Empingham Medical Centre

Patient Participation & Reference Group

Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 14th November 2017


Brian Kenworthy (Chair), Jane Willis (Secretary)

Peter Forrester (PF), Eric Abell (EA), Rod Atkinson-Hill (RAH), Ron Sutton (RS), Janet Sutton (JS), Joan Rycroft (JR),

Jo Brown (JB), Lesley Danbury (LD), Peter Gover (PG), Evelyn Norton (EN)

Claire Forster

Presentation by Peter Forrester (PF), EMC Business Manager - “ EMC, where do we fit in the NHS “
PF showed a video, produced by The Kings Fund, “How does the NHS in England work? An alternative view“
The government is not involved in the daily running of the NHS, it passes money to the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) around the country for them to plan, commission and buy the care that we need.
Our local CCG is East Leicestershire and Rutland CCG (ELRCCG) which incorporates 31 GP practices.
Different aspects of care are purchased from different Trusts, eg Leicester Partnership Trust provides community care, ie community nurses, physiotherapists etc.
GP practices are working together to purchase care and supplies which are cheaper when bought on a bigger scale.
“NHS Improvement” has been set up to oversee the management by Trusts and regulation of GP practices and NHS Trusts and this is carried out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The NHS is working on a 5year forward view to promote joined up care between Health care and Community care.
GP practices are working in a complex environment and local practices are joining up and working together to provide some services.
EMC is a business owned by three Partners and holds a Contract with the NHS to provide primary medical services. GPs are not employed by the NHS. The EMC partners employ practice staff including 4 salaried GPs, 4 nurses, 2 healthcare assistants, 6 dispensers and 12 management/admin/ancillary staff.
EMC now has 6,463 patients which is a 10% increase in 2 years. With 42 new houses being built in Empingham and other villages which have plans for housing, patient numbers will increase.
The practice covers 120 square miles.
EMC dispenses medication to 83% of their patients ie those who live further than a mile from a community pharmacy.
EMC teaches medical students.
The practice is rated as good by the CQC and with high levels of patient satisfaction is in the top 10% nationally. Within ELRCCG, EMC’s Patient Services team achieves the highest scores..
Different bodies supply staff eg University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) employs the Community Midwife and Rutland County Council the Health Visitor.
NHS Fees are paid to the practice on an Item of Service or Sum per registered patient. A Global Sum is allocated out of a sum of money in proportion to perceived need and number of patients registered. Quality and Outcomes payment is based on achievement against best clinical practice. Payment is also received for Directed and Local Enhanced Services eg. immunisations, minor surgery and stroke prevention, provision of extended hours, patient access ie electronic, dispensing. Private medicals and Medical Student teaching also provides an income.
This presentation was most interesting and many questions were asked. The Group were very appreciative of the care taken by Peter to simplify the topic.
Minutes of meeting held on 25th April 2017:
Matters arising:
Plans for the next year:
·  JW suggested that the Group could think of ways to help those patients, who are not on the Internet, to access healthcare information and relevant news. RAH proposed wording a notice for the website eg “If you know someone who doesn’t have access to a computer can you help them to get practice and healthcare information? Action RAH and JW.
·  Speakers: EN will continue to find speakers. Group appreciation for this. Suggestions, LOROS bereavement Support. Citizens Advice Bureau the “For Rutland” workers who advise the community on health related issues.
·  EA suggested having a couple of village magazines put into the surgery to be kept with the PPRG folder. Action. EA to speak with distributors.
·  To put PPRG news into Rutland Water Benefice magazine and Cottesmore/ Greetham/Thistleton/Stretton and Clipsham Benefice newsletter. Action. JW, BK/EN.
·  To hold meetings in the Methodist Hall on Main Street. Action JW. The next daytime meeting to take place in the Hall.
·  Timings of meetings. Discussion. Summer meetings. May and September, 7pm. Winter meetings November and February, 2 pm.
·  It was agreed to invite the Operational Support Officer for ELRCCG to attend a meeting to advise on / Support our PPRG. Action JW/EN
·  BK reminded the group to advise him in advance of the meeting of any matter they wished to place on the agenda or discuss in AOB.
·  PF - the surgery is getting WIFI in the waiting room.
·  There is a sign on Main Street indicating “Medical Centre“.
·  The practice is investigating the possibility of screen to screen consultations. The telephone consultations are already a great success.
Date of the next meeting (AGM):
Tuesday 20th February 2pm. In the Methodist hall. Speaker LOROS ( to be confirmed)
Tuesday 8th May 7pm (venue to be confirmed)


1.  EN. Suggested that we put a calendar of meetings onto the website so that patients can see in advance what the topics will be. Action. When meetings are confirmed.

2.  LD. Concerns regarding poor parking on the junction of Willoughby Drive and Main Street. This makes moving into the main road hazardous at times.

3.  Action. LD to contact PC regarding signage.

Chairman: Brian Kenworthy


Secretary: Jane Willis
