HR Review ___



Name Date

School/DepartmentJob Title

Period of Report: From to Reason for Report: Periodic Annual

Instructions: Listed below are a number of traits, abilities, and characteristics that are important for success in Denver Public Schools. Place a check mark () in the box indicated which most nearly describes the person being evaluated. Written justification is required when any trait, ability, and/or characteristic is raised and/or lowered from the previous evaluation cycle. Written justification in the summary statement is also required when an employee is rated Below Standards or Unsatisfactory and/or Exceeds Standards or Outstanding.Make additional copies as needed.


1. QUALITY OF WORK: Consider the employee’s ability to provide quality work free of error or waste; consider accuracy, carelessness, excessive hurry, and/or need for training. Explain how much or how little direction is needed. Also consider the amount of work performed relative to standards; consider the effort and use of time, including beginning work at scheduled starting times. Does the employee do more than is expected? Are deadlines and schedules met? (Preventative Maintenance is evaluated here for Facility Managers and Assistant Custodians.)

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

2. JOB KNOWLEDGE: Consider the information that employee should know in order to do his/her job. Does the employee possess the skills and knowledge adequate to fulfill the job responsibilities? Consider whether the employee has the technical expertise and is able to apply the knowledge.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

3. INITIATIVE: Willing to assume new and challenging assignments. Expends the effort and time necessary to do the job well; routinely shows an interest in improving his/her knowledge and skill level; When necessary, is able to work independently or within a group; offers suggestions to solve problems or improve operations. Routinely cleans, maintains, and repairs his/her equipment and work area.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

4. ATTENDANCE:Consider the employee’s work attendance, including excused and unexcused absences. Is the 95% minimum attendance rate met? (Attendance can only be “Meets Standards” or less.)

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

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5. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Is perceived by customers as dependable and responsive to customer requirements. Ability to maintain customer confidence and trust. Consider the employee’s polite attention to students, staff, and the community.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

6. SAFETY: The degree to which an employee adheres to safety standards in the performance of their job. Consider whether the employee is safety conscious, wears and maintains personal protective equipment, reports hazardous conditions, and applies good housekeeping techniques in assigned work areas.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

SUPERVISORY TRAITS Applicable for Facility Managers, Assistant Custodians, and Maintenance Crew Chiefs ONLY.

7. LEADERSHIP QUALITITIES: Trains, coaches, and develops employees; delegates responsibility and authority; focuses on achieving results in an effective and timely manner; recognizes individual capabilities and assigns work accordingly; anticipates and prevents conflict; acts in a way that gains respect and trust of staff, peers, managers and customers; enforces standards; displays initiative and self-confidence; provides guidance and feedback.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

8. ORGANIZATION AND TIME MANAGEMENT: Adheres to priorities and deadlines; completes work within scheduled time frames; follows through on assignments despite setbacks; demonstrates flexibility in responding to priorities and organizational change; effectively organizes members, materials, and support to get things done; can handle multiple activities at once to accomplish a goal; uses resources effectively and efficiently; arranges information and files in a useful manner; manages time efficiently to achieve maximum results.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

9. INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Demonstrates effective communication skills and is able to relate well to others; promotes team work and cooperation; able to resolve conflict so that performance does not suffer; supports District policies concerning Equal Opportunity, Sexual Harassment, and diversity.

Unsatisfactory (1) / Below Standards (2) / Meets Standards (3) / Exceeds Standards (4) / Outstanding (5)
Supervisor’s Summary Statement:

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1 / Marginal
Below standards but making progress.
2 / Satisfactory
Meets standards.
3 / Excellent
Exceeds Standards.
4 / Outstanding

Criteria for Overall Rating - Facility Mangers, Assistant Custodians and Crew Chiefs

OutstandingAll nine (9) traits must be evaluated. No trait may be evaluated less than “Meets Standards”

At least 5 of the 9 traits must be evaluated as “Outstanding”

ExcellentAll nine (9) traits must be evaluated. No trait may be evaluated less than “Meets Standards

At least 5 of the 9 traits must be evaluated “Exceeds Standards” or better

SatisfactoryNo traits may be evaluated as “Unsatisfactory”

At least 5 of the 9 traits be evaluated as “Meets Standards” or better

No more than one supervisory trait may be less than “Meets Standards”

MarginalAt least 5 of the 9 traits evaluated as “Below Standards”

UnsatisfactoryAt least 5 of the 9 traits must be “Unsatisfactory”

Note:Attendance can only be Satisfactory or less

Criteria for Overall Rating - Mechanic Technicians - Only traits 1 through 6 are evaluated

OutstandingNo trait may be evaluated less than “Meets Standards”

At least 3 of the 6 traits must be evaluated as “Outstanding”

ExcellentNo trait may be evaluated less than “Meets Standards”

At least 3 of the 6 traits must be evaluated “Exceeds Standards” or better

SatisfactoryNo trait may be evaluated as “Unsatisfactory”

At least 3 of the 6 traits be evaluated as “Meets Standards” or better

MarginalAt least 3 of the 6 traits evaluated as “Below Standards”

UnsatisfactoryAt least 3 of the 6 traits must be “Unsatisfactory”

Note:Attendance can only be Satisfactory or less

Submission Requirements:

  1. Evaluations rated Marginal must be accompanied with a mid-cycle Performance Feedback and a 60-day Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
  2. Evaluations rated Unsatisfactory must be accompanied with a out-of-cycle Performance Feedback and a COMPLETED Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) indicating that the employee has not met the PIP expectations.


Your major strong point(s) are:




Your major area(s) for improvement are:




Submitted by

Facility Manager / Supervisor Date

Reviewed/Submitted by

Site Based Manager (for FM’s Only) Date

Reviewed by

Next Level Supervisor (Area Supervisor for Custodians) Date

A copy of this Report has been given to me and has been discussed with me.

Under Protest

(Employee’s Signature)(Date)

Employee’s signature is required on this form and any attachments. Employee’s signature does not indicate approval, rather that the appraiser has reviewed and discussed the appraisal with the employee.

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Rev: 2/10