Engaging Students with Technology

Lesson Design Template (Adapted from Schlechty Design Template)

Part I: Knowing Your “Who” (session 1) – Define the types of students you have in your class(es). What are their learning styles? Do you have any students with special needs? Any ELL students? What extracurricular activities do your students participate in? What are their home lives like? Include any information you think is relevant.
Part II: Content and Substance (session 1)
·  What are students expected to know and be able to do as a result of this learning experience that they didn’t know or weren’t able to do before?
·  Why is this content important and worthy of design? Is this concept difficult to teach and learn? How do you know?
Part III: Standards (session 1) – What state or national content standards will this lesson address?
Part IV: Product Focus (session 6) – Is the work linked to a product, performance, or exhibition of value to the student? Describe the product that your students will create to show what they have learned in this lesson. Will students use a technology tool to create their product? (Glogster, VoiceThread, Prezi, Voki, Wordle)
Part V: Assessing Engagement and Achievement (session 6) – How will you assess student engagement during this lesson? How will you assess student achievement?
Part VI: Organization of Knowledge (session 6)
·  What resources, strategies, and materials are being used to make the concepts and skills understandable to students?
·  Is a range of media and presentation formats used to appeal to students with varied learning styles, ways of thinking, and interests? What technology tools will be used (Glogster, VoiceThread, Prezi, Voki, Wordle)? Please include the links to any tools that you have already created for your lesson.
Part VII: Clear and Compelling Product Standards (OPTIONAL – session 6)
·  Are the standards by which performances, products, projects, and exhibitions are assessed and evaluated made very clear to students?
·  Do the students see relevance and meaning in the standards used to assess their work?
·  Are students or groups of students regularly encouraged to assess their own work in terms of the standards set?
Part VIII: Protection from Adverse Consequences for Initial Failures (OPTIONAL – session 6)
·  Are students provided with feedback on their product or performance on a regular basis, not just upon final assessment?
·  What efforts are in place to ensure student success in the early stages of the learning process?
·  When a student isn’t progressing, what safeguards are initiated to work directly with the student?
*Part IX: Affiliation
How does the work provide opportunities for students to work with others in a way that requires cooperative effort?
*Part X: Affirmation
How will students know that the work that they are doing is valued by others?
*Part XI: Choice
How are students provided the opportunity to make decisions regarding some part of the learning experience?
*Part XII: Part Novelty and Variety
How are students provided a variety of skills, styles, and/or approaches to produce their work?
*Part XIII: Authenticity
How do students see the link between the work they are producing and what they consider to be personally important?