When an injured athlete develops signs of an emergency, a plan must be carried out to assure quality care. For an emergency plan to be effective the Coaching Staff, School Administrators, School personnel, and Athletic Trainer(s) must adhere to and understand each of their responsibilities. An emergency is defined as “an unforeseen combination of circumstances and the resulting state that calls for immediate action.” The critical factor is time! Assistance to the injured athlete must be performed by using the procedures outlined below so that proper action can be rendered without uncertainty or indecision.
This emergency plan is specifically designed for The Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus. During an emergency situation each Coach, Administrator, School personnel, and Health Care Provider will, at all times, act in a reasonable and prudent manner. To insure that the emergency plan is followed properly there shall be a qualified Coach or School Administrator at all practices or school sponsored events.
I. Treatment
A)The Team Physician shall perform treatment or refer to appropriate resources, if present.
B)The Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) shall perform treatment or refer to appropriate resources, if the Team Physician is not available.
C)An Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) shall perform treatment or refer to appropriate resources, if the ATC is not available.
D)A Coach or the senior most team staff member certified in CPR/First Aid, if one of the above is not available shall provide treatment or referral.
E) The Student Athletic Trainers– first person on the scene other than those mentioned above.
EMS– by calling 911
- Notify the ATC, Coach, Athletic Director, Security, and Parent/Guardian as soon as possible.
- Keep athlete calm until help arrives.
A) Before each event or practice, the supervising Health Care Provider will do the following:
1. Designate two people to activate the EMS by dialing 911 on a public phone or cell phone. When there is no supervising health provider at that event or practice, the senior most coach will assume that responsibility.
a)Information to be given over the phone:
-Type of emergency situation.
-Type of suspected injury.
-Present condition of the athlete.
-Current assistance being given.
-Location of the telephone.
-Exact location of emergency and how to enter facility.
-Notify security of situation and to escort emergency personnel to site (if applicable).
b)The caller must stay on the phone, do not hang up until emergency personal hangs up first.
2. At the beginning of each event or practice, one person shall be designated to have the keys to all gates and doors to enter the facility, as well as to open them in an emergency situation. Security personnel should also know of such events or practices.
3. Before each event or practice, one or more persons shall be designated to direct the ambulance or EMS personnel directly to the scene of the emergency. One person will be located on the main road and another outside the facility with proper directions. Security personnel may help direct if available. Student athletic trainers will be responsible for this action.
B) Ambulance route and directions to the location of the event or practice:
Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus
270 ‘A’apueo Parkway
Pukalani, HI. 96768
Training Room: Cell # 357-4125 (Alika Asing)
870-4724 (Charles Roggow)
603-493-0359 (Erin Harkleroad)
Security Entry Station: 572-4260 Mobile: 870-3365
Athletic Director: 572-3257 (Jon Viela-Office)
Facilities: (Mauka)
Gymnasium Complex (Kahekili)
The most efficient way is through the fire lane. Upon entering the school gates, the ambulance will take the first left on Keolaokalani St. to the stop sign. Take a left on Kaihe’ekai St. and enter the fire lane which is just past the grass field.Follow the fire lane about 150 yards and gym will be on the left. Responsible individuals will wait at the beginning of fire lane and at the gym entrance for the ambulance. (Pay phones are located on the outside of the gym. fronting the boys’ locker room.)
Play Courts (outside basketball courts)
The ambulance will take the fire lane route (same as gymnasium complex). The play courts will be on the right side about 50 yards from the gym. Responsible individuals will station themselves, one at the beginning of the fire lane and the other at the play courts. (Nearest pay phones are located at the gym. complex)
Soccer Field / Football (utility field) / Baseball Field
The ambulance will take the same route as the gymnasium, except not entering the fire lane, but rather entering the utility field which is just before the fire lane. Responsible individual will be at the entrance onto the field. (Nearest pay phones are located at the gym. complex)
High School Facilities:
Gymnasium Complex (Ka’ulaheanuiokamoku)
Ambulance route should be down athletic complex through Kalola St., using A’apueo road taking a righton Kalola St. Fourth left will take ambulance through fire lane, and gymnasium will be on the left. Individuals will be as follows: one person at fire lane entrance, the other at gym entrance nearest fire lane. *AED is located in the gym foyer.
