Earl R. Wilson Sr. “Engineer of The Year” Nomination Form
CANDIDATE Date of Birth
Position and Affiliation (include address)
Education (Institution, Degrees, and Dates if known) Professional Recognition (Honorary Degrees, Awards, etc.)
Engineering Field, Areas of Specialization
Outstanding accomplishments and contributions (it is essential to include special instances or personal contributions to engineering as well as pioneering new and developing fields of technology):
Principle Professional Engineering Society Memberships and Activities (indicate contribution and period of time if known):
Noteworthy Public Services (Boards, Committees, Consulting)
Proposed Citation (should reflect specific contributions as listed above - not more that 15 words):
The candidate could be expected to have been, and will continue to be an effective contributor to SAE activities. Willingness and availability to contribute to SAE activities refer to motivation, interest, and participation in professional and public service activities.
Record of Professional Experiences
Publications and Patents
Registered Engineer ?
Professional Directories in which he or she is listed
Nominated by: Date:
Send Nominations to: Jack Barnhart, 170 South Reed Road, Corunna, MI 48817-9529
FAX (517) 743-6532 or email <>
This award is in memory of the first Chairman of the Mid-Michigan Section of the Society of Automotive Engineers. The purpose of this award is to give recognition and honor to members who have given distinguished service to the automotive engineering profession, to the automotive industry, to their community, and who in their lives and careers have exemplified the aims, ideals and purposes of the Mid-Michigan Section of the Society of Automotive Engineers.
To nominate a Mid-Michigan SAE member, use the attached form as a guide (with additional pages as necessary) and mail to Jack Barnhart or give to a Governing Board Member prior to the March 4, 2002, Governing Board Meeting.
ahess, nominate.doc