End of Life

PSP Module

End of LifePSP Improvement Charter

What are we trying to accomplish?

We aim to improve “end of life” care for patients and familiesby;

improving the identification process, end of life assessment, discussions r/t end of life, completed advanced directives, collaborative care planning, better coordination, and communication with patients, families, caregivers, healthcare providers and other health related affiliates within communities.Byworking on this process now we expect to improve the care of patients and families living with and dying from life limiting and chronic illnesses, while improving the patient/family and provider experience. It is important to do this work now because there are GPSC incentives and new guidelines to support GPs to provide collaborative care to patients and their families at and end of life.

How will we know that a change is an improvement? Our measures are:

Name of
Measure / Type of measure / Description of Measure / Goal
“end of life” registry / Process / # of pts identified and placed on a registry / Practice specific
Collaborative care plan / Process / % of patients on a registry with a collaborative proactive care plan in place / 90%
My Voice / Process / % patient on registry who have been given My Voice (or other) and had an ACP conversation / 90%
ESS and/or PPS / Process / % of pts on the registry that had an ESAS and or PPS (as appropriate) / 90%
Practitioner confidence level / Outcome / % of practitioners that are confident when engaging patients and their family in conversations about end of life (1-10 confidence scale) / 90%
Patient comfort level / Outcome / % of patients/caregivers who feel comfortable with the end of life care plan / 80%
Caregiver support / Outcome / % of caregivers who feel supported when caring for patients at end of life / 95%
Provider experience / Outcome / % of GPs and healthcare providers that have an improved experience in caring for patients at end of life / 90%

End of Life PSP charter Mar 171 of 2

End of Life

PSP Module

Team Members:

Dr. Cathy Clelland – Chair

Sheila Balson, Interior Health Authority

Andy Basi, PSP Central

Sherry Barr, Ministry of Health

Dr. Doris Barwich, Fraser Health Authority

Isaac Buwembo, ImpactBC

Dr. Clifford Chan-Yan

Dr. Ian Courtice, BCMA

Louise Donald, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

Dr. Neil Hilliard, Fraser Health Authority

Pamela Hinada, PSP Central

Dr. Bruce Hobson, BCMA

Dr. Marcus Hollander, Hollander Analytical Services

Dr. Marnie Jacobsen, BCMA

Pauline James, Ministry of Health

Judy Huska, ImpactBC

Liza Kallstrom, PSP Central

Dr. Douglas McGregor, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

Pat Porterfield, Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

Dr. Chris Raucher, Fraser Health Authority

Della Roberts, Fraser Health Authority

Christina Southey, ImpactBC

Dr. Romayne Gallagher, Providence Health Care

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