English 10 and 12- Mrs. Gump’s Class Policies
Classroom expectations
1. Follow directions
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
3. No obscene gestures or teasing
4. Sit in your assigned seat unless special permission is given
1. Warning
2. 60 seconds after class
3. Detention and 60 seconds after class
4. Call to parent, detention, and 60 seconds after class
5. Principal's office, call to parent
SEVERE: principal's office
Homework policy - Homework is to be turned in when asked for, not at the end of class. Homework will be accepted up to one day late for half credit. It will not be accepted after that. For large projects or papers, 20% of the total possible points will be deducted for each day (note: each day NOT school day – work may be dropped off at the school or emailed) the project or paper is late.
Profanity policy - Each time you "slip" you must pay $1 (which will be donated to charity) or serve a detention. You have until the following school day to pay the $1 or a detention will be written. The "f" word or the similar gesture will result in an automatic detention. I also do not tolerate racial or sexual slurs or the words “retarded” or “retard.” Profanity directed towards a teacher or another student will result in a conference with the principal and appropriate disciplinary action.
Plagiarism policy - Plagiarism is considered cheating and is not acceptable under any circumstances. Student homework or papers that significantly match another student's work, any reference book, or a web site will receive a zero. If in doubt, check with me before turning in your work.
Making up tests and quizzes - For excused absences, you have one week to make up any missed tests or quizzes. I will not remind you to do this, but it is your responsibility to set up a time with me before or after school.
Cell phones - If I see a student using a cell phone, I will confiscate the phone and the student may retrieve it from the office at the end of the day. For the second or any subsequent offenses, the phone will be confiscated and a detention will be issued.
Hall passes - Students are permitted to use up to five hall passes each semester. These are for restroom use, retrieving something forgotten in a locker, etc.
We have read and understand the course policies for English 10 and 12.
Printed name of student______Class period ______
Signature of student______Date______
Signature of parent/guardian______Date______
· Your student will receive 10 points out of a possible 10 points for having this returned on or before Monday, Aug. 26.