
Engineering Career Research

Create a poster, presentation, etc., about an engineering discipline. You will be given your discipline. Use the Internet and even the textbook to find your information. You will create 3 “items” – these can be pages in a Word document, slides in PowerPoint, drawings in Paint, or items created with any other application that allows you to enter text and graphics. These items will contain information about your discipline.

Content Requirements

  • Item 1: the name of your discipline and a good description what do they do, where do they work, etc. You should have at least 5 facts/points for this one.
  • Item 2: describe the education and training that engineers in this field must have – in other words, how do you become one. Also, describe skills, experience, and certifications that are either required or recommended for this field. Finally, list three colleges/schools (preferably in GA, but they can be anywhere) offering a degree or training program for your discipline. Make sure you cover everything.
  • Item 3: the average or median pay for engineers in this field and the average entry level pay for someone just entering the field. Use the OOH to find this (see link below), or search the Internet.

Technicaland Other Requirements

  • Work in teams of 1, 2 or 3.
  • Each item should be separate – separate page, slide, drawing, etc.
  • Add an appropriate graphic(picture) on EACH item.
  • Make sure you provide all the requested information.

Turning It In

  • When you finished, copy your presentation to my flash drive or (if you know how) you can share it via google. Make sure your name(s) are in there somewhere.

Grading Rubric

Items 1 and 2 contain all required info – 40 pts each / 80
Item 3 contains required info / 20
Total / 100
