December 10, 2013

Engineer For A Day….It’s About Your Future!

Dear Student:

The Washkewicz College of Engineering at Cleveland State University invites you to learn what engineering is all about by participating in the 2014 Engineer For A Day Job Shadowing Program on Friday, February 21, 2014. This event is open to students in grades 9-12 who are seriously interested in the engineering profession. The program enables you to spend a day on the job with an engineer to learn about an engineering field that interests you.

To participate in this event please send in a “Student Registration Form” no later than Friday, January 24, 2014. You may learn more about a variety of engineering fields by going on-line to explore the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) website at

Participating students are required to attend the orientation meeting described below. The meeting will include useful information to help you prepare for the job shadowing experience. In addition, we will provide an available tour of the Fenn College of Engineering, an interesting career presentation, a luncheon and more.


DATE: Saturday, February 8, 2014

TIME: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

LOCATION: Cleveland State University (see map at

Fenn Tower Residence Hall – 3rd Floor Ballroom

Located at the corner of E. 24th Street and Euclid Avenue

A free continental breakfast and pizza lunch will be provided

PARKING: Free parking in “Lot EG” next to the CSU Recreation Center.

Lot EG is located just east of the intersection of E. 24th & Chester Avenue on the right hand side. You may then walk through the

Recreation Center by entering the third floor walkway. Follow

signs & volunteer guides to exit on the first floor and turn left to walk to Fenn Tower.

WHO SHOULD High school students in grades 9 – 12 who are very

ATTEND? interested in engineering. A parent or other adult over 18 must accompany

the student to the orientation meeting. During this mandatory meeting

students will be assigned to their sponsoring organization and will receive

written contact information. Career materials will also be provided.

2014 Engineer For A Day

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WHEN DO STUDENTS Company visits take place on Friday, February 21, 2014.

VISIT THEIR SPONSOR’S We are asking participating students and their sponsors to

COMPANY? contact each other to make final arrangements for each visit.

Students are responsible for making their own transportation

arrangements. Students may not accept rides from sponsors

due to safety and liability considerations. In some cases, students may have to pay for parking and lunch at the sponsoring organization. Please check with your sponsor for details.

REGISTRATION: Students must complete a “Student Registration Form”

and return it by Friday, January 24, 2014 to: Gregg Schoof,

Cleveland State University, Washkewicz College of Engineering, SH-104, Cleveland State University, 1960 E. 24th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.

Registrations may also be faxed to: (216) 687-9280. To avoid duplications please use only one registration method (fax or mail). Participation in this event will be limited to a maximum of 100 students from participating Fenn Academy* member high schools on a “first come, first served” basis. Registration forms that are incomplete, missing signatures from parents or school officials, or are illegible will not be matched to a sponsor.

Effort will be made to assign you to an organization near your home, however consideration will first be given to the compatibility between your engineering field of interest (mechanical, electrical/computer, civil/environmental, chemical/biomedical, or other areas) and the availability of engineering volunteers. Placements may be limited or changed due to the number of available sponsoring employers.

Students must indicate a first, second and third choice for job shadowing assignments on the registration form and be willing to be assigned to any of those choices. Parents and students are advised that you are making a commitment by completing a registration form and that employers are making special plans to accommodate student visits based upon your registration. Please check your schedules and make sure that you are available to participate in the job shadowing event on Friday, February 21, 2014.

We look forward to your participation. If you have any questions, please

contact me at (216) 687-5272. You may email any questions to me at .


Gregg G. Schoof, MSSA


Engineering Student Programs

*Fenn Academy is a pre-engineering program that includes 44 member high schools in a five county region in NE Ohio. If you are uncertain about your school’s membership in the Academy then please call us.