CFNI Student's Engagement Packet
All persons contemplating engagement or marriage during their time at CFNI must adhere to the following procedure:
I. Pre-Engagement
Christ for the Nations cannot recognize an engagement that is not condoned by the parents and/or pastor, therefore, your respective Deans must be informed prior to an engagement announcement.
A. Prior to acknowledgement, the couple is interviewed by the Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, then by the Dean of Students. NOTE: Interviews will only be scheduled after the paperwork has arrived at the next interview location.
B. The Director of Student Affairs will meet with the engaged couple before the semester ends.
C. The couple should receive counseling from their home church pastor or from one of the CFNI faculty counselors.
D. At the conclusion of every semester, a special prayer service is made for those couples whose engagement has been acknowledged.
II. Marriage
A. Student marriage ceremonies may only take place during Christmas vacation and before or after summer school. Students who become engaged and marry without acknowledgment of the Dean's Department are subject to dismissal and must have approval from the Director of Student Affairs before enrolling.
B. CFNI has four locations available for weddings and wedding receptions for a small rental charge: Christian Center, Wayne Meyers Auditorium, the Chapel, and the Pavilion of Glory (gazebo). For details about reserving these facilities, contact the Student Services office.
***An international student on work scholarship who marries while at CFNI will automatically forfeit his/her work scholarship.
Student Engagement Forms
Name: ID#: Age:
Cell phone: Email:
Fiancé: ID#: Age:
Cell phone: Email:
How long have you been acquainted?
How long have you been dating?
Date you plan to marry?
Where do you intend to get married?
Have you met with your family? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Do they give approval and blessing? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Have you met your fiancé’s family? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Do they give approval and blessing? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Have you met with your pastor? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Does your pastor give approval and blessing? YES [ ] NO [ ]
Are you currently going through ‘Pre-Marriage’ Counseling? YES [ ] NO [ ]
-Name of Pastor/Councilor:
-Contact Phone Number:
What is your planned career or ministry:
What is your fiancé’s planned career or ministry:
1.Have you been married before? YES [ ] NO [ ]
If so, when and to whom?
Reason for dissolution of marriage:
2. Have your parents been divorced? YES [ ] NO [ ]
3. Have your fiancé’s parents been divorced? YES [ ] NO [ ]
4. What is your denominational background?
5. What is your fiancé’s denominational background?
6. What is your educational background?
7. What is your fiancé’s educational background?
8. How long have you been a dedicated Christian?
9. How long has your fiancé been a dedicated Christian?
10. Do you and your fiancé pray together? YES [ ] NO [ ]
11. Do you think that you and fiancé have harmonious personalities? YES [ ] NO [ ]
If so, explain:
12. Why would you consider this relationship different from any other?
13. What is your concept of marriage?
14. What do you think about divorce?
15. Who would be responsible if your marriage began to weaken or fail?
16. What are your goals, aspirations, and desires for your future or ministry?
Are your fiancé’s similar? YES [ ] NO [ ]
If so explain:
Love or Infatuation - Which?
The following list of questions has been prepared to help you define your feelings about a possible love relationship. There are no right or wrong answers.
1. Do you feel a close relationship without having to touch each other? Y [ ] N [ ]
2. What things do you like to do for each other?
3. Explain a disagreement you have had and how you have solved it.
4. How does sharing new ideas and experiences draw you closer to each other?
5. Are you planning to reform your companion after you are married?
If so, how?
6. Are you proud to introduce your companion to your friends?
7. Is your companion a source of intellectual stimulation and an inspiration to you?
8. Are you organizing your long-range plans around this person?
Which ones?
9. How do you trust this person so as not to feel uncertain or uneasy about your relationship?
10. Is your companion's mental and spiritual self as attractive to you as his or her sexual charms?
11. What type of people do you enjoy being around?
12. What type of activities do you enjoy together?
13. Are you sensitive of certain things that you must avoid saying or doing lest there be hurt feelings?
14. List some specific personality characteristics about your fiancé that you like.
15. What are your attitudes about the number of children you should have and how to raise them?
16. What is your role in marriage?
17. How do values in marriage help or detract from your relationships?
a. How are your values different from your fiancés?
b. Are there areas that are uncomfortable and have you discussed them and resolved the differences?
18. What pleasures do you receive from working together?
19. Do you feel relaxed and comfortable with each other?
20. How have your fiancé’s social skills, religious and work activities pleased you?
a. Have they ever displeased you and have you communicated that to your fiancé?
b. Are your opinions and suggestions important to and received by your fiancé? If not, why not?