Grass Field (Ka’ulaheanuiokamoku)
Ambulance route should be down athletic complex through Kalola St., using A’apueo road taking a right on Kalola St. Third left, will take ambulance to the Makawao entrance onto the grass field. Individual will be stationed at the entrance of the grass field to flag the ambulance. *AED is located in the gym foyer.
Stadium Complex (Kana’iaupuni)
Using the same route as above, go through the fire lane heading towards Kula until the lane ends at the far end of the stadium turning right on Kaihe’ekai St. Access is via driveway onto the field. Responsible personal will be situated at the entrance of the fire lane and the other at the end of the fire lane. *AED located in press box.
Use the same emergency route as stadium, and utilize road on mauka side that separates tennis courts and weight room, wrestling room, and training room complex. Individuals will be situated at the fire lane entrance and tennis courts entrance. Security personnel to escort if available. AED located in Athletic training room (office).
Pi’ilani Pool
Use the same emergency route as tennis complex, in above. And swimming pool gate entrance is located at the end of weight room and training room complex on Kula side of pool. Individuals will be available for directions into these gates. Again, security will be used if available. * AED located in lifeguard office.
Baseball Field
The most efficient way is through Moloka’i Hema st. The ambulance will take Moloka’i Hema St. off of S. Papa Ave. in the rear (Hospital side) of the campus. Two responsible individuals should be watching for the ambulance on the side of the road.
Softball Field & Gymnasium
The ambulance will enter the parking lot through S. Lono Ave. (660 S. Lono). Head towards the left corner (towards the gym) facing pu’unene. Two responsible individuals should be waiting for the ambulance to instruct them on where to go. One at the corner of the parking lot, and the other at the parking lot entrance.
Track/Football Field
The ambulance will take Moloka’I Hema St. of off S. Papa Ave in the rear (Hospital side) of the campus. The large gate must be opened with the track key. Two responsible individuals on Moloka’I Hema St., on the corner of Niihau and Laau st. and at the front of the gym and parking lot. Instruct the ambulance to drive directly to the injury.
Soccer/Old Football Field
The most efficient way is to instruct the ambulance to turn off of Moloka’I Hema St. (same route as the Baseball Field) onto Laau St. and set up individuals on Moloka’I Hema St., on the corner of Niihau and Laau St., and at the front of the gym. & parking lot. Instruct the ambulance to drive directly to the injury.
Basketball Gym, Pool, or Soccer Field
The Ambulance shall enter the War Memorial Complex from Kanaloa Street by turning on Halia Street when coming from the Hospital. It shall turn left into the designated location. At the entrance of the War Memorial Complex, there should be a person designated to give directions to the Ambulance. There should be another person designated outside the facility to give the Ambulance directions towards the emergency scene. (Pay phones are located in front of the gym, and next to the pool)
Football field
Most efficient approach is through the last entrance of the stadium parking lot (nearest the baseball stadium). Entering the stadium through the north (ocean) entrance. Designated persons will be directed at the stadium entrance and field entrance (staying left around stands). * Medical personal should be in close contact with county personal on handling keys for gates. (Pay phones are located at the south end entrance of the stadium)
Tennis Courts
Ambulance should enter through the first entrance to the stadium parking lot coming from Kanaloa Street. Stay left until tennis courts come into view. Individuals will be located at the entrance of the parking lot and the other at the tennis court complex. (Pay phones are located at the center of the courts).
Baseball Stadium
Ambulance should enter through the last entrance to the stadium parking lot coming from Kanaloa Street. Individuals will meet Ambulance at the entrance to the parking lot and the other inside of the stadium. (Phones are located in the stadium.)
