English 102 – College Writing and Research (Section 049), Fall 2013

MW 3:30-4:45pm, MER 342

Instructor: Michael E. Beebe Office Hours: M 2:00-3:00pm (CRT 284)

Contact: English Department Office Phone: 414-229-5911

Course Syllabus

Course Description

This course is designed to provide an introduction into research writing, the core form of a wide range of academic disciplines. You will be given the skills and tools to conduct research in a scholarly manner: reading texts critically, posing research questions, identifying sources, collecting information, and engaging in sophisticated and ongoing academic discussions through writing projects. Class discussions, student-instructor conferences and interpersonal peer review will develop your skills in composition and revision to produce complex, thoughtful responses to a range of ideas and issues. The many texts that we encounter this semester – course readings, the writings produced by you and your peers, and the range of additional research sources that you select on your own – will all contribute to your final project: a detailed, scholarly research paper and accompanying reflective writing on your process and experience.

Required Materials (available at the UWM Bookstore)

- A Student’s Guide to the First-Year Writing Program at UWM 2013-2014

Evaluation & Grading (Student’s Guide pp. 20-22)

- Final Portfolio: 50% - The Final Portfolio will be submitted on the final day of class and consists of a research paper and reflective writing. The entire portfolio is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. Following assessment, I determine final course grades ranging from A to C for a pass and C-minus to F for a fail. A Final Portfolio must pass assessment in order for a student to pass this course.

- Homework Assignments/Working Portfolio: 20% - Students will be penalized one point off this total for each late assignment.

- Participation: 20% - Evaluation is based on engagement during classes and conferences.

- Attendance: 10% - Each missed class deducts one point off this total, half a point for lateness.


All assignments must be completed in order to submit a Final Portfolio. Written assignments will be due at the beginning of most class sessions. All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, in a 12-point standard font. Assigned work is due as a hard copy unless specified otherwise. No grades are issued until after portfolio assessment. You must maintain a digital copy and a hard copy of all of your work throughout the semester.

Attendance Policy (Student’s Guide pp. 15-17)

Any student who records more than four absences will not be permitted to submit a final portfolio and will fail with a grade of F for the course. There are no excused absences. Students arriving in class after the scheduled class start time will be marked “Tardy,” counting as half of an absence. Conference sessions count as one week’s worth of attendance.

Personal Technology

All cell phones must be silenced during class. No student will be permitted to make or receive phone calls/text messages during class. Failure to observe this policy may result in being asked to leave the classroom and being marked “Absent” for the day. The use of computers will not be permitted in class except when specified. If you have needs that dictate the use of a computer in class, you may present me with a completed VISA to obtain permission.

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism (Student’s Guide pp. 18-19)

Any situation, intentional or unintentional, in which a student claims or uses another person’s work as his/her own without citation or reference may qualify as plagiarism. The consequences, which are administered by the University, range from failing the course to suspension to expulsion.

Ethical research and proper citation are fundamental aspects of academic writing. Please seek my advice if you feel uncertain about the use of any ideas or concepts that you wish to include in your writing.

Prerequisites (Student’s Guide pp. 12-14)

All students in English 102 have earned a grade of C or higher in English 101 or have been placed in English 102 based on their score on the English Placement Test (EPT) or credits transferred from another institution. If you feel that you may be in the incorrect course, please alert me immediately or contact the Course Coordinator, Adam Andrews ().

Writing Center

127 Curtin Hall & Library East Wing – 414-229-4339 – www4.uwm.edu/writingcenter/

English as a Second Language (ESL)

ESL Coordinator: Cathy Kaye – 414-229-6180 –

Student Accessibility Center (SAC)

116 Mitchell Hall – 414-229-3800

ATTENTION: All policies and schedules stated in this syllabus are subject to change. Any revisions will be made clear during a class session as well as by email.


Semester Schedule

Week 1

1/22 – Syllabus day introductions, Student’s Guide overview

The Rhetorical Situation; What is Research?

Week 2

1/27 – Assignment 1 due (Response to Belanoff pp. 399-403)

Learning to read academic writing

1/29 – Discussion of Belanoff (through p. 412)

Reflection and the writing process

Week 3

2/3 – Assignment 2 due (Finish Belanoff article, compose response to “Silence”)

Developing critical interpretations

2/5 – Course Goals workshop: Understanding Critical Inquiry

Brainstorm research project ideas

Week 4

2/10 – Assignment 3 due (Developing research topics)

Choosing a direction for your inquiry

2/12 – Research Tools Workshop #1: Using digital research tools & finding initial sources

Forming a Central Research Question

Week 5

2/17 – 2/21: Conference Week #1 – no class

In Conference: Assignment 4 due (Annotating Research Sources #1)

Week 6

2/24 – Assignment 5 due (Revised Central Research Question, Annotating Research Sources #2)

Developing v. Supporting Arguments

2/26 – Identifying Arguments and Engaging Sources

Reflection on the research process; preparatory free-write

Week 7

3/3 – Assignment 6 due (Drafting from the Middle)

Structure and the Research Paper

3/5 – Reflections on drafting; deepening engagement with sources

Draft workshop: Purpose and Process

Week 8

3/10– Assignment 7 due (Drafting Your Introduction)

Critiquing student writing through the Course Goals

3/12– Research Tools Workshop #2: Completing your bibliography

Week 9

No classes – Spring Break

Week 10

3/24 – Assignment 8 due (Revised Research Paper draft)

Refining your method of inquiry

3/26 – Peer feedback skills: Providing productive in-class critique

Week 11

3/31 – Assignment 9 due (Annotating Sources #3)

Positioning sources in the research paper

4/2 – Portfolio Workshop

Week 12

4/7 – Assignment 10 due (Preparing Reflections for the Final Portfolio)

Portfolio workshop

4/9 – Portfolio workshop

Week 13

4/14 – 4/18: Conference Week #2 – no class

In Conference: Portfolio draft and revision plan

Week 14

4/21 – Portfolio workshop

4/23 – Portfolio workshop

Week 15

4/28 – Portfolio workshop

4/30 – Portfolio workshop

Week 16

5/5 – Portfolio workshop

5/7 – **Final Portfolios Due in my office at class time**