Please indicate which products and services your company can supply by checking the appropriate box(es). Check only the first box if your company can supply all of the products and services shown for this class.

(All sub-items for this class)

04Blades, Gouges, Knives, Needle Files, Routers, etc.

06Calculators (Programmed for Surveying Systems; for Office Type - See Class 600)

08Cloths, Films, and Papers (Special): Cross Section, Graph, Log,Profile, Tracing, etc.

10Cloths, Films, and Papers (Stock): Cross Section, Graph, Log,Profile, Tracing, etc.

12Cloths, Films, and Papers, Reproduction Types

15Covers (For Drafting and Drawing Boards)

18Data Books and Tables, Engineering and Surveying

21Direct Print Supplies, Dry Process

23Direct Print Supplies, Wet Process

25Distance Measuring Equipment

28Drafting and Drawing Instruments

30Drafting and Drawing Pencils, Pens, Leads, Lead Holders, etc.

32Drafting Machines and Scales

33Drafting Supplies: Brushes (Dust and Wash), Cleaning Pads and Power, Paper Shears, Paper Weights, Steel Erasers, Transparent Protective Film and Tape, etc.

35Drawing Boards, Curves, Protractors, Templates, Triangles, T’-Squares, etc.

38Duplicator Paper: Blue Print, Brown Print, and White Print

39Duplicator Paper, Chemicals, and Supplies (For Diazo Process Copying Machines)

40Duplicators: Blue Print, Brown Print, Diazo Process, White Print, etc.

42Engineering Supplies, Miscellaneous

44Erasers and Erasing Machines, Electric

48Field Books, Engineers’

50Field Equipment: Arrows, Bush Knives, Flags and Flagging, Hand Levels, Leveling Rods, Plumb Bobs, Pocket Transits, Range Poles, etc.

53Graphic Art Type Supplies

55Lettering Equipment (Automatic Letter or Character Generating Devices)

57Lettering Equipment (Hand Manipulated): Guides, Pens, Sets, etc.

58Magnifying Glasses, Reading Glasses, Angle Mirrors, Prisms, Stereoscopes, etc.

60Measuring Equipment: Chains, Maps, Optical Tapes, Tapes, Wheels, etc.

64Opaquing and Transparentizing Liquids, Erasing Fluids, and Pastes


69Projectional Supplies: Acetate Sheets, Films, Photo—Reflex and Photo—Modifier Materials, etc.

70Projectional Supplies, Miscellaneous

72Slide Rules


78Surveying Instruments: Alidades, Compasses, Levels, Theodolites, Transits, Tripods, etc.

80Surveying Systems, Geo/Satellite Navigation Type

82Tables, Tracing and Light

84Technical Pens and Sets, Points and Refills, etc.