Board of Managers Meeting
October 12, 2005
Time: 9:00 am
1600 W Antelope Dr, Layton, UT 84041
Conducted by: James Antinori, MD
Members Present:
Bart Johansen, MD
Roger Perry, MD
Val Rollins, MD
Charles Caton, MD
Mark Flammer, MD
Russell Bradley MD
John Gezon, MD
Other Present:Robert Parker, CEO
Ingrid Gordon
Michael Hansen, CFO
Angie Fisher
Meeting Called to order by James Antinori at 9:05 am
TOPIC/DISCUSSION / FOLLOW-UP/DISPOSITIONCall to Order/Approval of Minutes: / Minutes for September 15, 2005 Board minutes were approved as written.
U of U Transfer Team: / Michael Hansen reported that we have made a change in collection companies. All of the IASIS facilities will be handled by Mountain Land Collections. They are currently doing collection services for the IASIS hospitals. Bonneville Collections will provide services for the other facilities.
Mike handed out financial reports for the Board to review.
(see reports attached) He noted that MWMC patient volume has grown 4% this past year.
James Antinori, MD informed the Board that at their year end review with MWMC they were asked to form a committee that will review weekly admissions and work together to increase appropriate admissions.
It was noted that patient volumes keep dropping at SLRMC and at PioneerValleyHospital. The Board expressed concern that the administratorsat these hospitals are not taking a more active stance in growing EDbusiness.
Bob suggested that these issues be discussed with Tedd Adair, IASIS Corporate Director for Emergency Service and ask for his help in having the hospitals focus on meeting patients expectations as well as specialist recruitment. It was suggested each hospital set up a committee to improve customer service. It was also suggested that the hospital CEO’s spend time in the Emergency Department to become familiar with the problems regarding patient flow and customer satisfaction.
Mike announced that he will email a year-end financial schedule to all physicians.
Bart Johansen, MD indicated that Tim Wolfe, MD had received information indicating that the U of U Transfer teamwas becoming less willing to take certain types of referrals, particularly hand, eye and orthopedic cases.
It was discussed that several of our hospitals have large gaps in their specialists call coverage and often need to refer patients to the U of U Medical Center.It was stressed how important it is to have a good relationship with them. The Board suggested that representatives from the EPIC Board meet with the U. of U Transfercoordinator and their administration to address these issues.
Bob will set up the meeting at the U of U Med Center and coordinate a meeting to be held on November 16, 2005 in conjunction with the EPIC Board meeting.
Compliance Report:
Physician Inappropriate conduct policy:
Coding issue: / Joan Balcombe, MD. EPIC Compliance Director addressed the concerns expressed by the Board regarding the wording in EPIC Physician Inappropriate Conduct policy, Section 12 that deals with physicians not allowed to have legal counsel attend meetings outlined in the policy.
After discussion it was decided that the wording should be changed to indicate that none of the parties have the right to bring legal counsel at the meetings. This section would be inserted before Section 10.
If a physician requests to have legal counsel attend any of the meetings outlined in the policy, than this request changes the proceedings to a legal process instead of a collegial process.
A motion was made to approve the discussed changes to Physician Inappropriate Conduct policy.The motion was unanimously approved the by Board.
Joan will make the recommended changes and will forward them to Bob. He willhave the final policy reviewed for legal opinion through the legal department of the company providing our Directors and Officer Liability insurance.
Joan reported that EPBS coders have the option of adding an E & M code to simple procedures, even if the patient has only a focused problem. In this circumstance, they generally submit a level 3 charge with the procedure.
There have been many complaints by patients that are receiving unreasonably large bills for simple procedures.
Joan to follow up with Brian Cain at EPBS on finding a solution to this problem.
SLRMC Contract: / All proposals regarding SLRMC becoming its own profit center was discussed by the Board. After much discussion the following was unanimously approved by the Board.
Jan 1, 2006 SLRMC would become it’s own, separate profit center
All partners (from any EPIC group) who work at SLRMC will receive $130.00 per hour for any shifts worked there.
All non-partner physicians will receive their contracted rate.
Physicians on a partnership track will be paid an extra $10 per hour over their usual hourly wage if they do shifts at SLRMC. These shifts will count toward the hours needed to become a partner in their group.
Revenue collected from SLRMC will be used to pay those who work there. If there is an excess of revenue, it will be held in escrow for months where there may be a short fall.It is estimated that current revenues will be enough to cover expenses. Any shortage will be paid out of the EPIC operating budget.
By July 1, 2006 EPIC plans to recruit enough physicians (along with several physicians who want to continue to work there) to have a core group of physicians to provide coverage without additional help from the rest of the groups. These new physicians can work toward partnership in this new SLRMC group.
The issue of TEAM’s accounts receivable was not discussed at this time and will be discussed in November’s Board meeting.
Recruitment: / Managing partners from WEP, Care Plus and Team reviewed the recruitment candidates they have interviewed. Some offers have been made and they are working toward having all positions filled by the end of November.
Bob will actively continue to contact interested candidates about the opportunity at SLRMC.
Other: / Because of time constraints agenda items that were not discussed will be tabled until November’s Board meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 pm / Next Board Meeting will be held on November 16, 2005at University of Utah Medical Center.