Engineering Design & Development (EDD)

Project Lead The Way

Teacher: Mike BakerPhone 512-594-1223Room B109


Conference Periods: A – 1stB – 4th


  • Tuesday & Thursday 0800 to 0845
  • Other times by appointment

Welcome to Engineering Design & Development. This is the Capstone course in the Project Lead The Way engineering pathway. Part of the STEM career cluster (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). In this capstone course, you will work as part of a team to develop a solution to a technical problem of your choosing. Challenge yourself with one of those “Don’t you hate it when…” issues of the world and try to solve it. Research, design, test, and construct your solution or recommendations, then present it to industry or community partners. You and your team will use what you’ve already learned to guide you through the process of design and product development. Who knows? You may solve a problem that has stumped others!


Students must have completed at least the two foundation courses of the PLTW curriculum (Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) and Principles of Engineering (POE) before being allowed to enroll in this Capstone course. Preference will be given to students that have been continuously enrolled in all three of the previous courses. This is a Senior grade level class. Any exceptions must be approved by the student counselor and the PLTW counselor.

Course Expectations

In addition to content learning, students in IED will learn the professional behavior standards associated with the engineering profession. In our classroom, these expectations include:

  • Maximum Effort
  • Arrive on time and prepared to work
  • Stay engaged and on task from bell to bell
  • Complete in-class activities and homework on time with high quality
  • Positive Attitude
  • Respect Team Members – no put downs
  • One conversation at a time
  • Achievement Focused
  • Embrace the chance to learn from mistakes

Required Materials

#2 Pencil with eraser – EACH AND EVERY class period, mechanical preferred

1 box of colored pencils

Quad Ruled Composition Notebook

1” 3-Ring Binder with clear front pocket

Grades, Tests and Retests

  • We will follow the PFISD District Grading and Testing/Retesting policies.

Please Note:

  1. I do not provide my cell phone number to students and I do not use text messaging or social media as a form of communication. I can be reached via school email or campus phone on the front of this form.
  2. I do ask for either a good email address for one or both parents/guardians or a good cell phone number to reach you. I will not share your email or phone number with anyone, it will only be used for discussions about your student.

Thank you and I look forward to a great year with your student.

I have read and understood the information outlined on this sheet.

Student Signature______Parent’s Signature ______

Parent’s email ______

Parent’s Phone ______