Engineering Design and Development (Level 4)

Barbie Shedd


1.  Show respect for others and yourself.

2.  Be prepared to learn and participate.

3.  Follow school rules.


1.  Verbal warning

2.  Detention and phone call home

3.  Office referral

Supplies / Fees $15 fee

Paper – spiral notebook or a binder


Pens – blue and black


Classwork / Homework: 30%

Quizzes: 30%

Tests / Engineering Notebook / Presentations: 40%

The final grade is calculated as follows:

1st six weeks (25%) + 2nd six weeks (25%) + 3rd six weeks (25%) + Exam (25%) = Final Grade

Other Items

·  You are responsible for the assignments when you are absent from class.

·  Assignments/work will be accepted for up to five days after the due date with a 10% per day penalty. Assignments/work more than five days late will NOT be accepted.

·  This class is primarily self-paced with weekly assignments. You will need to be disciplined in completing the assigned work.

It’s going to be a great semester! J

Engineering Design and Development (Level 4)

Barbie Shedd


1.  Show respect for others and yourself.

2.  Be prepared to learn and participate.

3.  Follow school rules.


1.  Verbal warning

2.  Detention and phone call home

3.  Office referral

Supplies / Fees $15 fee

Paper – spiral notebook or a binder


Pens – blue and black


Classwork / Homework: 30%

Quizzes: 30%

Tests / Engineering Notebook / Presentations: 40%

The final grade is calculated as follows:

1st six weeks (25%) + 2nd six weeks (25%) + 3rd six weeks (25%) + Exam (25%) = Final Grade

Other Items

·  You are responsible for the assignments when you are absent from class.

·  Assignments/work will be accepted for up to five days after the due date with a 10% per day penalty. Assignments/work more than five days late will NOT be accepted.

·  This class is primarily self-paced with weekly assignments. You will need to be disciplined in completing the assigned work.

It’s going to be a great semester! J