Emily Huddart Kennedy

Department of Sociology

Wilson-Short Hall, Room 213

PO Box 644020

Pullman, WA 99164-4020

Tel.: 509-335-7513


Citizenship: Canada

Academic Positions


/ Assistant Professor, Washington State University, Department of Sociology


/ Assistant Professor(teaching),University of Alberta, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology


/ Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Alberta, Department of Sociology


2007–2011 / Ph.D., Environmental Sociology, Department of Rural Economy,The University of Alberta.Dissertation: “Reclaiming Consumption: Sustainability, Social Networks, and Urban Context.” Supervisors: Dr. Naomi Krogmanand Dr. Harvey Krahn.
External examiner: Dr. Michael Carolan.
2003–2005 / M.Sc., Environmental Sociology, Faculty of Forestry, The University of New Brunswick. Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Beckley.
1999–2003 / B.Sc., Natural Resources Conservation (Honours), Faculty of Forestry, The University of British Columbia.


Books & Edited Volumes(* indicates undergraduate student)

Kennedy, E.H.,Maurie J. Cohen and Naomi T. Krogman (editors). 2016. Putting Sustainability into Practice: Applications and Advances in the Study of Sustainable Consumption. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Authorship representation:

Chapter One: Social Practice Theories and Research on Sustainable Consumption. E.H. Kennedy, M.J. Cohen and N.T. Krogman.

Chapter Three: Environmental Civic Practices: Synthesizing Individual and Collective Sustainable Consumption. E.H. Kennedy and *T. Bateman.

Chapter Eleven: Lessons Learned and Future Agendas: N.T. Krogman, M.J. Cohen, and E.H. Kennedy.

Peer Reviewed Articles(* indicates graduate student)

  1. Kennedy, E.H., J. Johnston and J. Parkins. Forthcoming. Small-p politics: How pleasurable, convivial, and pragmatic political ideals influence engagement in eat-local initiatives. British Journal of Sociology. AcceptedJune 12, 2017.
  2. Kennedy, E.H., J. Parkins, and J. Johnston. Forthcoming. Evaluating the democratic imagination of citizen-consumer practices: Comparative insights from eat-local movements. Journal of Consumer Culture. Published online DOI: 10.1177/1469540516659125.
  3. Kennedy, E.H. and A.D. Boyd. 2018. Gendered citizenship and the individualization of environmental responsibility: Evaluating a campus common reading program. Environmental Education Research. 24(2):191-206.
  4. *Colby, A. and E.H. Kennedy. 2017. Extension of what and to whom? A qualitative study of self-provisioning service delivery in a university extension program. In Food Systems and Health (pp. 177-198). Emerald Publishing Limited.
  5. Baumann, S., Engmann, A., E.H. Kennedy, and J. Johnston. 2017. Organic vs. local: Comparing individualist and collectivist motivations for “ethical” food consumption. Canadian Food Studies, 4(1): 68-86.
  6. Horne, C. and E.H. Kennedy. 2017. The power of social norms for reducing and shifting electricity use. Energy Policy, 107:43-52.
  7. Kennedy, E.H. 2016. Environmental evaporation: The invisibility of environmental concern in food system change. Environmental Sociology, 2(1):18-28.
  8. *Kessler, A.J., J.R. Parkins, and E.H. Kennedy. 2016. Environmental harm and the “good farmer”: Understanding narratives of environmental stewardship in the face of climate change. Rural Sociology81(2):172-193.
  9. Kennedy, E.H. and *L. Dzialo. 2015. Locating gender in environmental sociology. Sociology Compass 9(10): 920-929.
  10. Kennedy, E.H., H. Krahn, and N.T. Krogman. 2015. Are we counting what counts? A closer examination of environmental concern, pro-environmental behaviour, and carbon footprint. Local Environment,20(2): 220-236.
  11. Kennedy, E.H., H. Krahn, and N.T. Krogman. 2014. Egregious emitters: Disproportionality in household carbon footprints. Environment & Behavior, 46(5): 535-555.
  12. Kennedy, E.H., N.T. Krogman, and H. Krahn. 2013. Sustainable consumption and the importance of neighbourhood: A suburban / central-urban comparison. The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 38(3): 359-383.

13.Kennedy, E.H., H. Krahn, and N.T. Krogman. 2013. Downshifting: An exploration of motivations, quality of life, and environmental practices. Sociological Forum, 28(4): 764-783.

