ENG001B | English Foundations I| Unit 5Writing Assignment|5.02 Sensory Words

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Answer Key

Writing Assignment

Sensory Words

Award points for answers as shown below. Starter feedback for correct and incorrect answers is in red. Use or adapt the feedback in this Answer Key as you grade each student paper. If you have suggestions for improving this key, send them to .

Grading Instructions

Students must follow the directions for each section using sensory words to complete the question.

  • 1 point for each answer. Answers will differ from the answer key, but should show elements of understanding the qualities of the five senses in the descriptions.
  • 5 points total

(1 point each)

1. Use sensory words to describe things you might sense on a camping trip in the mountains.

Here are some examples:

see - tumbling water

hear - bird singing

taste - a hotdog from the campfire

feel - the chilly air

smell - pine trees

What else might you…

  1. See? A scampering squirrel
  1. Hear? A crackling fire
  1. Taste? A toasted, gooey marshmallow
  1. Feel? The itch from a mosquito bite
  1. Smell? A pot of coffee brewing in the morning

Students must identify the appropriate sense being described in the sentence.

  • 1 point for each correct answer
  • 5 points total

(1 point each)

2. Read the sentences below. List which of the five senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, smell) is used in the


  1. As I lowered myself in the ice-cold mountain stream, I gasped, the cool, night air burning my lungs. touch
  1. After her workout, she quickly gulped down the sweet, tangy energy drink. taste
  1. The brilliant fireagainst blazed against the night sky, its bright orange and yellow flames dancing and swaying. sight
  1. The baby’s cry pierced the darkness, like a coyote howling, jolting his mother out of bed.


  1. As she pulled the covers up to her chin, she breathed in the sweet, crispness of freshly-washed linens. smell

Students must write a complete sentence describing the object using sensory words.

  • 2 points for each complete sentence. Answers will differ from the answer key, but should show elements of understanding the qualities of the five senses in the descriptions.
  • 10 points total

(2 points each)

3. Let’s Write!

Using the five senses, write a complete sentence vividly describing the following objects.

a. Sight: A butterfly

b. Sound: A small child

c. Touch: A puppy

d. Taste: Ice cream

e. Smell: A garden

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