Grant ID #:Principal Investigator:
Department, Institution:
E-mail address:
Office Telephone Number:
List your Co-Investigators/Collaborators (Name, designation as a co-investigator or collaborator [Co-I or C], department, institution) in the space below:
Project Title:
Scientific Progress Report: Describe the research that has been performed during this grant term. This report must not exceed 2 pages.
Grant term (mm/yyyy dates):
Keywords (max. 10):
Scientific progress report:
Lay Progress Report:Provide an updated summary of your findings related to this research project in simple, non-technical language. When completing this section, write it in the same language you would use to describe your project to a Cystic Fibrosis Canada volunteer or donor. This summary should not exceed 2 pages.Project summary:
Research update (what has been accomplished during this grant term):
Project description (what you are studying and how you are conducting the study):
Impact & Relevance (how your project will help):
What is the greatest impact of your project on cystic fibrosis research and/or clinical care?
Publications and Presentations: List the publications (including submitted and in press manuscripts) and presentationsassociated with this grant and indicate the number of publications / , presentations / , and in press
publications / .Please attach any publications that relate to your CFC-funded research.
Leveraged Funding: List below any partner contributions to this project that have been used to leverage Cystic Fibrosis Canada funding.
Intellectual Property:Cystic Fibrosis Canada requests that you provide information on any intellectual property arising as a result of our funding. The information should contain, but not be limited to: invention disclosures made to your institution as well as information regarding any provisionalor other patents filed, and information regarding licensing or other commercialization efforts (including names of licensees or potential licensees). Please provide us with the contact
information of the technology transfer office (or equivalent) at your institution that is managing the file. Please
indicate the number of patents filed:
Patient Engagement:Cystic Fibrosis Canada encourages patient engagement in study design and conduct. Please outline below if, and how, you have engaged patients in your studies.
Promoting Cystic Fibrosis Canada:Cystic Fibrosis Canada sometimes calls on researchers to make presentations to volunteers, donors, or the public about cystic fibrosis research. Please list topics on which you are able to speak.
Information on Trainees: / Undergraduate / Graduate / Fellows
The number of students or fellows working on this project:
How many of these students or fellows are paid for, in whole or in part, from this grant?
Press Coverage:Provide details on any press releases or media coverage related to the work supported by this grant.Please include copies of press releases and news articles.
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