  1. Beckie, M., E.H. Kennedy, and H. Wittman. 2012. Scaling up alternative food networks: Farmers’ markets and the role of clustering in Western Canada. Agriculture and Human Values, 29(2): 333-345.
  2. Kennedy, E.H. 2011. Rethinking ecological citizenship: The role of neighbourhood networks in cultural change. Environmental Politics, 20(6): 843-860.
  3. McFarlane, B., Beckley, T.M., E.H. Kennedy, S. Nadeau, and S. Wyatt. 2011. Public views on forest management: Value orientation and forest dependency as indicators of diversity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 41(5): 740-749.
  4. O’Shaughnessy, S. and E.H. Kennedy. 2010. Relational activism: Reimagining women’s environmental work as cultural change. The Canadian Journal of Sociology, 35(4): 551-572.
  5. Kennedy, E.H., T.M. Beckley, B. McFarlane, S. Nadeau. 2009. Environmental concern and behavior in Canada. Rural Sociology. 74(3): 309-329.
  6. Kennedy, E.H., T.M. Beckley, B. McFarlane, S. Nadeau. 2009. Why we don’t “walk the talk”: understanding the environmental values/behaviour gap in Canada. Human Ecology Review. 16(2): 151-160.
  7. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. 2008. Towards a sociology of consumerism. International Journal of Sustainable Societies. 1(2): 172-189.

Under Review(* indicates graduate student)


1.Kennedy, E.H. and *D. Hauslik. Green consumption and social practice. In, Environment and Society: Concepts and Challenges. M. Böstrom and D. Davidson [Eds]. London: Palgrave MacMillan. Accepted December 1, 2017.

  1. Anatharaman, M., E.H. Kennedy, L. Middlemiss, and S. Bradbury. Who is represented in community-based sustainable consumption projects and why does it matter? A constructively critical approach. Power & Politics in Sustainable Consumption Research & Practice, edited by C. Isenhour, M. Martiskainen & L. Middlemiss. Routledge. Resubmitted: July 31, 2017.
  2. *Hammond, J. and E.H. Kennedy. Power and politics in the (work-life) balance: A mixed methods evaluation of the risks and rewards of downshifting. Power & Politics in Sustainable Consumption Research & Practice, edited by C. Isenhour, M. Martiskainen & L. Middlemiss. Routledge. Invited to revise and resubmit: September 4, 2017.

Revise and Resubmit (* indicates graduate student)

  1. Kennedy, E.H. and J. Kmec. Is environmentalism bad for women? Environmental Sociology.
  2. Baumann, S., E.H. Kennedy, and J. Johnston. Eating for taste, eating for change: Comparing cultural capital in foodie and ethical consumer orientations. Social Forces.

First Review

  1. Kennedy, E.H. Sustainable Consumption. In, Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology, Edited by Katherine Legun, Michael Bell, Michael Carolan, and Julie Keller.
  2. Kennedy, E.H. and C. Horne. Green consumption and social status. Social Problems.

Book Chapters, Book Reviews & Encyclopaedia Entries(* indicates graduate student)

  1. Kennedy, E.H. Forthcoming. Using semi-structured interviews to identify the place and prominence of shopping for change in local food movements. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
  2. Kennedy, E.H.2017. Social change at the nexus of consumption and politics: A case study of eat-local movements. In, Social Change and the Coming of Post-consumer Society, M.J. Cohen, P. Vergragt, and H. Brown [Eds]. New York: Routledge.
  3. *Sprague, C.S. and E.H. Kennedy. 2016. The cultural politics of alternative food movements: The limitations of cultivating awareness. Book chapter in Anderson C.R., Levkoe, C., Brady, J. (eds.). (In Print). Conversations in Food Studies: Transgressing Boundaries Through Critical Inquiry. University of Manitoba Press: Winnipeg.Anderson, C., J. Brady, and C. Levkoe [Eds].Winnipeg, MB: University of Manitoba Press.
  4. Kennedy, E.H. 2016. Environmental politics and women's activism. In, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Naples, N. [Ed]. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
  5. Kennedy, E.H., H. Krahn, and N.T. Krogman. 2013. Taking social practice theory on the road: A mixed methods case study of sustainable transportation. In, Ecological Macroeconomics, Social Practices, and the New Economics: Toward a Synthesis. Brown, H., Cohen, M., and P. Vergragt [Eds]. Chapter 12, Pp.252-276. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  6. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. 2011. Materialist values. Encyclopaedia of Consumption and Waste (Eds) C. A. Zimring and J. G. Golson. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  7. Kennedy, E.H. 2010. Bookreview: The new economics, by D. Boyle and A. Simms. 2010. The Journal of Cleaner Production, 6(2): 70-72.
  8. Kennedy, E.H. 2009. Book review: Sustainable consumption and the new economics: Seeds of change, by G. Seyfang. Canadian Journal of Sociology, 34(2): 532-534.

