October 12, 2012
1000-1300 hrs.
Pierce County DEM
In Person:
Conference call:Catie Holstein, Patty Courson, Cynde Hambly, Ana Lee Drewery, Rick Paris,
DOH Staff in Attendance
Mike Routely
Called to order at 1005 hours. Attendees introduced themselves. Meeting notes from the meeting were copied and provided to the group via email. This meeting was adjourned at 1115hours.
Agenda ItemActions, Discussions, Decisions
Approval of Meeting Notes / Approval of September meeting notes with no changesCorrespondence / None
State Report /
- Instructor manual – Document is completed. State has document scheduled to be uploaded to the website. Until it is available, educators can pass the document along.
- SEI IRAP – Subgroup meeting planned to discuss details of the IRAP with DOH representative to address the issues below. IRAP meeting occurred on; Friday, October 26, 2012 at the PC DEM. Joe Simmons, Catie Holstein, Norma Pancake, Cynde Hambly, Mike Lopez and Chris Shroy were in attendance. Document was reviewed and final draft was sent for group to review at November/December meeting.
- Semantical items in formatting
- Title of each section on same page as objectives
- 1-6 no explanation what the word department is in number 4 statement, is this DOH or department. The forward should have a definition page.
- Certification pre-requisite – applicants don’t have to meet certification requirement pre-requisites in order to be in training program hence the angst with # 17. #4 shouldn’t be there. Also, the part D things as a part of the recertification program.
- #5 maintains course records – what records and what do you mean by maintain? Has to be explained, track student attendance, scores and quizzes.
- How do they want us to have the SEI candidate track the student’s performance?
- Document is really unclear.
- Counsel, every student should get counseled as to how they are doing and it should be separate because not all students will need remediation. Not in same line as tracking students
- What is the purpose of number 1-6 is more prepping for the course and is not clear
- Will send notes to Dane
- There was supposed to be a follow up meeting, face to face and that meeting never happened or was not announced.
- Page 5 – end of course practical skills provide feedback in how candidate coordinated – not clear on is this on comprehensive …whole practical skills section needs work. Lisa b, Cindy and Catie on workgroup.
- Urgency – in September
Old Business /
- CPAP for BLS Curriculum - Completed, forwarded to the DOH. Needs to be made available on the DOH website and sent to Regional and County EMS Offices for distribution.
- 12 Lead Acquisition for BLS Curriculum–Final draft is waiting upon final review from group at December meeting. Quiz needed to be revised to meet CECBEMS standards. Joe Simmons to revise quiz.
- Washington State BLS Skill Sheets –Final product is completed. Was presented to PHTAC in October and returned to the group for re-evaluation of what sheets should be mandatory and what sheets should be optional. Re-evaluation will occur at December meeting and present to PHTAC in January.
New Business / None
New Technology /
- Website Update - (seiofwashington.com) is a resource for educators in Washington state. This is not an official website for the State. It is a collection of information in regards to education initiatives, meeting notes, conferences, classes, instructor resources for all. All call for pictures of EMS courses from around the area. More advertising in conferences and regional offices for this resource. Note: On November 28, it was reported and verified that the seiofwashington.com website is not working. Catie contacted Candace Hamilton at Yakima County DEM and left a VM regarding the finding, on the same day.
Future 2012Meetings /
- Meetings will continue to be held monthly, 2nd Friday of every month from 1000-1300 in rotating sides of the state.
- December 7, 2012– Yakima County
Good of the Order
Meeting notes respectfully submitted by Catie Holstein
October 2012 PHTAC Meeting Notes;
WA EMS Program NREMT Testing Udpate
Three EMR Programs in Wa State
EMR 22 students – 58% first rate pass
1127 NREMT EMT exam – 82% first pass compared to 79% last year
67% AEMT on first 78% on the 2nd (four programs did AEMT)
EMTP 95% first pass, overall 98% (99 students) only 2 have not passed NREMT exam
75% student success rate is required for DOH standards
2% increase in number of certified personnel in state for 2012
Volunteer to paid professional ratio 38/rest are paid
MPD’s are being informed of low performing programs
WA State Skill Sheets – Thurston county has concerns about skill sheets needing to add to the required area to be tested, ASA, EPI, NTG and additional concerns of MDI and Oral Glucose in the comprehensive evaluations as required. Strongly feel these skills should be added. Discussion on which skills should be optional and which should be required.