Softball Field
Enter softball field using complex entrance off of Makawao Avenue. Use parks access road, first left along tennis courts will take Emergency Vehicle directly to the softball field along side the third base line. Personal should be situated at the access road fronting the tennis courts to flag down emergency vehicle. (Phones are located along the outside basketball courts, in front of parking area for the gym.)
Baseball Field
JV Baseball games are usually held at bottom of Eddie Tam complex, newer fields. Access is from Makawao Avenue, onto Makani Road, right onto Hale Kipa St., first right along the rear of Kalama Intermediate School (recycling center), and second left into park complex area. Field is located fronting bathrooms in the far corner (Makawao side). There is an access road that the park uses that will take vehicle directly to the third base side of the field. (Phones are located near stairway that connects the upper parking lot to the lower parking lot.)
- The Coach(s), ATC, Athletic Director, School Administrator(s), and Security personnel shall be apprised of the emergency plan. Each individual will rehearse prior to the season and know their responsibilities when an emergency occurs.
- All Coaches, Administrators, and Security personnel should be CPR/First Aid certified. At least one Coach, Administrator, or Security personnel should be in attendance at all school-sponsored events.
- At the start of an athletic event or practice, the Head Coach shall have knowledge of medical support in attendance that can be referred upon during an emergency.
1)Team Physician
2)Athletic Trainer
3)Ambulance crew on sidelines
- The Student Athletic Trainer shall be under the supervision of the participating Certified Athletic Trainer. Each student shall act within the scope of his or her apprenticeship and cognizance.
- In the appropriate emergency situation, transportation may be provided by a Parent/ Guardian, School Official or ATC, if determined by the ATC or Team Physician to be suitable for emergency transportation. A verbal acceptance should be obtained from the Parent/Guardian, if available.
- Ranking order of personnel that can determine emergency transportation:
1)Team Physician
2)Certified Athletic Trainer
4)Parent or Guardian
- Transportation by Ambulance shall be determined by the ATC, Team Physician or EMT. The Ambulance shall be called before notifying the Parent/Guardian. The Athlete’s Parent/Guardian will be notified, as soon as possible, of the injury and condition of the Athlete.
- The Parent/Guardian shall not overrule the decision of whether an Ambulance will be called upon by the ATC, Team Physician, or EMT. In the event that the ATC, Team Physician or EMT is not present, the Parent/Guardian shall assume the decision of transportation if they so choose.
- A list of emergency phone numbers and insurance information on all players shall be present at each school event and practice.
1)The ATC makes an assessment of the injury. If the injury warrants, the ATC shall refer the athlete to the appropriate medical professional.
2)The Athlete shall receive treatment and rehabilitation as ordered by the attending Physician or ATC.
3)If the Team Physician is present, he/she shall make the final decision as to whether or not the athlete may continue to participate in a game or practice. If the Team Physician is not present, the ATC shall determine if the athlete will return to the game or practice.
4)For every injury requiring the attention of the Team Physician, ATC or coaching staff, a report will be filled out and filed with the Athlete’s medical record and made available to the Athletic Director upon request. All injuries will be captured in “Sporstware” injury tracking system.
5)A verbal or written rehabilitation protocol shall be given to the injured athlete and parent/guardian.
- An athlete shall not be permitted to participate in any school sponsored athletic activity without their personal health insurance.
1)All athletes participating in a particular sport shall have on file a “Health History Form” that releases them to participate in that given sport. This form shall release the Team Physician, ATC and Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus employed staff from liability, should the injury be exacerbated or a direct cause of injuries resulting from continued participation.
2)The Health History Form is good for thirteen months from exam date.
3)No athlete will be allowed to participate without a current “Health History Form”, signed by physician, parent/guardian, and student.
1)All injuries shall be reported as soon as possible to the Parent/Guardian, regardless of the seriousness of the injury. The notification will be done by the ATC, Coach or School Official.
2)If hospitalization is required, every effort shall be made to contact the Athlete’s Parent/Guardian.
- Every effort to contact a Parent/Guardian shall be made immediately following an event of the death of an athlete; the proper authorities shall be contacted.
Revised: 6/2/16