Non-Refereed Contributions(* indicates graduate student)

  1. Kennedy, E.H. 2017. Invited commentary on “Sustainability and well-being: A happy synergy”Great Transition Initiative (April 2017),
  2. Krogman, N.T. and E.H. Kennedy. 2016. The potential of emotional energy and mindfulness to expand sustainable consumption practices. Tvergastein: Interdisciplinary Journal of the Environment. Issue 17: pp. 74-89. Available at:
  3. *Dzialo, L. and E.H. Kennedy. 2015. Teaching & learning guide for “Locating gender in environmental sociology”Sociology Compass 9(11): 1000-1004.
  4. Kennedy, E.H. October, 2015. Social change at the nexus of consumption and politics: A case study of eat-local movements. Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) Workshop on Consumption and Social Change. Tellus Institute, Boston, MA.
  5. Kennedy, E.H. 2014. Invited commentary on “The decline and fall of consumer society?”Great Transition Initiative (May 2014),
  6. Kennedy, E.H.June,2013. Social practice theory and civic engagement. Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) 4th Workshop. Clark University, Worcester, MA.
  7. Krogman, N.T. and Kennedy, E.H. March,2012. Examining sources of emotional energy that lead to mindfulness and linking them to the potential for sustainable consumption practices. Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) 3rd Workshop. Vancouver, BC.
  8. Kennedy, E.H. and N.T. Krogman. 2011. Where we live shapes how we live. Curb Magazine, 2(2): 2-4.
  9. Kennedy, E.H. and N.T. Krogman. May,2011. Used: Why some choose to buy new goods. Waste – The Social Context. Edmonton, AB.
  10. Kennedy, E.H. and N.T. Krogman. April,2011. The suburb effect: The influence on neighbourhood and environmental attitudes on sustainable household behaviour. 2nd Workshop of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI). Princeton, NJ.
  11. Kennedy, E.H. 2011. Reclaiming consumption: Sustainability, social networks, and urban context. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. The University of Alberta, AB, Canada.
  12. Kennedy, E.H. October,2010. Reclaiming consumption: Quantity, quality, sustainability. European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Delft, The Netherlands.
  13. Hergesheimer, C. and E.H. Kennedy. 2009. Farmers’ markets: A literature review. Working Paper, BALTA SERC II. Available from:
  14. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. May,2008. Waste: People, places, practices. Waste – The Social Context. Edmonton, AB.
  15. Nadeau, S., T.M. Beckley, E.H. Kennedy, B.L. McFarlane, and S. Wyatt. 2007. Public views on forest management in New Brunswick: Results from a provincial survey. Natural Resources Canada. Report M-X-222E. Available from: .
  16. Huddart [Kennedy], J.E. 2005. An exploration of pro-environmental behaviour: evidence from a national mail-out survey. Unpublished Master’s Thesis. University of New Brunswick, NB Canada.
  17. Huddart [Kennedy], J.E. 2005. Are There Differences in Pro-Environmental Behaviour between Rural and Urban Canada? NRE InSites, July-August.
  18. Huddart [Kennedy], J.E. 2004. Not in it for the money: Survey of island woodlot owners shows low expectations, high satisfaction. Atlantic Forestry Review, 11(2): 18-19.

