Employer confirmation:
Date: Signature:
Preliminary registration form filled to be sent till 5th March 2010, via e-mail or via post, possibly via fax to:
Slovak Environmental Agency
Tajovského 28
975 90 Banská Bystrica
Slovak Republic
fax: +421-048-4374163
Conference media partners
Slovak Environmental Agency
in Banská Bystrica,
in co-operation with
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,
Department of Landscape Ecology of
the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava, and
Institute of Garden and Landscape Architecture of the Faculty of Architecture at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
invite you
Ist International Conference
The first circle
Low Tatras (Nízke Tatry) – Donovaly village
25th – 27th May 2010
Dear delegates,
kindly allow us to invite you to the conference SEA/EIA 2010, which is dedicated to all SEA/EIA process participants, specialists, university teachers and academic researchers, university students and young researchers, applicants from public and non-governmental organizations, as well as to those who are interested in obtaining information on the assessment process, or in submitting/sharing experience, observations and ideas with others.
The goal of the conference
The conference is aimed to create space for presenting the newest knowledge and experience within SEA/EIA process in Slovak Republic and surrounding EU countries, and to set also the forum for the conference delegates expert discussion.
Conference thematic areas
- issues on SEA/EIA related to legislation on the national, eventually on the European levels,
- experience on the assessment process participants with the EIA process,
- strategic environmental impact assessment (SEA),
- broader context related to SEA/EIA, e. g. link with integrated pollution prevention and control,
- procedures, methods and methodologies for environment impact assessment, using the results coming from specialized analyses for EIA, e. g. health impact assessment, risk analyses, environmental life cycle assessment etc.
Conference languages are Slovak, Czech and English.
Forms of presentation
- lecture (max. 15 minutes) / paper,
- poster presentation,
- company presentation.
Organizing instructions
- conference fee covers costs related to organizing of the 2-days conference, including refreshment during the conference, social evening event and conference proceedings (CD):
participant, lecturer 130 EUR
- the fee 30 EUR disburse please in case of interest in on-site visit to Donovaly surroundings. The fee covers costs related to the organization, transportation, refreshment and providing the lectures on-site EIA process assessment activities,
- notice: the fee doesn´t cover accomodation costs.
Programme Committee
Mgr. Daniela Žišková, Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Republic
Ing. Zuzana Lieskovská, Slovak Environmental Agency, Banska Bystrica, Slovak Republic
doc. RNDr. Ingrid Belčáková, PhD., Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
prof. RNDr. Mária Kozová, CSc., Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
doc. RNDr. Katarína Pavlíčková, CSc., Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Organizing Commitee
Ing. Ingrid Krištofová
RNDr. Mária Hrnčárová
Ing. Katarína Kováčová
Slovak Environmental Agency
Tajovského 28,
975 90 Banska Bystrica
Fax/tel: +421-048-4374163
Important dates
5th March 2010: submitting of preliminary registrations with papers´ abstracts;
18th March 2010: notification to authors about papers/posters acceptation, instructions to be sent;
26th March 2010: distribution of the conference programme, binding registrations;
20th April 2010: authors´ papers to be submitted;
30th April 2010: closing of binding registration (deadline to pay the conference fee).
Ist International Conference
25th – 27th May 2010, Low Tatras (Nízke Tatry) – Donovaly village
Name, surname, titles: ......
Home address:......
Postcode, Country:......
Employer address: ......
Postcode, Country:…......
I declare the interest to attend to the conference:
with lecture/paper / yes / nowith poster presentation / yes / no
with company presentation (100 EUR) / yes / no
without lecture/paper / yes / no
on site visit (30 EUR) / yes / no
Highlight which suits!
Name and summary of the paper with the extent max. 300 words in Slovak/Czech and English attach please to this registration form.