if he/she is not in his/her assigned seat when thetardybell rings. A student is truant if he/she is more than 30 minutes late to class, leaves class without permissionor is absent without permission. Consequences regarding tardies and truancies are located on page 7 of the Student Time Tracker.

Grading: All essays, tests, quizzes, projects, assignments, homework, and classroom participation are given point values. Grades are determined by dividing the number of points the student earns by the number of points possible. Quarter grades will be based on the percentages listed below. Semester grades will be based on an accumulation of points throughout both quarters.

90%-100% =A 80%-89%=B 70%-79%=C 60%-69%=D 0%-59%=F

All Grades will be posted on Zangle.

Homework: Homework assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late homework and long-term assignments will only be accepted one day late for half credit. No late work relating to the *Research Paper will be accepted. Homework assignments will be posted on the white board and on my website at: .Students are encouraged to keep all work all year.

*Specific information and requirements regarding the Research Paper will be given prior to the assignment.

Make Up Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to find out what he/she missed during his/her absence. Any homework, assignments, projects, quizzes, or tests assigned before an absence will be due the first day the student returns. If the absence is excused, the student will have the same number of days as the length of the absence to make up the missed assignment, quiz, or test. Tests and quizzes will be completed before class, at lunch, or after school. If the absence is unexcused, the student will not be allowed to make up any work for credit.

Academic Dishonesty:

Definition:Academic Dishonesty is a deliberate attempt to disrupt the learning process by misrepresenting another’s work as one’s own. Dishonesty during tests or classwork includes: unauthorized communicating, copying materials and/or allowing another student to copy, using prohibited notes or devices, obtaining prior knowledge of test content, and/or removing or distributing all or part of any test. Copying another person’s assignment, providing homework/classwork for another student to replicate, plagiarizing or submitting a paper or project which is not one’s own work, and submitting falsified information for grading purposes are also examples of Academic Dishonesty.

Consequences:First Infraction

  • The teacher will conference with the student and record a zero for that assignment.
  • Within five school days, the teacher will notify the parent and send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
  • The student will be placed on contract, with the understanding that a second infraction in the same or any other class will result in the student’s removal from the course in which the second infraction occurred. The contract will remain in effect for two years from the date of infraction.

Second Infraction

  • The teacher will send a referral to the appropriate administrator noting the infraction.
  • Within five school days, the parent will be notified, and the student will be removed from the course and placed in a Study Hall with a failing grade for the semester.

Communication: Any student, parent, or guardian with questions, concerns, or successes may reach me through the office at (805) 497-6711 or via email:.


Mrs. Watenmaker

English Teacher

Please sign below, detach, and return by August 31, 2016. ______

I have read the Course Description and understand what is expected and required.

Student Name (Print) ______Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Home Phone Number ______Work Phone Number ______