Scholarly Citation Impact Estimates from Google Scholar

Total Citations, September 15, 2017 = 485

h-Index = 11 i10 Index = 11

Invited Presentations

  1. Kennedy, E.H. 2017. Is environmentalism elite?Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach. November 27. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
  2. Kennedy, E.H. 2015. Social change at the nexus of consumption and politics: A case study of eat-local movements. Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) Workshop on Consumption and Social Change (Approx. 50 people). October 7-9. Tellus Institute, Boston, MA.
  3. Kennedy, E.H. 2015. Lost in translation: How environmental concern evaporates in the practice of everyday life, a case study of food politics. Department of Sociology Colloquium Series (Approx. 20 people). March 2, 2015. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
  4. Kennedy, E.H. 2015. Environmental evaporation. Environment, Agriculture, Resources, Technology, and Society (Approx. 20 people). Department of Sociology. February 24,Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
  5. Kennedy, E.H., J.R. Parkins and J. Johnston. 2014. Social movements and the citizen-consumer: Lessons for changing environmental behaviour. Alberta Council for Environmental Education, Edmonton Regional Community of Practice (Approx. 20 people), October 7, Edmonton, AB.
  6. Kennedy, E.H. 2014. The limits of individualization for environmental change. Department of Environmental Studies,University of Victoria (Approx. 15 people),March 26, Victoria, BC.
  7. Kennedy, E.H. 2012. Meaningful citizen engagement in climate change.Alberta Climate Dialogues Citizen Panel. Centre for Public Involvement, University of Alberta, (Approx. 150 people),November 8, Edmonton, AB.
  8. Kennedy, E.H. 2012. Sustainability awareness and academia. Sustainability Awareness Week, University of Alberta, (Approx. 25 people), October 3, Edmonton, AB.
  9. Kennedy, E.H. 2012. Institutional environmental leadership. Bullfrog Power: Greener Horizons. Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, (Approx. 50 people), June 15, Edmonton, AB.
  10. Kennedy, E.H. and C. Sprague. 2012. Stronger, more vibrant local communities. Food in the City, (Approx 50 people), May 24, Edmonton, AB.
  11. Kennedy, E.H. 2011. Sustainable consumption and well-being. Advisory Council to the Faculty of Agriculture, Life, and Environmental Sciences (ALES), (Approx. 25 people),November 15, Edmonton, AB.
  12. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. 2011. Sustainability, suburbs, and sociology. City of Edmonton’s Department of Community Services and Department of Transportation,(Approx. 10 people), May 12, Edmonton, AB.
  13. Kennedy, E.H. 2010. Sustainable household practices: Suburban and inner city neighbourhood comparison. Alberta Environment, Education & Outreach, (Approx. 10 people), November 15, Edmonton, AB.

