Eng 3USkill #13 Formal Essay Conclusions
Your conclusion should:
1. Begin with a transition sentence that brings the reader from the previous paragraph to the concluding paragraph
2. Restate the thesis and the three prongs
Allude to the examples that you have used when mentioning the prongs
For example: The celebration of battle and battle prowess by sergeants,as well as thanes, have illustrated that…
3. Make a statement about the contribution of your essay to the study of the subject (Macbeth or the novel)
For example: The essay has shown about Macbeth that…
4. End with a statement that returns the reader to the introductory observation you made in the introduction
For example, if you started discussing the downfall of leaders in general in your introduction, you discuss what Macbeth has revealed on the subject
Skill #14 Quotations and Formatting (MLA)
Integrate quotations by:
•weaving a quotation into a sentence that you have started
•use “...” three dots at the beginning or end of a quotation when you borrow only part of a sentence or speech. Example: Original: “A little water clears us of the deed“
Parts: Add Mr. Clean and “a little water...“ to make
•use [ ] square brackets when adding your own words to make the quotation within your sentence grammatically correct or more concise for understanding.
Example: Macduff commented, “I believe drink gave you [thePorter] the lie last night.“
•use a ; semicolon when writing a complete sentence prior to the quotation, otherwise use a comma
Example:Macduff made a wise comment to the porter; “I believe drink gave you the lie last night.“ (2 complete sentences)
Macduff said,“I believe drink gave you the lie last night.“ (1 introductory phrase and 1 complete sentence)
Referencing / CheckAfter quoting use a bracket to identify the source and the page. For example (Latour, 46)
If you are using Shakespeare, use a bracket, identify the Act, Scene and Line.
For example (I, i, 45-46)
Quotation Formatting
Long Quotations:
indent and extra inch and single spacing the quotation when you quote a source for more than 50 words or four lines introducing the long quote with a double colon (:) at the end of the complete introductory sentence
Short Quotations:
integrate short sentences into the regular text
Text Formatting
Use a 12 point font, double spaced and fully justified text, in a conservative style font (Palatino, New Times Roman)
Paragraphs are separated by a space and indented first sentence. (Use tab bar)
Margins are 1” throughout and pages are numbered in the top right.
Use italics for references to any books etc.
In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your instructor's name, the course, and the date.
Above the first paragraph (introduction), write down the title of your essay and center it. Capitalize the key words of the title, but do not underline or italicize, except for the title of a book (if mentioned)
Create a Works Cited page at the end of the essay, including all of the sources you quoted, paraphrased or summarized within your paper.
Title the page Works Cited
Arrange entries alphabetically according to the author’s last name. If no author is given, alphabetize by the title of the work.
- Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.
- Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. Toronto: McGrawHill, 2009. Print