Employees and their families play an important role in Organization Name’s culture and success. Organization Name is dedicated to fostering healthy babies and families and is proud to announce our Texas Mother-Friendly Worksite designation from the Texas Department of State Health Services. The designation recognizes our efforts to offer parents additional support through the establishment of our name of employee worksite lactation support policy/program.
While more than 75 percent of new Texas mothers breastfeed their babies, many mothers feel that they cannot continue to breastfeed if they return to work. We hope to make the transition back to work easier for employees and wish to support them in their decision should they choose to breastfeed their children. Leading medical and health organizations report that breastfeeding is the best form of infant nutrition. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants receive nothing but breastmilk for the first six months of life, with continued breastfeeding for at least a year or more.
As a manager or supervisor, it is important to be prepared to support your employees when they are preparing to go on parental leave and when they return. Organization Namehas a policy to support women who wish to breastfeed their children. Below you will find the policy that is the basis for our Mother-Friendly program:
Insert Policy
To implement this policy, we have established the following programs and procedures in four Mother-Friendly program areas:
1.Support: As the policy states, we rely on all employees to actively support breastfeeding employees and create a culture of support. Outline other support programs.
2.Time: The policy states that breastfeeding employees will be able to have flexible schedules to express milk. Each employee will need to work with her manager to establish an appropriate schedule. Scheduling templates and forms can be requested from HR or insert contact information.
3.Education: Insert description of education component. Example: Breastfeeding employees will have access to literature and DVDs via the lending library. Additionally, monthly parenting classes will be offered. Insert contact information to register.
4.Place: Breastfeeding employees will have access to a private space, other than a bathroom, to express milk and to safely store their breastmilk. Insert storage options. Insert room locations or instructions to request To-go kits, etc. Also mention whether a pump is available (brand).
Any questions about Organization Name’s Mother-Friendly program should be directed to contact information.
We encourage you to share and discuss this program with all employees, and we appreciate your support as we work to improve the health of our employees and community.
Program Launch Message for Managers | 1