Other Presentations and Conference Proceedings

  1. Kennedy, E.H. and K.M. Norgaard. 2017. The World is Closing in on Me: Emotions and Environmental Concern across Social Strata. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association. Montreal, QC. August 13.
  2. Kennedy, E.H. 2016. Environmental Evaporation: The Invisibility of Environmental Concern in Food System Change. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association. Seattle, WA. August 22.
  3. Kennedy, E.H., J. Johnston and J. Parkins. 2016. Small-p Politics: Pleasurable, Convivial, and Pragmatic Civic Engagement in the Eat-Local Movement. Paper presented at the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative. Orono, Maine. June 16.
  4. Bateman, T. and E.H. Kennedy. June, 2016. Explaining Social Action in Environmental Sociology. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association, Environment Section. Calgary, AB. June 2.
  5. Kennedy, E.H. and J.R. Parkins. August, 2015. Political Apathy and Civic Life in the Eat-Local Movement. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Collective Behavior and Social Movements. Chicago, IL. August 25.
  6. Norgaard, K., E.H. Kennedy, and J. Bacon. August, 2015. Teaching Workshop: Teaching Race, Gender,and Settler-Colonialism in Environmental Sociology. Workshop delivered at the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL. August 24.
  7. Kennedy, E.H., J. Johnston and J. Parkins. July,2014. Social Movements and the Citizen-Consumer. Presented at the International Sociological Association, RC24. Yokohama, Japan.
  8. Sprague, C. and E.H. Kennedy. May,2014. I’man Advocate, Not an Activist. Presented at the Canadian Sociological Association. St. Catherine’s, ON: Canada.
  9. Sprague, C. and E.H. Kennedy.May,2014. The Cultural Politics of Local Food Movements. Presented at the Canadian Association of Food Studies. St. Catherine’s, ON: Canada.
  10. Davidson, D., M. Beckie, E.H. Kennedy, and C.Tornaghi. October,2013. Enhancing Knowledge Flows in Urban Agriculture: Creating Shared Knowledge through Collaborative Research. Presented at the Association of European Schools of Planning Conference on Innovations in Urban Food Systems. Montpelier, France.
  11. Kennedy, E.H., Krahn, H., and N.T. Krogman. June,2013. Carbon Footprints in Alberta. Poster presented at SSHRC Conversations. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
  12. Kennedy, E.H. June, 2013. Social Practice Theory and Civic Engagement. Paper presented at Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) 4th Workshop. Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts.
  13. Krahn, H., Kennedy, E.H., and N.T. Krogman. June, 2012. Downshifting: An Exploration of Motivations, Quality of Life, and Environmental Practices. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Society and Natural Resources. Edmonton, AB.
  14. Kennedy, E.H., Krahn, H., and N.T. Krogman. June,2012. Let’s Not Put All Our Eggs in One Blue-Box: Examining Carbon Footprints and Disproportionality. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Society and Natural Resources. Edmonton, AB.
  15. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. June, 2011. Neighbourhood Matters: ACluster Analysis of Sustainable Household Behaviours. Paper presented at the International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Madison, WI. June 5-9.
  16. Krogman, N.T. and E.H. Kennedy. June,2011. Morality and Leadership as Key Elements of a Cultural Shift to Sustainable Consumption. Paper presented at the International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Madison, WI.
  17. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. May,2011. Used to Buying New: Why Some Choose to Avoid Buying Used. Paper presented at Waste – The Social Context, Edmonton, AB. May 8-11.
  18. Krogman, N. and E.H. Kennedy. May,2011. Individuals, Morality, and Social Change: Fostering a Culture of Sustainable Consumption. Paper presented at Waste – The Social Context, Edmonton, AB.
  19. Kennedy, E.H., N. Krogman, and H. Krahn. June,2011. The Suburb Effect: The Importance of Environmental Attitudes and Place of Residence for Sustainable Daily Practices. Paper presented to the 2nd Workshop of the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI). Princeton, NJ.
  20. Kennedy, E.H. January, 2011. Reclaiming Consumption: Sustainability, Social Networks, and Urban Context. Seminar presented to the Department of Rural Economy. Edmonton, AB.
  21. Kennedy, E.H. and N. Krogman. October,2010. Fostering a Culture of Sustainable Consumption: Individuals and the Role of Morality. Poster presented at the European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production. Delft, NL.
  22. Kennedy, E.H.,Beckie, M, Cabaj, P., H. Wittman, M. Zapisocky, and C. Hergesheimer. June,2010. Farmers’ Markets, Local Food Systems, and the Social Economy. Paper presented to the Association for Non-Profit and Social Economy Research. Montreal, QC.
  23. Kennedy, E.H. and S. O’Shaughnessy. June,2010. Relational Activism: Re-Imagining Women’s Environmental Work as Social Change. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association. Montreal, QC.
  24. Beckie, M., Cabaj, P., Kennedy, E.H., and H. Wittman. November, 2008. Farmers’ Markets as Drivers of the Social Economy. Paper presented at the BALTA Symposium. Vancouver, BC.
  25. Kennedy, E.H.October,2008. Exploring Students’ Non-consumerism Practices.Poster presented at Advances in Qualitative Methods. Banff, AB.
  26. Kennedy, E.H., and N. Krogman. May,2008. Waste – People, Places, Practices. Paper presented at Waste – The Social Context. Edmonton, AB. May 11-15.
  27. Kennedy, E.H., and N. Krogman. June, 2007. Bringing Sociological Theory into our Understanding of the Social Context of Waste. Paper presented at the International Symposium for Society and Resource Management. Park City, UT.
  28. Reimer, B. R. Bollman, O. Chouinard, I. Emke, G. Halseth, E. Huddart [Kennedy], D. Looker, J. Parkins, L. Ryser, S. Teitelbaum and D. Wilkinson. May-June, 2007. Bridging Communities of Place: Insights from the New Rural Economy Project. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association. Saskatoon, SK.
  29. Huddart [Kennedy], J.E.June, 2006. The Gap: Understanding the Discrepancy between Stated Values and Reported Behaviour.Paper presented at the International Symposium for Society and Resource Management. Vancouver, BC.

Grants (PI unless otherwise indicated)


2017-2018 / New Faculty Seed Grant. Social Class and Environmental Concern. Washington State University. $25,082.
2016-2017 / ADVANCE External Mentor Grant. Washington State University, $3,176. [with Kari Marie Norgaard].
2015-2016 / Energy Systems Innovation Center Seed Grant. Washington State University, $10,000. [PI: Dr. AnuragSrivastava].
2014-2019 / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Insight Grant. $290,535. [PI: Dr. Ann Dale].
2014-2015 / ADVANCE External Mentor Grant. Washington State University, $4,545. [with Kari Marie Norgaard].
2014-2015 / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.Partnership Grant.$30,000. [PI: Dr. Debra Davidson].
2013–2016 / University of Alberta Office of Sustainability.Sustainability Enhancement Fund.$10,270. [PI: Dr. Debra Davidson].
2013–2016 / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.Insight Development Grant.$70,235.
2013–2014 / World Universities Network. $36,000. [PI: Dr. Debra Davidson].
2013 / University of Alberta. Roger S. Smith Award. $5,000.
2013–2014 / University of Alberta.Support for the Advancement of Scholarship. $4,492.
2009–2013 / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.Special Environmental Call. University of Alberta.$95,218. [PI: Naomi Krogman].

Under Review